Saturday, November 15, 2008

crotchety ol firemen

nice video. thanks.

This is so stylish of yall: Send your grams and gramps out to stalk. Course they're the ones that STARTED THIS so it's only fitting.

BUT, having your children do your prison time?

That's low.

At least if I were going to deal I'd be going to do MY OWN time for my own crime.

What a scumbag.

I called your # right the first time.

Anyway .... you haven't sent him out in a long time. Whatsamatter are you having to do too much faux PR to negate the fact that you let a guy be beaten to death in front of you? Didn't even OFFER assistance and then lied to the cops?

Nothing you do ever helps.

My car and yard still the same. Long as that goes on this will go on.

You stop screaming and I'll stop stabbing.

It doesn't WORK anyway so what's your stupid ass point?

You can wipe it off with another substance.

Yall need one somebody with some smarts.

Interesting same guy owns both houses where the fellow got beaten to death in between the tampa paramedics and the firehouse.


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