Saturday, November 29, 2008

getting VERY explicit-y

wow someone over at Tampa Fire Rescue lerves to delve into the personals. Makes me kinda wonder about the amount of time they have on their hands because this outfit NEVER fails to stalk me when I am driving down Bearss Avenue in either direction.
I've got ridiculous amounts of video of them doing absolutely nothing and five neighbors passing by commenting on what is what.

It's not really amusing because now I KNOW of someone who claims to have set fires FOR THEM in the past. Huh.

And, funny how these people are always out and arriving home. Not so with my family who must be very loathed. For no good reason they were forced to run for their lives three different times, already. And, twice, the fire just wouldn't get going .......

Anyway ... dig the details. I'm sure this family is delighted. Victims of arson AND financial details (true or not) spread far and wide.

November 29, 2008
Dog, rabbit die in Lutz house fire
LUTZ -- A family of five lost a dog and pet rabbit when their home caught fire Saturday afternoon, according to Hillsborough County Fire Rescue.
The fire at 2009 Wallace Road also destroyed family keepsakes, clothing and important paperwork, said Abi Weaver of the American Red Cross Tampa Bay chapter, which is providing aid to the family.
Fire Rescue arrived at the home just after 2 p.m. The home was nearly engulfed in flames and firefighters tried to subdue the fire with water from tankers because there were no hydrants nearby.
No one was in the house at the time of the fire, but the couple who owns the house, and their sons, ages 22 and 7, and daughter age 10 arrived as firefighters were dealing with the blaze, Weaver said.
Among the items lost was the oldest son's master's thesis, which burned with the family computer.
The family will stay with relatives, but the Red cross provided them with emergency money for clothing, food and medicines, Weaver said.
"Fortunately this family owns their home and are insured," Weaver said. "So we are just helping in the immediate time until they can get that process going."
The cause is still under investigation, said Capt. Bruce Delk of Hillsborough County Fire rescue.
--Robbyn Mitchell, Times staff writer
Posted by tampabaycom at 8:55:59 PM on November 29, 2008 in Hillsborough Permalink Digg Facebook Newsvine Reddit

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