Monday, July 7, 2008

If you got em FLEX EM

hey you lil guys at tampa ... not so much, yknow?

I hear in prison that most people GET BIG. Make families and such.

So, when you get BACK OUT of prison ... THEN you'll be able to flex them.

Unless what you do in prison is the same as out here.

Stalk women and children, take folks out. I mean without the comforting, dark confines of the deathboxes how will you do that?

You know that show where the sargeant is trying to tell one of the soldiers (O'Malley) that his grandfather has died?

So he lines them all up and says ... 'okay men, anyone who has a grandfather, please step forward ...'

And when O'Malley steps forward the 'caring' sergeant says, 'not so fast, O'Malley'.

THAT is what I thought of when I saw you guys this morning ....

"anyone with muscles to flex, please step forward ...'

'Oh, not so fast you guys'

flex THIS.

Oh incidentally, yknow how i toldya we're flying the friendly skies? Some of us, anyway ... they lost no time sending some loser from the flight school to my gym. BIG BIG BIG ol flight school symbol on his ride. BIG LOUD conversation with some chick. I didn't notice any of this; my other eyes DID.

Made me wonder what he's compensating for (LOL) and what stalking(fire)station he flexes out of....

Somehow I feel sure I"ll find out.

It's like cockroaches, yknow??

You KNOW they're there.

You just don't want to have to see them.


I see the cockroaches of Tampa and beyond.

Not for long, though.

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