yall were so pleased with yourselves last night and with whatever you've inserted in your web page that hangs up the reposting. You should know that it's as simple as saving that junk (which I NEVER fail to do) finding the code inserted ... deleting it and resaving it and then posting. I can read and all.
It's the whole fine but EXTREMELY important line between us.
Anyway, remember I talked some about how expensive it is to drive the death boxes and firetrucks around with sirens blaring and how that raises the chances of someone being hurt and endangering folks as they make way for THESE EMERGENCIES?
I finally have another movie that requires almost NO cutting, pasting or editing.
TAMPA FIREMEN STALK CITIZENS (women and children, mainly as long as they have valuable property or some other cause) and SPEND YOUR MONEY LAVISHLY AND DANGEROUSLY and LAUGH AT YOU AND EVERYONE ELSE while doing so.
And, whatever on the other stuff. You all are beginning to figure out you have lost.
I think it's reallllly interesting that when you flattened my tire (AGAIN !!! Hey, no I'm not that mad at YOU, either ..... but I am keeping track of the expense because you now realize that the RICO case .. it has ALL the components ON PAPER I don't have to do a THING but put them in order and sing aloud, is that what you're pushing for???) the other day that the guy who moved in to the only other decent house left on my block (LOL) was dragging around wires. Finally, NOT a lazy m.fer. (LOL) and then verizon was out trimming from the poles. (kinda cute there baby)
AND .... then ..... he (not the verizon trimmer) bent down and polished all around his wheels.
So, actually that's TWO movies.
Wow, yall are so desperate I can smell ya way far far far far away .......
Could you puleeze send some cute ones?? One thing I loathe it's ugly mean people who are cheap. I don't mind ugly faces it's the ugly guts or lack thereof. Cheap is just what you're made of.
You love money more than your children.
I'm in it for something different.
Anyway ..... hope you like the new youtubes.
Oh and I have all the calls. Just going through and putting them in searchable form. That way it's easy to point out what wastes of oxygen you are.
Buy your OWn dope houses.
You only THINK you're getting away with something.
I can see that you don't believe it.
that guy has a nice smile. Sad it belies what's underneath that helmet.
If yall had to test your equipment isn't it AMAZING that once again it happened in the all of seven minutes that I was in that area for the one time a week I am? LMAO !!
Yall are special.
Not in the good way.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Hard to Slot this Federal Terrorist at the Post Office
UPDATE: I forgot to add that fifteen minutes later when I arrived home the sheriff's office was flying back and forth over my own casa. Back and forth. Back and forth. Yes, in a straight line over my house. LMAO.
I'm sure that didn't have anything to do with why I was at the post office and the next civil/perhaps criminal suit against the absolutely disgusting sheriff's dept here in Hillsborough County. I will say THIS: back in the day I thought the sheriffs were the best of the breed. Only ever called them once and then read about the same guy a few times doing this, that and everything. Thought highly of them IF/WHEN I thought of them at all. That's just the thing. The avg. person, NOR you and I should ever be thinking about the sheriff OR the police OR the state's attorney. These are folks who are entrusted with a great deal of authority and we elect and allow those elected (well, sorta we have to remember the voting is NOT VOTING in hillsborough county) to choose employees and we provide plenty of dinero for them to perform duties and have ample rest time as reward. That every time I see a sheriff the m'fer is either STALKING ME, tampering with my car OR grabbing some guys balls and tasering him and EVERY SINGLE TIME given EVERY opportunity to do the right thing or at least display some common courtesy and some intelligence and self-respect with ONE EXCEPTION (the black dude) yall absolutely FALL OFF the wrong end every time. Not fifty percent, not eighty percent. ALL THE PERCENT. ALL THE PERCENT.
That's why you're going to get sued again. You can't just gang up wtih the human blockade of fat lies and SCUM and get away with it. Unless others allow it.
Anyway, next time you come, let me go rapelling. I've always wanted to rapell.
Waste of gas, waste of time, waste of oxygen if you don't smarten up

So ,,, this complete moron ... JO4 KRT lil silver dirty car probably a tag leading nowhere but several witnesses and a post office box in the building which wow, really narrows it down ... his whole putrid job yesterday was to follow some fellow citizen around and talk about his imaginary flight lessons. I conjecture. The M'fER is so moronic I think I might have only caught one word. (but others caught the whole charade why don't yall just STFU? It's so stupid, really it is) Here's the funny part .. before he even cleared the door I said ... oooops SLITHERIN in... (he and I were both outside at the time oh could that mean he FOLLOWED ME??? no.. that would be STALKING !!!!) I mean what's THAT say about you when a person can see WHAT YOU ARE through a hat glasses tshirt and skin? Right through you. Didn't quite get to what you're keeping in your pants. IF anything.
I mean WHO goes to all that trouble to follow someone around ... (very troubling as to how you folks find out where I am all the time.. how IS THAT? LMAO but you won't find it so funny.)
Anyway then he whistles and whistles (new info for me, I had no idea that slitherin things could whistle. It's like a badly written horror novel) Anyway, the idiot whistles like an idiot and gradually works his way through his mail and meantime I'm in my own world (they can't seem to grasp this) going back and forth getting the items I need to fulfill my destiny over to the Neptune Post Office (lmao) and I come back to where some cute chick (more on her later, name # which I won't reveal) is looking all like SHUT THE F UP dude and rolling her eyes and I catch one word. Solo. ONE WORD out of all his meaningless claptrap which explains why a pretty girl has never once wondered what is in his pants. Yknow? Sorry dude. You walked that way. No one MADE YOU. Just YOU. Frankie really can't MAKE YOU baby. YOU CHOOSE that puta life. Anyway ... I take it to mean (from what the pretty young lady and the young gentleman who was hungover but mailing his letter and sweet) that this gentleman was rambling on about being a student pilot and about how he can now 'solo' the chick was like ... whatever. (shut up ahole I SO got that and was laughing about that) But, he kept standing there with the same few envelopes whistling and significant'ing me and then actually telling me goodbye even though I had never once acknowledged his slithering presence .... and out he went.
So, I know that firemen are stupid, santos' are short, many of these property idiots are short, and stupid threats come from .... all of them. You get why it's hard to slot?
BUT, probably someone knows this guy and they should tell him and/or the Dept of Homeland Security that he can't threaten a student pilot's solo flight without threatening a federal airport facility. hmmmmmm.Aren't there like death sentences for that stuff now?
So I called and scheduled my next flight lesson on the way home because I have been meaning to do that for three days.
Also, I hope that there will be no more headaches from the air. Like I don't know enough someones with connections to the NTSB.
Hope you got your crack for this one.
I never get why you guys want my attention.
I'm sure it's not really the death penalty. But, it's MAJOR. This isn't the exact law but sweetie, you cannot THREATEN ME without threatening the entire aircraft. Is that kinda like the way yall took out the fireman and hsi son??? Anyway, I'm against the death penalty. While I laugh you mierde off I still realize that you need to understand that you're not going to stand around threatening my life and skating away.
Now that oneill's done crudifying ghotti for crimes that everyone in the world commits and boosting his own family up ... maybe he'll have time for you folks.
F. It's like they can't work on more than one crime at a time.
Well, you know. I really hate to see yall get in trouble. You're probably too f'ing stupid to figure out how to do cons from prison.
Anyway, if you're so scared I'll slip through your fingers you better be more of a man about it.
Because I know where you sleep. lol.
Oh as readily seen from the photo (clipped from the MOVIE yes it was yes it was ..... lots of face footage ...) he was IN a federal facility threatening a federal facility. Also ... the cameras in the place caught everything. They're all over the place.
In order to be threatening one does not have to behave in a threatening manner AT ALL.
Perfectly reasonable, conversational tones are often used to incite illegal wars, recquisition freaks to murder ex wives, you know ... you don't have to shout and wave weapons of mass destruction around to be threatening.
I'm sure that didn't have anything to do with why I was at the post office and the next civil/perhaps criminal suit against the absolutely disgusting sheriff's dept here in Hillsborough County. I will say THIS: back in the day I thought the sheriffs were the best of the breed. Only ever called them once and then read about the same guy a few times doing this, that and everything. Thought highly of them IF/WHEN I thought of them at all. That's just the thing. The avg. person, NOR you and I should ever be thinking about the sheriff OR the police OR the state's attorney. These are folks who are entrusted with a great deal of authority and we elect and allow those elected (well, sorta we have to remember the voting is NOT VOTING in hillsborough county) to choose employees and we provide plenty of dinero for them to perform duties and have ample rest time as reward. That every time I see a sheriff the m'fer is either STALKING ME, tampering with my car OR grabbing some guys balls and tasering him and EVERY SINGLE TIME given EVERY opportunity to do the right thing or at least display some common courtesy and some intelligence and self-respect with ONE EXCEPTION (the black dude) yall absolutely FALL OFF the wrong end every time. Not fifty percent, not eighty percent. ALL THE PERCENT. ALL THE PERCENT.
That's why you're going to get sued again. You can't just gang up wtih the human blockade of fat lies and SCUM and get away with it. Unless others allow it.
Anyway, next time you come, let me go rapelling. I've always wanted to rapell.
Waste of gas, waste of time, waste of oxygen if you don't smarten up

So ,,, this complete moron ... JO4 KRT lil silver dirty car probably a tag leading nowhere but several witnesses and a post office box in the building which wow, really narrows it down ... his whole putrid job yesterday was to follow some fellow citizen around and talk about his imaginary flight lessons. I conjecture. The M'fER is so moronic I think I might have only caught one word. (but others caught the whole charade why don't yall just STFU? It's so stupid, really it is) Here's the funny part .. before he even cleared the door I said ... oooops SLITHERIN in... (he and I were both outside at the time oh could that mean he FOLLOWED ME??? no.. that would be STALKING !!!!) I mean what's THAT say about you when a person can see WHAT YOU ARE through a hat glasses tshirt and skin? Right through you. Didn't quite get to what you're keeping in your pants. IF anything.
I mean WHO goes to all that trouble to follow someone around ... (very troubling as to how you folks find out where I am all the time.. how IS THAT? LMAO but you won't find it so funny.)
Anyway then he whistles and whistles (new info for me, I had no idea that slitherin things could whistle. It's like a badly written horror novel) Anyway, the idiot whistles like an idiot and gradually works his way through his mail and meantime I'm in my own world (they can't seem to grasp this) going back and forth getting the items I need to fulfill my destiny over to the Neptune Post Office (lmao) and I come back to where some cute chick (more on her later, name # which I won't reveal) is looking all like SHUT THE F UP dude and rolling her eyes and I catch one word. Solo. ONE WORD out of all his meaningless claptrap which explains why a pretty girl has never once wondered what is in his pants. Yknow? Sorry dude. You walked that way. No one MADE YOU. Just YOU. Frankie really can't MAKE YOU baby. YOU CHOOSE that puta life. Anyway ... I take it to mean (from what the pretty young lady and the young gentleman who was hungover but mailing his letter and sweet) that this gentleman was rambling on about being a student pilot and about how he can now 'solo' the chick was like ... whatever. (shut up ahole I SO got that and was laughing about that) But, he kept standing there with the same few envelopes whistling and significant'ing me and then actually telling me goodbye even though I had never once acknowledged his slithering presence .... and out he went.
So, I know that firemen are stupid, santos' are short, many of these property idiots are short, and stupid threats come from .... all of them. You get why it's hard to slot?
BUT, probably someone knows this guy and they should tell him and/or the Dept of Homeland Security that he can't threaten a student pilot's solo flight without threatening a federal airport facility. hmmmmmm.Aren't there like death sentences for that stuff now?
So I called and scheduled my next flight lesson on the way home because I have been meaning to do that for three days.
Also, I hope that there will be no more headaches from the air. Like I don't know enough someones with connections to the NTSB.
Hope you got your crack for this one.
I never get why you guys want my attention.
I'm sure it's not really the death penalty. But, it's MAJOR. This isn't the exact law but sweetie, you cannot THREATEN ME without threatening the entire aircraft. Is that kinda like the way yall took out the fireman and hsi son??? Anyway, I'm against the death penalty. While I laugh you mierde off I still realize that you need to understand that you're not going to stand around threatening my life and skating away.
Now that oneill's done crudifying ghotti for crimes that everyone in the world commits and boosting his own family up ... maybe he'll have time for you folks.
F. It's like they can't work on more than one crime at a time.
Well, you know. I really hate to see yall get in trouble. You're probably too f'ing stupid to figure out how to do cons from prison.
Anyway, if you're so scared I'll slip through your fingers you better be more of a man about it.
Because I know where you sleep. lol.
Oh as readily seen from the photo (clipped from the MOVIE yes it was yes it was ..... lots of face footage ...) he was IN a federal facility threatening a federal facility. Also ... the cameras in the place caught everything. They're all over the place.
In order to be threatening one does not have to behave in a threatening manner AT ALL.
Perfectly reasonable, conversational tones are often used to incite illegal wars, recquisition freaks to murder ex wives, you know ... you don't have to shout and wave weapons of mass destruction around to be threatening.
Monday, August 4, 2008
never get any smarter or stealther
it's almost unbearably funny.
I HAVE to drive yknow? Can't do that laughing that hard.
Now chief thief Bill Nesmith who keeps his wife in line wiht a semiautomatic AND got his weapons back almost IMMEDIATELY. .....
(honestly I had forgotten how unhappy he is to have his name mentioned and then sends them out to practically RIDE ALONG with me) go ahead and jump in fellas. Would save the taxpayers some money.))
..... Anyway, he has them doing the two blocks away stalking now.
THIS after he had them follow me home from linkin park and whatever else. They think this has some impact. Truth is (get IT !!) that as soon as I see them I point the camera and forget.
No no more sorrow.
I paid for your mistakes.
Anyway.... I've got so much video of yall spread out with producers around the country...
AND, on each of them over and over and over again, I'm found to state facts. So, by now, if I say you are two blocks away.
ALL OF AMERICA except for those freaks you married. Believes me.
Grow up.
I HAVE to drive yknow? Can't do that laughing that hard.
Now chief thief Bill Nesmith who keeps his wife in line wiht a semiautomatic AND got his weapons back almost IMMEDIATELY. .....
(honestly I had forgotten how unhappy he is to have his name mentioned and then sends them out to practically RIDE ALONG with me) go ahead and jump in fellas. Would save the taxpayers some money.))
..... Anyway, he has them doing the two blocks away stalking now.
THIS after he had them follow me home from linkin park and whatever else. They think this has some impact. Truth is (get IT !!) that as soon as I see them I point the camera and forget.
No no more sorrow.
I paid for your mistakes.
Anyway.... I've got so much video of yall spread out with producers around the country...
AND, on each of them over and over and over again, I'm found to state facts. So, by now, if I say you are two blocks away.
ALL OF AMERICA except for those freaks you married. Believes me.
Grow up.
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