All you EVER had to do was fucking stop being such RETARDS. That's an insult to retards.
Seriously, you're collectively fucking STOOPID. Instead of just shutting the fuck up and leaving me alone you roar around town around me when I post your pictures for ROARING BY wherever I am. So go fuck yourselves.
Look up "knock it fucking off" in the dictionary as you obviously NEED TO.
Meantime, I have LOTS AND LOTS more pics.
I just hate you fuckers being involved with kids. Especially YOUR OWN.
Look what Benitez DID TO HIS !!!
And who paid the price for that??
Joey Granda.
Stupid enough to do what Benitez told him to.
And Joey with two teachers for parents ... or somewhere in the school system.
Nice beard, jackass.
Teach you to pick a little boy up by his backpack, huh you big fat pig.
And your sister is a stupid bitch stalker I tried to be nice to. Because she's ugly.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Another of Mr. Tome's south tampa partners above.
How many gay firefighters are there?
The risk of HEP C among them meaning that they are more susceptible to the HIV virus should make this a matter of public record.
Myself I believe much of their activity is a cover up for child porn.
How many gay firefighters are there?
The risk of HEP C among them meaning that they are more susceptible to the HIV virus should make this a matter of public record.
Myself I believe much of their activity is a cover up for child porn.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
UO6 6GV big black truck
after the below post this loser roared by me at publix himes. Wow.
All THIS for Eric Rapp??
Such nice friends.
And such good guys to have around your kids !!!
All THIS for Eric Rapp??
Such nice friends.
And such good guys to have around your kids !!!
I credit this fat ass for being the reason REGULAR OLD NORMAL KIDS can't play sports. You're a fat nasty stalking fuck and so is your paramedic PIG friend. WHY IS IT that all your kids have to play together you stalking piece of SHIT??
Is it because someone might beat their ass or they might say the WRONG THING TO THE WRONG PERSON??? zoom zoooom zoooom mr. paramedic piece of shit.
Hope your little brats get all that through life: CHEAT TO WIN.
YOU FAT FUCKS WOULD HAVE NOTHING if not for stealing it.
THIS explains why anyone who has ever been anywhere NEAR the basketball court at the Himes YMCA talks about what mean pieces of low class and rude shit the parents are and why the kids look inbred and normal kids can't play while the rest are so shitty.
In the real world your kids would get their asses pulverized in any subject or matter. THIS is why you have to protect their little gay asses by only having them play with FRIENDS.
I have NO DOUBT a firepig was responsible for running down Aaron Johnson in the street. Can't have a good spot on a ball team taken up BY AN OUTSIDER. Now can we?
Dude you are one paramedic PUSSY PIECE OF SHIT. You've been highlited on this blog before I remember that stupid ass bumper fighting sticker from da block. Piece of shit.
Remember:: If you had ANY NUTS instead of roaring by in the car I and your drug trafficking BUY YOU and your little flamer family you'd step out and make yourself SEEN.
But I got some nice video of fatass so that helps.
Is he a 12 oaks kinda guy?

I credit this fat ass for being the reason REGULAR OLD NORMAL KIDS can't play sports. You're a fat nasty stalking fuck and so is your paramedic PIG friend. WHY IS IT that all your kids have to play together you stalking piece of SHIT??
Is it because someone might beat their ass or they might say the WRONG THING TO THE WRONG PERSON??? zoom zoooom zoooom mr. paramedic piece of shit.
Hope your little brats get all that through life: CHEAT TO WIN.
YOU FAT FUCKS WOULD HAVE NOTHING if not for stealing it.
THIS explains why anyone who has ever been anywhere NEAR the basketball court at the Himes YMCA talks about what mean pieces of low class and rude shit the parents are and why the kids look inbred and normal kids can't play while the rest are so shitty.
In the real world your kids would get their asses pulverized in any subject or matter. THIS is why you have to protect their little gay asses by only having them play with FRIENDS.
I have NO DOUBT a firepig was responsible for running down Aaron Johnson in the street. Can't have a good spot on a ball team taken up BY AN OUTSIDER. Now can we?
Dude you are one paramedic PUSSY PIECE OF SHIT. You've been highlited on this blog before I remember that stupid ass bumper fighting sticker from da block. Piece of shit.
Remember:: If you had ANY NUTS instead of roaring by in the car I and your drug trafficking BUY YOU and your little flamer family you'd step out and make yourself SEEN.
But I got some nice video of fatass so that helps.
Is he a 12 oaks kinda guy?
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Eric Rapp Wants to Counsel Teens Check the Record
Firemen are in the business of extortion. Check the plan for this "safe" program run by a seeming maniac.
And not only that he lied about his record. Check the comments.
Former firefighter with record opens community center for teens in Land O'Lakes
By Lisa Buie, Times Staff Writer
In Print: Sunday, August 14, 2011
Eric Rapp, 33, is opening the Program, a nonprofit community center at Impact Sports Academy in Land O’Lakes.
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Comments (5) Contact the editor
LAND O'LAKES — On paper, Eric Rapp has the right resume for starting an after-school program for teens: Local graduate and former star of the Land O'Lakes High wrestling team with multiple state titles under his belt. Former member of the elite Army Rangers. A licensed paramedic and former Hillsborough County firefighter. A guy with a clean haircut, pressed pants and a bright smile.
"I want to give kids a safe place to go after school, where they can do their homework and work out," said Rapp, who is opening the Program at Land O'Lakes, a nonprofit community center at 21434 Carson Drive behind Village Lakes shopping center. His business is sharing the 20,000-square-foot building with Impact Sports Academy, a separate, for-profit business that helps teens hone their athletic skills with batting cages, weights and personal training in a variety of sports.
Though separately owned, parents must pay one monthly fee that must include both the after-school care and access to the sports programs. Extra services, such as professional tutoring and training, also are available for additional fees.
Rapp, 33, said he was inspired to open his center after rescuing teens as a firefighter. "I've seen them with pills coming out of their mouths," he said. "I'm glad I had people in my life who kept me on the straight and narrow."
In addition to that resume, however, Rapp also has a record — one that prevents him from working with children at Pasco schools.
"He applied numerous times, but he is not allowed to volunteer because of the incident with the police," school district spokeswoman Summer Romagnoli said. "His name is on a list that says 'Do not use.' "
That incident happened in 2003, when Rapp faced criminal charges after a bar fight and confrontation with Hillsborough deputies. Records show he fled from police a different time two years later and was subdued with a Taser. And earlier this year a neighbor filed for a restraining order, alleging Rapp was watching his house and threatening to kill him.
Rapp admits that he used poor judgment at a few key points in his life. He says he paid the price with debilitating back pain from that 2003 incident that improved only recently after surgery. But he said the decisions that led to trouble were influenced by his own high moral standards and a refusal to accept anything less from others — beliefs for which he owes no one an apology.
"I've made plenty of mistakes in my life," he said, "but I wouldn't change anything."
• • •
Rapp was in a festive mood the night of Aug. 16, 2003, when he, his future wife and some paramedic friends went out to the Tampa Brickyard for some appetizers and drinks.
Life was good. Rapp, then 25, had been a firefighter for about 10 months. His supervisor had written a glowing review that praised his "enthusiastic attitude" and "great eagerness to learn."
"(Firefighter) Rapp is a hard worker who takes his job seriously reflecting a respectful and professional impression," Capt. B. Kostopoulos wrote. "My only regret is that I no longer work with (firefighter) Rapp due to a station transfer."
Rapp said he ordered a round of drinks for the seven people in his party. A woman had just sat down beside the group at the bar. The bartender returned with eight drinks.
"Being in a jovial mood, I paid for the drink," Rapp said. A minute later, Rapp recalled, a man approached him and angrily questioned why he bought a drink for his girlfriend.
"He was using foul language, and my wife was there," Rapp said. "So I reached back and popped him in the mouth," he said demonstrating a light swat.
A brawl broke out. Rapp said he went outside, only to be followed. He remembered someone cutting his face with a beer bottle.
"At that point the decision was run away or stay and fight," he said. "I admit my best decision-making skills were not on showcase that night."
The bar manager later told a deputy that Rapp had been asked to leave but kept coming back in and fighting. A sheriff's report said that Rapp had struck the bar manager in the face, "causing him to bleed."
By the time Hillsborough deputies arrived, the fight had broken up. Rapp sat in his truck, belted into the passenger's seat. A shirt covered his face.
Deputies at the scene described Rapp in court statements as "extremely intoxicated" and "very aggressive" toward deputies who were trying to inspect his injuries and sort out what happened with the crowd outside the bar.
"He was throwing punches," said Deputy Randolph Lewis, who took Rapp down in a bear hug. "He was completely out of control."
But Rapp said he wasn't trying to resist — he just couldn't see who was outside the truck because his face was covered to stop the bleeding. He said the deputies then interpreted that as aggression and got rough with him. He said one hit him in the back with a heavy flashlight, causing his back injury. However, he did not file any complaints about the deputies' behavior, and said his attorney told him no one would believe him since he faced three counts of battery on a law enforcement officer and one count of violently resisting arrest. He said the fact that prosecutors agreed to drop the charges if Rapp enrolled in a pre-trial diversion program showed their case was shaky.
"They said all this would go away if I just took four weeks of anger management and did some community service," he said.
So Rapp did, and the case was dismissed in 2005.
During his participation in the pre-trial program, however, Rapp had another run-in with officers on April 24, 2005. This time they subdued him with a Taser, according to a letter from Rapp's attorney.
Rapp said he was trying to break up a fight at a swimming pool when police showed up. Given his prior incident at the bar, Rapp said he decided to flee the scene. He was ticketed for disorderly conduct, but the charge was later dropped.
Rapp didn't have any more problems until this March, when neighbor Robert Reeher filed for a restraining order.
In the petition, Reeher said Rapp threatened to kill him on two occasions and put him in a choke hold after Reeher unsuccessfully tried to use pepper spray on him. He said Rapp was angry that his babysitter was at the neighbor's home.
"We are afraid to go outside," Reeher wrote in March.
Rapp called the allegations of violence "B.S." and said he was concerned that the 18-year-old babysitter, his wife's cousin, was at Reeher's house "in the middle of the night."
Records show Reeher dropped the request for the restraining order a month later. He would not comment for this story.
• • •
Rapp, who has invested at least $35,000 into opening the after-school center, said all his life experiences — being raised in a broken home by an alcoholic mother, being taken in by parents of friends who insisted he accompany them to church — will help him relate to hurting teens and put them on a straight path.
His center will fill a void in central Pasco, where day care centers cut off service after kids finish elementary school. The area also lacks a YMCA, which offers after-school programs for teens.
Rapp plans to rely mainly on church volunteers for staff and will bus students from area middle and high schools to his center, which will have computers and a lounge. He envisions his center as an overall community resource, perhaps even a headquarters for the local Fellowship of Christian Athletes.
"It's a good fit with us," said Michael Snow, co-owner of Impact Sports Academy, the separately-owned business sharing space with Rapp. He said while Rapp's aim is to keep kids out of trouble, his goal is to get them off the couch.
Snow said he has no trouble working with Rapp.
"It was eight years ago," he said of the bar arrest.
Now almost a decade older and the father of two preschoolers, Rapp said he's no longer the same man who got into a bar brawl.
"There was a time when I thought I could go head to head with a locomotive and still have the upper hand," he said.
Researcher Shirl Kennedy contributed to this report. Lisa Buie can be reached at
[Last modified: Aug 13, 2011 09:03 PM]
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If you see an objectionable comment, click Report Abuse.
Viewing 1 - 5 of 5 comments Oldest First Newest First Top Rated
Jethro Bodine Aug 13, 2011 11:05 PM Yesterday maybe he should run for Mayor of Land O Lakes. by Pasco standards he might be overqualified.
Report Abuse 3 3 chuck896 Aug 13, 2011 11:44 PM Yesterday sounds like a good guy with some great ideas, I wish him the best of luck with the youth center!
Report Abuse 0 3 Pasco MS Teacher Aug 14, 2011 8:23 AM About 4 hours ago In spite of the DSPBC not approving Mr. Rapp's application due to his past, I believe there are young people who will listen to and learn from him because of this past. They will relate to him. I wish him success. There certainly is a need for such a program mid-county.
Report Abuse 1 2 Kennybear Aug 14, 2011 9:24 AM About 3 hours ago Maybe he got a 'Bad rap'.
Nothing takes the hostility out of a person like some smaller, nerdy looking geek kicking his azz!!
Report Abuse 1 0 RagsTTiger Aug 14, 2011 10:55 AM About 2 hours ago I taught in another community for 33 years. I recall a number of students whose judgement was questionable at best. As years went by they went to college and matured. Surprisingly a few received their teaching licenses, coming back to the area to teach.
Initially I had reservations in the back of my mind. Fortunately time had healed their "imperfections" ... they grew up.
The fellow in this article made a very low level infraction, on the giant scale rules. After nearly a decade of issue free life, a little common sense should be applied.
Report Abuse 1 2
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 1:06 PM Less than a minute ago Did you read that part about this March? How are all these incidents low level infractions? A low level infraction would not involve several people left bleeding and a neighbor who was twice threatened by this guy.
Report Abuse
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 12:55 PM Less than a minute ago But he said the decisions that led to trouble were influenced by his own high moral standards and a refusal to accept anything less from others — beliefs for which he owes no one an apology... This statement reveals this freak to be a psychopath of the highest order. Really? Were the deputies ALSO below his high standards?? These are not minor infractions. He's a control freak who will eventually end up impacting some impressionable kid's life in the wrong way. But this is the firefighter tradition. Never let one go. They're still trying to get George Lewis out for murdering his neighbor across the street for having a black boyfriend. WTF is wrong with you people? What connection does Michael Snow have to the firefighters? Any parent who actually pays for this is stupider than he is.
Report Abuse
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 12:59 PM Less than a minute ago This guy and those around him who allowed him to make up so many weak and stupid lies to cover extremely bad behavior shouldn't be around HIS OWN KIDS never mind around others. And lo the firefighters of such high moral fiber they allowed a woman to die while three of them laughed will be dropping in to help the kids learn the right stuff. LOL. And so we don't need to wonder any longer how Pasco and LOL and surrounding communities make the news so often. Thank your local firefighter. Wow. You can't make this stuff up.
Report Abuse
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 1:01 PM Less than a minute ago If he had a problem during pretrial diversion he should have been prosecuted on the prior charges. Was Samantha Ward (wife of firefighter Al Suarez fired for jamie the hooker in the firehouse) his judge? Or Daniel Sleet? I could name a few others so I'll just go look and settle the question. Firefighters equal GOD because they know an awful lot about this and that, yknow what I mean?
Report Abuse
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 1:04 PM Less than a minute ago "There was a time when I thought I could go head to head with a locomotive and still have the upper hand," he said.
He doesn't even CONNECT to how terrible the underlying behavior is. WTF? I pity his neighbor, his wife, his children and any child or person he comes across. I regret the neighbor backed down. In essence another person who bowed to pressure from the local firefighters extortionist ways no doubt. I would love to talk to this man.
Report Abuse
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 1:08 PM Less than a minute ago Good luck kids !!!!!
Reply Viewing 1 - 5 of 5 comments Oldest First Newest First Top Rated
Jethro Bodine Aug 13, 2011 11:05 PM Yesterday maybe he should run for Mayor of Land O Lakes. by Pasco standards he might be overqualified.
Report Abuse 3 3
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 2:12 PM Less than a minute ago LOL @@@@
Report Abuse chuck896 Aug 13, 2011 11:44 PM Yesterday sounds like a good guy with some great ideas, I wish him the best of luck with the youth center!
Report Abuse 0 3 Pasco MS Teacher Aug 14, 2011 8:23 AM About 4 hours ago In spite of the DSPBC not approving Mr. Rapp's application due to his past, I believe there are young people who will listen to and learn from him because of this past. They will relate to him. I wish him success. There certainly is a need for such a program mid-county.
Report Abuse 1 2
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 2:01 PM Less than a minute ago Why would you wish an obviously out of control and lying person on impressionable teens? He was dishonest about his record and made up weak and stupid lies about his VERY BAD ACTIONS. Always excusing his violence. Imagine what his wife goes through
Report Abuse Kennybear Aug 14, 2011 9:24 AM About 3 hours ago Maybe he got a 'Bad rap'.
Nothing takes the hostility out of a person like some smaller, nerdy looking geek kicking his azz!!
Report Abuse 1 0
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 2:11 PM Less than a minute ago kenny, so ready to forgive. Wish you could dredge up that compassion for others.
Report Abuse RagsTTiger Aug 14, 2011 10:55 AM About 2 hours ago I taught in another community for 33 years. I recall a number of students whose judgement was questionable at best. As years went by they went to college and matured. Surprisingly a few received their teaching licenses, coming back to the area to teach.
Initially I had reservations in the back of my mind. Fortunately time had healed their "imperfections" ... they grew up.
The fellow in this article made a very low level infraction, on the giant scale rules. After nearly a decade of issue free life, a little common sense should be applied.
Report Abuse 1 2
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 1:06 PM Less than a minute ago Did you read that part about this March? How are all these incidents low level infractions? A low level infraction would not involve several people left bleeding and a neighbor who was twice threatened by this guy.
Report Abuse
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 12:55 PM Less than a minute ago But he said the decisions that led to trouble were influenced by his own high moral standards and a refusal to accept anything less from others — beliefs for which he owes no one an apology... This statement reveals this freak to be a psychopath of the highest order. Really? Were the deputies ALSO below his high standards?? These are not minor infractions. He's a control freak who will eventually end up impacting some impressionable kid's life in the wrong way. But this is the firefighter tradition. Never let one go. They're still trying to get George Lewis out for murdering his neighbor across the street for having a black boyfriend. WTF is wrong with you people? What connection does Michael Snow have to the firefighters? Any parent who actually pays for this is stupider than he is.
Report Abuse
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 12:59 PM Less than a minute ago This guy and those around him who allowed him to make up so many weak and stupid lies to cover extremely bad behavior shouldn't be around HIS OWN KIDS never mind around others. And lo the firefighters of such high moral fiber they allowed a woman to die while three of them laughed will be dropping in to help the kids learn the right stuff. LOL. And so we don't need to wonder any longer how Pasco and LOL and surrounding communities make the news so often. Thank your local firefighter. Wow. You can't make this stuff up.
Report Abuse
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 1:01 PM Less than a minute ago If he had a problem during pretrial diversion he should have been prosecuted on the prior charges. Was Samantha Ward (wife of firefighter Al Suarez fired for jamie the hooker in the firehouse) his judge? Or Daniel Sleet? I could name a few others so I'll just go look and settle the question. Firefighters equal GOD because they know an awful lot about this and that, yknow what I mean?
Report Abuse
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 1:04 PM Less than a minute ago "There was a time when I thought I could go head to head with a locomotive and still have the upper hand," he said.
He doesn't even CONNECT to how terrible the underlying behavior is. WTF? I pity his neighbor, his wife, his children and any child or person he comes across. I regret the neighbor backed down. In essence another person who bowed to pressure from the local firefighters extortionist ways no doubt. I would love to talk to this man.
Report Abuse
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 1:08 PM Less than a minute ago Good luck kids !!!!!
Report Abuse
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 1:41 PM Less than a minute ago The charge was NOT dropped. - 06/18/2001&pdInit=01-MAY-01&pcCaseStat=Closed - 06/18/2001&pcCtyp=MM&pcLocn=TA&pcPref=&pcWarrant=&pcCaseDscr=MISDEMEANOR&pcDiv=D&pcCourtType=&pnCaseYrFr=1970&pnCaseYrTo=2011&pcCtypCL=&pcLocnCL=
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TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 1:44 PM Less than a minute ago Oh well there we go: Tharpe who sentences KIDS to LIFE TERMS for looking at pictures gave this guy a little probation. These charges were NOT dropped either and he was prosecuted. Well, sort of prosecuted. Why do people think it's ok that firefighters get a SEPARATE justice?? - 11/21/2005&pdInit=17-AUG-03&pcCaseStat=Closed - 11/21/2005&pcCtyp=PE&pcLocn=TA&pcPref=&pcWarrant=&pcCaseDscr=OTHER CRIMES AGAINST PERSON&pcDiv=F&pcCourtType=&pnCaseYrFr=1970&pnCaseYrTo=2011&pcCtypCL=&pcLocnCL=
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TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 1:51 PM Less than a minute ago And now we know why P.rick Scott made it OK for certain felons to have certain licenses. ONLY in this case they dismissed felonies (I was mistaken above due to the sneaky way they did this) while the pretrial intervention was GONE BAD. And eric sorta forgot to mention the 2001 incident same thing obstructing and opposing an officer. But the fire dept happily hired him on anyway. How many of your paramedics have had eight felonies overlooked??? LOL. On all of us. A big joke. Where did he get 35 grand is the better question.
Report Abuse
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 1:53 PM Less than a minute ago He should have NEVER HAD PTI due to previous charges. However, like the paramedic's wife who beat her baby to a pulp cherrrryl lynn barnett tuggle davis (still being arrested for doctor shopping STILL having half the charges dropped) he got PTI with prior charges and she got PTI with prior violent charges and failures to appear. Quite the syndicate they have going here. Reporter, can you please correct the statements of Mr. Rapp's lengthy record? It's available at pat frank clerk of court.
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TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 1:54 PM Less than a minute ago How many teens could he have rescued in ten months? Gimme a break.
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This report includes: Aliases Release Data Charges
DOB: 04/26/1978
Booking #: 03048055
Arrest Date: 08/16/2003
Race: W
Sex: M
Ethnicity: N More Information:
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STATUS: STATUS - *RELEASED* BOND: $9,000.00 CASH: $0.00 FINE: $0.00 PURGE $0.00
Personal Information
Last Name First Name Middle Name Suffix Booking No.
RAPP ERIC D 03048055
Eyes Hair Build Current Age Height Weight SOID SOID Name
GRN BLN MED 33 5'11 190 00525799 RAPP,ERIC D
Race Sex Ethn POB DOB Arrest Age SSN
W M N FL 04/26/1978 25 ###-##-####
Street Address City State Zip
Aliases Date OF Birth Social Security Number
RAPP,ERIC D 04/26/1978 ###-##-####
Arrest Information
Arrest Agency Arrest Date Arrest Time Book Date Book Time
HCSO 08/16/2003 23:10 08/17/2003 05:41
Arrest Location Jurisdiction
Release Information
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OBTS Caution Ind. Caution Remarks
Attorney Address Phone
Next of Kin Address Relationship
########## #################### ##########
Employer Occupation Address
No. Charge Description Class Court DISP Bond BP Fine Custody Days Charge Count Charge Type
Report # CT-Case # Date Agency OBTS Number Charge Code CRA Number
03081508 0314084 08/17/2003 HCSO 2901033736 BATT1010 587362
No. Charge Description Class Court DISP Bond BP Fine Custody Days Charge Count Charge Type
Report # CT-Case # Date Agency OBTS Number Charge Code CRA Number
03081508 0314084 08/17/2003 HCSO 2901033736 BATT1010 587362
No. Charge Description Class Court DISP Bond BP Fine Custody Days Charge Count Charge Type
Report # CT-Case # Date Agency OBTS Number Charge Code CRA Number
03081508 0314084 08/17/2003 HCSO 2901033736 BATT1010 587362
No. Charge Description Class Court DISP Bond BP Fine Custody Days Charge Count Charge Type
Report # CT-Case # Date Agency OBTS Number Charge Code CRA Number
03081508 0314084 08/17/2003 HCSO 2901033736 BATT1000 587362
No. Charge Description Class Court DISP Bond BP Fine Custody Days Charge Count Charge Type
Report # CT-Case # Date Agency OBTS Number Charge Code CRA Number
03081508 0314084 08/17/2003 HCSO 2901033736 ASSA1010 587362
No. Charge Description Class Court DISP Bond BP Fine Custody Days Charge Count Charge Type
Report # CT-Case # Date Agency OBTS Number Charge Code CRA Number
03081508 0314084 08/17/2003 HCSO 2901033736 COPS2000 587362
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And not only that he lied about his record. Check the comments.
Former firefighter with record opens community center for teens in Land O'Lakes
By Lisa Buie, Times Staff Writer
In Print: Sunday, August 14, 2011
Eric Rapp, 33, is opening the Program, a nonprofit community center at Impact Sports Academy in Land O’Lakes.
xPrintEmailPostRepublishStory Tools
Comments (5) Contact the editor
LAND O'LAKES — On paper, Eric Rapp has the right resume for starting an after-school program for teens: Local graduate and former star of the Land O'Lakes High wrestling team with multiple state titles under his belt. Former member of the elite Army Rangers. A licensed paramedic and former Hillsborough County firefighter. A guy with a clean haircut, pressed pants and a bright smile.
"I want to give kids a safe place to go after school, where they can do their homework and work out," said Rapp, who is opening the Program at Land O'Lakes, a nonprofit community center at 21434 Carson Drive behind Village Lakes shopping center. His business is sharing the 20,000-square-foot building with Impact Sports Academy, a separate, for-profit business that helps teens hone their athletic skills with batting cages, weights and personal training in a variety of sports.
Though separately owned, parents must pay one monthly fee that must include both the after-school care and access to the sports programs. Extra services, such as professional tutoring and training, also are available for additional fees.
Rapp, 33, said he was inspired to open his center after rescuing teens as a firefighter. "I've seen them with pills coming out of their mouths," he said. "I'm glad I had people in my life who kept me on the straight and narrow."
In addition to that resume, however, Rapp also has a record — one that prevents him from working with children at Pasco schools.
"He applied numerous times, but he is not allowed to volunteer because of the incident with the police," school district spokeswoman Summer Romagnoli said. "His name is on a list that says 'Do not use.' "
That incident happened in 2003, when Rapp faced criminal charges after a bar fight and confrontation with Hillsborough deputies. Records show he fled from police a different time two years later and was subdued with a Taser. And earlier this year a neighbor filed for a restraining order, alleging Rapp was watching his house and threatening to kill him.
Rapp admits that he used poor judgment at a few key points in his life. He says he paid the price with debilitating back pain from that 2003 incident that improved only recently after surgery. But he said the decisions that led to trouble were influenced by his own high moral standards and a refusal to accept anything less from others — beliefs for which he owes no one an apology.
"I've made plenty of mistakes in my life," he said, "but I wouldn't change anything."
• • •
Rapp was in a festive mood the night of Aug. 16, 2003, when he, his future wife and some paramedic friends went out to the Tampa Brickyard for some appetizers and drinks.
Life was good. Rapp, then 25, had been a firefighter for about 10 months. His supervisor had written a glowing review that praised his "enthusiastic attitude" and "great eagerness to learn."
"(Firefighter) Rapp is a hard worker who takes his job seriously reflecting a respectful and professional impression," Capt. B. Kostopoulos wrote. "My only regret is that I no longer work with (firefighter) Rapp due to a station transfer."
Rapp said he ordered a round of drinks for the seven people in his party. A woman had just sat down beside the group at the bar. The bartender returned with eight drinks.
"Being in a jovial mood, I paid for the drink," Rapp said. A minute later, Rapp recalled, a man approached him and angrily questioned why he bought a drink for his girlfriend.
"He was using foul language, and my wife was there," Rapp said. "So I reached back and popped him in the mouth," he said demonstrating a light swat.
A brawl broke out. Rapp said he went outside, only to be followed. He remembered someone cutting his face with a beer bottle.
"At that point the decision was run away or stay and fight," he said. "I admit my best decision-making skills were not on showcase that night."
The bar manager later told a deputy that Rapp had been asked to leave but kept coming back in and fighting. A sheriff's report said that Rapp had struck the bar manager in the face, "causing him to bleed."
By the time Hillsborough deputies arrived, the fight had broken up. Rapp sat in his truck, belted into the passenger's seat. A shirt covered his face.
Deputies at the scene described Rapp in court statements as "extremely intoxicated" and "very aggressive" toward deputies who were trying to inspect his injuries and sort out what happened with the crowd outside the bar.
"He was throwing punches," said Deputy Randolph Lewis, who took Rapp down in a bear hug. "He was completely out of control."
But Rapp said he wasn't trying to resist — he just couldn't see who was outside the truck because his face was covered to stop the bleeding. He said the deputies then interpreted that as aggression and got rough with him. He said one hit him in the back with a heavy flashlight, causing his back injury. However, he did not file any complaints about the deputies' behavior, and said his attorney told him no one would believe him since he faced three counts of battery on a law enforcement officer and one count of violently resisting arrest. He said the fact that prosecutors agreed to drop the charges if Rapp enrolled in a pre-trial diversion program showed their case was shaky.
"They said all this would go away if I just took four weeks of anger management and did some community service," he said.
So Rapp did, and the case was dismissed in 2005.
During his participation in the pre-trial program, however, Rapp had another run-in with officers on April 24, 2005. This time they subdued him with a Taser, according to a letter from Rapp's attorney.
Rapp said he was trying to break up a fight at a swimming pool when police showed up. Given his prior incident at the bar, Rapp said he decided to flee the scene. He was ticketed for disorderly conduct, but the charge was later dropped.
Rapp didn't have any more problems until this March, when neighbor Robert Reeher filed for a restraining order.
In the petition, Reeher said Rapp threatened to kill him on two occasions and put him in a choke hold after Reeher unsuccessfully tried to use pepper spray on him. He said Rapp was angry that his babysitter was at the neighbor's home.
"We are afraid to go outside," Reeher wrote in March.
Rapp called the allegations of violence "B.S." and said he was concerned that the 18-year-old babysitter, his wife's cousin, was at Reeher's house "in the middle of the night."
Records show Reeher dropped the request for the restraining order a month later. He would not comment for this story.
• • •
Rapp, who has invested at least $35,000 into opening the after-school center, said all his life experiences — being raised in a broken home by an alcoholic mother, being taken in by parents of friends who insisted he accompany them to church — will help him relate to hurting teens and put them on a straight path.
His center will fill a void in central Pasco, where day care centers cut off service after kids finish elementary school. The area also lacks a YMCA, which offers after-school programs for teens.
Rapp plans to rely mainly on church volunteers for staff and will bus students from area middle and high schools to his center, which will have computers and a lounge. He envisions his center as an overall community resource, perhaps even a headquarters for the local Fellowship of Christian Athletes.
"It's a good fit with us," said Michael Snow, co-owner of Impact Sports Academy, the separately-owned business sharing space with Rapp. He said while Rapp's aim is to keep kids out of trouble, his goal is to get them off the couch.
Snow said he has no trouble working with Rapp.
"It was eight years ago," he said of the bar arrest.
Now almost a decade older and the father of two preschoolers, Rapp said he's no longer the same man who got into a bar brawl.
"There was a time when I thought I could go head to head with a locomotive and still have the upper hand," he said.
Researcher Shirl Kennedy contributed to this report. Lisa Buie can be reached at
[Last modified: Aug 13, 2011 09:03 PM]
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Viewing 1 - 5 of 5 comments Oldest First Newest First Top Rated
Jethro Bodine Aug 13, 2011 11:05 PM Yesterday maybe he should run for Mayor of Land O Lakes. by Pasco standards he might be overqualified.
Report Abuse 3 3 chuck896 Aug 13, 2011 11:44 PM Yesterday sounds like a good guy with some great ideas, I wish him the best of luck with the youth center!
Report Abuse 0 3 Pasco MS Teacher Aug 14, 2011 8:23 AM About 4 hours ago In spite of the DSPBC not approving Mr. Rapp's application due to his past, I believe there are young people who will listen to and learn from him because of this past. They will relate to him. I wish him success. There certainly is a need for such a program mid-county.
Report Abuse 1 2 Kennybear Aug 14, 2011 9:24 AM About 3 hours ago Maybe he got a 'Bad rap'.
Nothing takes the hostility out of a person like some smaller, nerdy looking geek kicking his azz!!
Report Abuse 1 0 RagsTTiger Aug 14, 2011 10:55 AM About 2 hours ago I taught in another community for 33 years. I recall a number of students whose judgement was questionable at best. As years went by they went to college and matured. Surprisingly a few received their teaching licenses, coming back to the area to teach.
Initially I had reservations in the back of my mind. Fortunately time had healed their "imperfections" ... they grew up.
The fellow in this article made a very low level infraction, on the giant scale rules. After nearly a decade of issue free life, a little common sense should be applied.
Report Abuse 1 2
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 1:06 PM Less than a minute ago Did you read that part about this March? How are all these incidents low level infractions? A low level infraction would not involve several people left bleeding and a neighbor who was twice threatened by this guy.
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TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 12:55 PM Less than a minute ago But he said the decisions that led to trouble were influenced by his own high moral standards and a refusal to accept anything less from others — beliefs for which he owes no one an apology... This statement reveals this freak to be a psychopath of the highest order. Really? Were the deputies ALSO below his high standards?? These are not minor infractions. He's a control freak who will eventually end up impacting some impressionable kid's life in the wrong way. But this is the firefighter tradition. Never let one go. They're still trying to get George Lewis out for murdering his neighbor across the street for having a black boyfriend. WTF is wrong with you people? What connection does Michael Snow have to the firefighters? Any parent who actually pays for this is stupider than he is.
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TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 12:59 PM Less than a minute ago This guy and those around him who allowed him to make up so many weak and stupid lies to cover extremely bad behavior shouldn't be around HIS OWN KIDS never mind around others. And lo the firefighters of such high moral fiber they allowed a woman to die while three of them laughed will be dropping in to help the kids learn the right stuff. LOL. And so we don't need to wonder any longer how Pasco and LOL and surrounding communities make the news so often. Thank your local firefighter. Wow. You can't make this stuff up.
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TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 1:01 PM Less than a minute ago If he had a problem during pretrial diversion he should have been prosecuted on the prior charges. Was Samantha Ward (wife of firefighter Al Suarez fired for jamie the hooker in the firehouse) his judge? Or Daniel Sleet? I could name a few others so I'll just go look and settle the question. Firefighters equal GOD because they know an awful lot about this and that, yknow what I mean?
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TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 1:04 PM Less than a minute ago "There was a time when I thought I could go head to head with a locomotive and still have the upper hand," he said.
He doesn't even CONNECT to how terrible the underlying behavior is. WTF? I pity his neighbor, his wife, his children and any child or person he comes across. I regret the neighbor backed down. In essence another person who bowed to pressure from the local firefighters extortionist ways no doubt. I would love to talk to this man.
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TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 1:08 PM Less than a minute ago Good luck kids !!!!!
Reply Viewing 1 - 5 of 5 comments Oldest First Newest First Top Rated
Jethro Bodine Aug 13, 2011 11:05 PM Yesterday maybe he should run for Mayor of Land O Lakes. by Pasco standards he might be overqualified.
Report Abuse 3 3
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 2:12 PM Less than a minute ago LOL @@@@
Report Abuse chuck896 Aug 13, 2011 11:44 PM Yesterday sounds like a good guy with some great ideas, I wish him the best of luck with the youth center!
Report Abuse 0 3 Pasco MS Teacher Aug 14, 2011 8:23 AM About 4 hours ago In spite of the DSPBC not approving Mr. Rapp's application due to his past, I believe there are young people who will listen to and learn from him because of this past. They will relate to him. I wish him success. There certainly is a need for such a program mid-county.
Report Abuse 1 2
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 2:01 PM Less than a minute ago Why would you wish an obviously out of control and lying person on impressionable teens? He was dishonest about his record and made up weak and stupid lies about his VERY BAD ACTIONS. Always excusing his violence. Imagine what his wife goes through
Report Abuse Kennybear Aug 14, 2011 9:24 AM About 3 hours ago Maybe he got a 'Bad rap'.
Nothing takes the hostility out of a person like some smaller, nerdy looking geek kicking his azz!!
Report Abuse 1 0
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 2:11 PM Less than a minute ago kenny, so ready to forgive. Wish you could dredge up that compassion for others.
Report Abuse RagsTTiger Aug 14, 2011 10:55 AM About 2 hours ago I taught in another community for 33 years. I recall a number of students whose judgement was questionable at best. As years went by they went to college and matured. Surprisingly a few received their teaching licenses, coming back to the area to teach.
Initially I had reservations in the back of my mind. Fortunately time had healed their "imperfections" ... they grew up.
The fellow in this article made a very low level infraction, on the giant scale rules. After nearly a decade of issue free life, a little common sense should be applied.
Report Abuse 1 2
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 1:06 PM Less than a minute ago Did you read that part about this March? How are all these incidents low level infractions? A low level infraction would not involve several people left bleeding and a neighbor who was twice threatened by this guy.
Report Abuse
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 12:55 PM Less than a minute ago But he said the decisions that led to trouble were influenced by his own high moral standards and a refusal to accept anything less from others — beliefs for which he owes no one an apology... This statement reveals this freak to be a psychopath of the highest order. Really? Were the deputies ALSO below his high standards?? These are not minor infractions. He's a control freak who will eventually end up impacting some impressionable kid's life in the wrong way. But this is the firefighter tradition. Never let one go. They're still trying to get George Lewis out for murdering his neighbor across the street for having a black boyfriend. WTF is wrong with you people? What connection does Michael Snow have to the firefighters? Any parent who actually pays for this is stupider than he is.
Report Abuse
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 12:59 PM Less than a minute ago This guy and those around him who allowed him to make up so many weak and stupid lies to cover extremely bad behavior shouldn't be around HIS OWN KIDS never mind around others. And lo the firefighters of such high moral fiber they allowed a woman to die while three of them laughed will be dropping in to help the kids learn the right stuff. LOL. And so we don't need to wonder any longer how Pasco and LOL and surrounding communities make the news so often. Thank your local firefighter. Wow. You can't make this stuff up.
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TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 1:01 PM Less than a minute ago If he had a problem during pretrial diversion he should have been prosecuted on the prior charges. Was Samantha Ward (wife of firefighter Al Suarez fired for jamie the hooker in the firehouse) his judge? Or Daniel Sleet? I could name a few others so I'll just go look and settle the question. Firefighters equal GOD because they know an awful lot about this and that, yknow what I mean?
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TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 1:04 PM Less than a minute ago "There was a time when I thought I could go head to head with a locomotive and still have the upper hand," he said.
He doesn't even CONNECT to how terrible the underlying behavior is. WTF? I pity his neighbor, his wife, his children and any child or person he comes across. I regret the neighbor backed down. In essence another person who bowed to pressure from the local firefighters extortionist ways no doubt. I would love to talk to this man.
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TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 1:08 PM Less than a minute ago Good luck kids !!!!!
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TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 1:41 PM Less than a minute ago The charge was NOT dropped. - 06/18/2001&pdInit=01-MAY-01&pcCaseStat=Closed - 06/18/2001&pcCtyp=MM&pcLocn=TA&pcPref=&pcWarrant=&pcCaseDscr=MISDEMEANOR&pcDiv=D&pcCourtType=&pnCaseYrFr=1970&pnCaseYrTo=2011&pcCtypCL=&pcLocnCL=
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TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 1:44 PM Less than a minute ago Oh well there we go: Tharpe who sentences KIDS to LIFE TERMS for looking at pictures gave this guy a little probation. These charges were NOT dropped either and he was prosecuted. Well, sort of prosecuted. Why do people think it's ok that firefighters get a SEPARATE justice?? - 11/21/2005&pdInit=17-AUG-03&pcCaseStat=Closed - 11/21/2005&pcCtyp=PE&pcLocn=TA&pcPref=&pcWarrant=&pcCaseDscr=OTHER CRIMES AGAINST PERSON&pcDiv=F&pcCourtType=&pnCaseYrFr=1970&pnCaseYrTo=2011&pcCtypCL=&pcLocnCL=
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TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 1:51 PM Less than a minute ago And now we know why P.rick Scott made it OK for certain felons to have certain licenses. ONLY in this case they dismissed felonies (I was mistaken above due to the sneaky way they did this) while the pretrial intervention was GONE BAD. And eric sorta forgot to mention the 2001 incident same thing obstructing and opposing an officer. But the fire dept happily hired him on anyway. How many of your paramedics have had eight felonies overlooked??? LOL. On all of us. A big joke. Where did he get 35 grand is the better question.
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TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 1:53 PM Less than a minute ago He should have NEVER HAD PTI due to previous charges. However, like the paramedic's wife who beat her baby to a pulp cherrrryl lynn barnett tuggle davis (still being arrested for doctor shopping STILL having half the charges dropped) he got PTI with prior charges and she got PTI with prior violent charges and failures to appear. Quite the syndicate they have going here. Reporter, can you please correct the statements of Mr. Rapp's lengthy record? It's available at pat frank clerk of court.
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TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 1:54 PM Less than a minute ago How many teens could he have rescued in ten months? Gimme a break.
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This report includes: Aliases Release Data Charges
DOB: 04/26/1978
Booking #: 03048055
Arrest Date: 08/16/2003
Race: W
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STATUS: STATUS - *RELEASED* BOND: $9,000.00 CASH: $0.00 FINE: $0.00 PURGE $0.00
Personal Information
Last Name First Name Middle Name Suffix Booking No.
RAPP ERIC D 03048055
Eyes Hair Build Current Age Height Weight SOID SOID Name
GRN BLN MED 33 5'11 190 00525799 RAPP,ERIC D
Race Sex Ethn POB DOB Arrest Age SSN
W M N FL 04/26/1978 25 ###-##-####
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Aliases Date OF Birth Social Security Number
RAPP,ERIC D 04/26/1978 ###-##-####
Arrest Information
Arrest Agency Arrest Date Arrest Time Book Date Book Time
HCSO 08/16/2003 23:10 08/17/2003 05:41
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########## #################### ##########
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No. Charge Description Class Court DISP Bond BP Fine Custody Days Charge Count Charge Type
Report # CT-Case # Date Agency OBTS Number Charge Code CRA Number
03081508 0314084 08/17/2003 HCSO 2901033736 BATT1010 587362
No. Charge Description Class Court DISP Bond BP Fine Custody Days Charge Count Charge Type
Report # CT-Case # Date Agency OBTS Number Charge Code CRA Number
03081508 0314084 08/17/2003 HCSO 2901033736 BATT1010 587362
No. Charge Description Class Court DISP Bond BP Fine Custody Days Charge Count Charge Type
Report # CT-Case # Date Agency OBTS Number Charge Code CRA Number
03081508 0314084 08/17/2003 HCSO 2901033736 BATT1010 587362
No. Charge Description Class Court DISP Bond BP Fine Custody Days Charge Count Charge Type
Report # CT-Case # Date Agency OBTS Number Charge Code CRA Number
03081508 0314084 08/17/2003 HCSO 2901033736 BATT1000 587362
No. Charge Description Class Court DISP Bond BP Fine Custody Days Charge Count Charge Type
Report # CT-Case # Date Agency OBTS Number Charge Code CRA Number
03081508 0314084 08/17/2003 HCSO 2901033736 ASSA1010 587362
No. Charge Description Class Court DISP Bond BP Fine Custody Days Charge Count Charge Type
Report # CT-Case # Date Agency OBTS Number Charge Code CRA Number
03081508 0314084 08/17/2003 HCSO 2901033736 COPS2000 587362
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