Saturday, November 15, 2008

Oprah's Hardon for Hillary

yada yada blah blah blah .... this place is like the tampa tribune. Dangling the carrot in front of you and then snatching it back. The tribune gives voice to folks like barb orban and others in the hope that it will shut them up about the ugly truth of tampa, police pension thieving and other scummy practices.

Anyway, I guess they'll snatch the secretary of state job from hillary because bill has friends he shouldn't have. HOW is that hillary's fault?????

If he picks a REPUBLICAN for secretary of state (i don't care if it's hagel) I'll be pretty mad.

Kerry is not the one.

Give the secretary of state job to hillary.

This is just like with john edwards. When obama was going to have to pick him as Veep out trotted the mistress.
I'm surprised and maybe she HAS been on oprah already and I missed it.

Does oprah know that other people could go on the cover of her magazine, TOO???


It's the right thing to do.

Let her show how a woman DOES THAT THANG.

After condosleeza fucked things up for everyone.

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