Thursday, July 31, 2008

x and y license plates

when plates begin with x you can be sure it's some one of the many new nazi freaks on the road. At least in Florida. X is in the tags in some cases but lately the ones that hover all around me begin with x. They're a special breed.

I'll list some of them here soon.

Oh, incidentally ... fireman's nephew ... you're THE ONLY person (you and that greasy posse' of yours) who EVER stole anything from me. Yeah, and tried to blame it on my bro. hmmm. You musta thought you were getting by with something with the magic rocks in hand.

Whenever you come back down from that cloud realize that YOU will be the one in prison. Not them. YOU.

I see and document your lil calling cards. Instead of making me nervous or whatever your goal is they make me laugh.

I feel bad for you. I do. You could be a really cool person.

Why not work on that instead of signing your own lil angel up for a life of crime and smut before he even walks?? Why not?

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