Yup. Everyone is catching on. How many of y'all will it take to figure out that your lies are FUCKING STUPID???
Drug shortages worry Tampa Bay emergency medical providers
By Anne Lindberg, Times Staff WriterTampa Bay Times
In Print: Tuesday, December 27, 2011
A nationwide shortage of some lifesaving drugs has hit Tampa Bay emergency medical responders, forcing them to find other ways to care for their patients.
Paramedics regularly use many of the drugs to relieve pain, to help with a heart attack or to calm combative patients. So far, the EMS systems have been able to substitute one drug for another — for example, morphine instead of the painkiller fentanyl, which is in low supply.
The shortage is hitting especially hard in Pinellas, where most medications are back-ordered, EMS medical director Laurie Romig said. The problem is especially critical for pain relievers, sedatives and heart medications. Pinellas is down to its last doses of fentanyl. And Valium, used to calm combative patients and for seizures and pain management, is back-ordered.
"We're talking lifesaving drugs," Romig said. "I think it's going to get worse before it gets better."
Tampa and Hillsborough also are facing shortages of some commonly used medicines.
"It is problematic, yes, but it hasn't hit critical mass," said Nick loCicero, assistant chief of administration and rescue for Tampa Fire Rescue. "We're all in kind of the same boat."
The Tampa department has seen shortages of such drugs as Terbutaline, which helps asthmatics to breathe; Labetalol, used to regulate heart rhythm; and Cardizem, used for high blood pressure and other heart problems.
Karen Davidson, rescue division chief for Hillsborough Fire and Rescue, said the shortage has not centered on one drug but "changes daily." The department is finding it hard to get Versed, which can be used as a sedative or anesthetic. EMS paramedics frequently use it to make it easier to insert breathing tubes. Also back-ordered is magnesium sulfate, used as a muscle relaxer.
Sporadic drug shortages are not unusual, but the number of reported prescription drug shortages in the United States nearly tripled between 2005 and 2010, according to the federal Food and Drug Administration.
The shortages appear to be caused by several factors, according to a study by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Among those: a lack of production capacity and expiration of patents, which allows other companies to make generics. It takes time, the HHS report said, for manufacturers to gear up to make the drugs.
Complicating the issue, Romig said, are the problems faced by Hospira, the Illinois company that makes many of the generic medications Tampa Bay emergency medical agencies use.
The FDA has criticized the company for inadequate quality controls. Hospira has said it is fixing the problems, but Romig said the situation makes things difficult for consumers.
"Right now, we don't know whether we will be able to continue getting drugs from that manufacturer," she said. "It could be very much worse if Hospira goes down."
In the short term, Tampa Bay area EMS systems have been substituting one drug for another. They also order different dosage sizes that are more readily available.
Romig has created a committee to study creative solutions to the problem.
Romig said no one calling 911 for help should worry: "We're doing everything we can to preserve our ability to treat our patients as we always have."
Reach Anne Lindberg at alindberg@tampabay.com or (727) 893-8450.
[Last modified: Dec 26, 2011 08:37 PM]
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Copyright 2011 Tampa Bay Times
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Viewing 1 - 12 of 12 comments Oldest First Newest First Top Rated
grammapoker Dec 26, 2011 3:01 PM Yesterday It all boils down to the drug companies wanting more and more money. Crooks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply Report Abuse 3 9 JamesD Dec 26, 2011 6:42 PM Yesterday They are going to have to get hteir drugs the same way everyone else does. Go to a sham doctor and tell them you have undisclosed pain.
Reply Report Abuse 2 5 SteroidTestTampaPolice Dec 26, 2011 8:32 PM Yesterday Maybe they should STOP STEALING THEM
Reply Report Abuse 3 5 nevertheless Dec 26, 2011 9:06 PM Yesterday Steroid, maybe you should stop TAKING them
Reply Report Abuse 1 6 irefusetobepc Dec 26, 2011 11:11 PM Yesterday morphine is better anyway
Reply Report Abuse 1 2 orangebeagle Dec 26, 2011 11:30 PM Yesterday This is hogwash... Get the medications to the people that need it. It's all about the companies want $$$$$. Bet all the countries we take care of have TONS of these medications. Open up the Canadian connection.
Reply Report Abuse 1 5 cynic Dec 27, 2011 12:50 AM About 18 hours ago greed+shortage=death dam'em
Reply Report Abuse 0 2 ian80 Dec 27, 2011 12:53 AM About 18 hours ago The United States of America is missing drugs? Come on people, give them up . We know you have them!
Reply Report Abuse 0 1 willie_from_penniless_park Dec 27, 2011 5:51 AM About 13 hours ago what drug shortage? there are plenty of drugs available around Tampa Bay
Reply Report Abuse 2 2 jezjames92 Dec 27, 2011 8:47 AM About 10 hours ago Valium and versed are anti-anxiety drugs, not "life-saving"drugs. Fentanyl is a pain killer stronger than morphine not a "life-saving" drug. Terbutaline, labetalol and cardizem have other substitutes. Why would anyone want drugs from a problem manufacturer. There are other drugs manufactured by reputable drug manufacturers. This sounds squirrely.
Reply Report Abuse 4 0
SJL Dec 27, 2011 9:21 AM About 9 hours ago Valium is a lifesaving drug when it's used to stop a grand-mal seizure. Versed is a lifesaving drug when it is used to intubate someone who can't breathe. Reply Report Abuse 0 6 sandyo Dec 27, 2011 5:57 PM About 1 hour ago Sure IS squirrely. And it sure is a devious method to articial price bumps by generic and other manufacturers. It's not as if they are not shoveling in the profits!! Are you 99% starting to feel jerked around?? Then, come Occupy with us! write sandyo@PassERA.org Reply Report Abuse 0 1 Darby Dec 27, 2011 8:58 AM About 10 hours ago I'll bet there's no shortage of Lipitor.
Reply Report Abuse 0 2
goldengirl Dec 27, 2011 5:33 PM About 1 hour ago ...or Viagra... Reply Report Abuse 0 1 sandyo Dec 27, 2011 6:00 PM About 30 minutes ago Lipitor is another scam: their patent expired but thru the courts Lipitor's profitteers won a continuation of the SAME PRICE to consumers even though it's sold to us as atorvastatin, the generic for about 6 more months! get it?--they want to squeeze us consumers EVEN more though it's not really legit to charge proprietary med prices for generic as in this case! I am watching to see if Diovan (for BP) will take the same tack. What exactly remains illegal anymore??? Reply Report Abuse 0 0 ej033 Dec 27, 2011 11:51 AM About 7 hours ago Don't forget the ever increasing regulations drug manufacturers have to meet and the DEA adding icing to that cake. That is the main reason it takes so long for makers to actually start to make a drug product. If the free market could operate, then there would be astronger drug supply. The goverent is fostering a shortage environment.
Reply Report Abuse 1 2
sandyo Dec 27, 2011 6:09 PM About 21 minutes ago WHAT "new regulations" other than the scheduled phases development have always existed. Please? Pharma has ALWAYS complained that R & D costs were what jack up the prices. It's not so, when you consider the longevity of the prices post-market. Again, Big Pharma's obscene profits off our backs should make speed of delivery ever so easy nowadays! Another scam. Everyone know that your docs or nurse practitioners should be writing prescriptions for generics where they exist? You save tons $, Another tip: the expiration date so sanctimoniously inscribed on the bottle is very often shortchanging you--most meds last in a cool dry environment at least 2 yrs longer than they claim. Only a very few change after that, and 99% of the changes are only in loss of potency! I write a 1000+ pg pharm resource text w/international distribution but you can sure compare prices via internet or your favorite pharmacists. You can also ask about actual loss of potency of yr meds, if you can trust them. Reply Report Abuse 0 0
larryburnettwhitetrashtenants Dec 27, 2011 6:44 PM About -1 minutes ago I think there are many addicted fire personnel and emergency personnel. You can kinda tell when you see them. Vacant faces, 1000 mile stares. It's weird. Don't remember that from previously.
Reply Report Abuse
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
W562PD to YA5LK
Thanks, idiots !!!!!
Henry...................................................... looks like another of your churchy friends??????????????????
Cause that ho Jessica sho nuff be a lil Christian like you and your "renters" and Colin's buddy, FITZ the preacher.
THIS IS AWESOME THOUGH: Nothing like bringing it to me.
There is also YA5LD and YA5L1 ?? I believe which belonged to spence roberts until the fat chicken shit changed it. NOT JESS. She's GOT PROTECTION. LOL !!!
With all proceeds going to fund the needs of the St. George Island volunteer fire department and first responders, Shepard made a push this year to spread word that the department's ladder truck was instrumental in quenching a devastating fire at a downtown Apalachicola bank last November.
"I knew it was going to be tough, with the way the economy is," he said.
In a letter to last year's participants, Shepard provided a link to Howard Reeder's video of the fire, complete with images of the ladder truck helping prevent a widespread conflagration downtown such as what leveled the city in 1900.
"The ladder truck was purchased three years ago with proceeds raised at the Chili Cookoff," he wrote to last year's field. "Without you guys, there would be no cook-off. In a roundabout way, you all helped save Apalachicola. That's your fire truck. Our people are responsible for that truck being there."
Highlighting the cook-off's returnees are 2001 and 2004 winner Diane Melancon, of Double D Chili, out of Gonzales, LA; 2005 winner Ron Judson, of Great American Chili Co. Too, out of Red Bluff, CA; 2006 winner Bruce Gaylor, of Dead Serious Chili #3, of Tampa; 2007 winner Doug Smith, of Dead Serious Chili, out of Clearwater; and last year's champ, Paul Nunn, of Nunn Better Chili, out of Ft. Pierce.
The cook-off has expanded mightily since it started 27 years ago and, a few years following that, decided to draw more participants by becoming official within chili circles.
"We joined the ICS as a way to get chili cooks to come," said Shepard. "And that worked out and this became part of the steppingstone for serious cooks to go on to the national championship.
When he considers the field of contestants, Shepard said it ranges from purists, looking for a win that will propel them to the world championships, to those who are on the island mainly to have a good time, and savor the frivolity and camaraderie the cook-off brings.
"And there's like the Parrotheads," Shepard said, citing a boisterous group with chapters in both Atlanta and Tallahassee that each year takes part in the cook-off.
"Those guys are here to party," he said. "They're not concerned so much for the actual chili competition. But they bring five to six carloads of people, they rent places and they shop at the local grocery."
With one foot in both camps are groups like Tampa's Dead Serious chili teams, who bring a casket and cut flowers as a playful, macabre touch to their efforts, and who won last year and are usually among the top finalists.
In addition to a ticket to the world championship, competitors compete for a $500 prize for first place, a $300 check for second place, and a $200 prize for third place. Plaques are also awarded to the best booth, best showmanship and high yield, which means most money raised from $1 cup sales that benefit the fire department.
The weekend gets underway Thursday morning with a golf tournament at St. James Bay Golf Course, with tee time at 11 a.m. Golfers are welcome to show up on day of tourney; entry fee is $100 per golfer.
Friday's activities begin with an art preview from 5 to 7 p.m. in the civic hall of the Jay Abbott fire house on East Pine Street. Admission is a $5 preview donation.
On Saturday, the 5K Red Pepper Run gets underway at 8 a.m., under the direction of Susan Bassett.
Booth set-up begins at 8:30 a.m., followed by the 9:30 a.m. start of the amateur crock pot chili competition. These are chilies prepared at home, minimum one gallon, with no rules for competition There is a $5 entry fee, and all proceeds go to the charity cook-off.
The formal competition begins at 10 a.m. with chopping, slicing, marinating, and the like, with stoves lit officially at 11 a.m. Rules in effect include no beans, pasta, etc. chili prepared on site from scratch, no prepackaged chili mixes, meat may be cut, sliced or ground in advance, but not treated or cooked except during competition.
The charity auction, conducted by Wade Clark and Harry Arnold, begins at 11 a.m. followed by booth and showmanship judging beginning at 11:30 a.m.
Ticia Lipscomb, the cookoff's treasurer, said the list of items to be auctioned off include a 2002 Ford Explorer "in excellent condition, with all the records from the day it was bought."
Also being auctioned are a 1987 23' Proline fishing boat, a 22' sailboat, and a 17' aluminum canoe, as well over a hundred items ranging from unique art to gift certificates to vacation stays and more.
The Miss Chili Pepper and Mister Hot Sauce judging is between noon and 1:30 p.m., with chili judging at 2 p.m.
The "King Cotton Blues Band" will start playing at around 3 p.m., once the auction stops.
For more info on the chili cook-off, go to http://www.stgeorgeislandchili.com or call 927-3473.
Chili cooks, are you ready?
Listed below are the list of participants for the Gulf Coast Regional competition, Saturday, March 7 at the 27th annual St. George Island Chili Cookoff.
Cooks Team Name City/State
Rex Humphries
and Susan Gary Owl Café Apalachicola
Douglas Essing Me, Myself & I Brandon
Steve King Funky Oyster Shack Carrabelle
George Pruitt Eastpoint Fire Dept Chili Team Eastpoint
Steve Merrill Blow & Go Lynn Haven
Paul Nunn Nunn Better Chili Ft Pierce
Tim Nunn Nunn Better Chili Two MacClenny
Jonathan Joseph Atlantic Coast Chili Company Titusville
Ken Burke Dead Serious Tampa
Bruce Gaylor Dead Serious Tampa
Doug Smith Dead Serious Clearwater
Larry Meitensieger Dead Serious Clearwater
Doug Roy K.A.T.N. Chili Clearwater
George Nelson Crawfordville
Bobby Tyre Tallahassee Parrotheads Crawfordville
Richard Saucer Lighthouse Chili St. George Island
John Alexander Emerald Coast Chili Gulf Breeze
John Alexander Emerald Coast Chili Gulf Breeze
Chris Moore
and Ted Bergquist The 19th Bowl Tallahassee
Sandy Walker G.R.I.T.'s Chili Tallahassee
Larry Hines Big Belly Chili Tallahassee
Ron Humphries
and Dana Kelly Mad Cow Chili Tallahassee
Rick Peckham Peckerhead Chili Tallahassee
Chuck Stubbs Blue Water Cooking Company Tallahassee
Bill Avery Team Waterdog Tallahassee
Kim Poole
and Dana Jones Hot Lips Chili Tallahassee
Chuck Markley White Dog Chili Tallahassee
Lee Harrison White Dog Chili Tallahassee
John Homan Rajin Cajun Tallahassee
Matt Carson Decent Chili Tallahassee
Corey Clark Yellow Creek Swamp Sauce Quincy
Chad West Yellow Creek Swamp Sauce Quincy
Mike Vowell Whistle Stop Chili Panacea
Tracy Connors
and Jim Long Red Hot Chili Peppers Panama City
Jim Fulton Red Hots Panama City
John Kowals Beach Bums Panama City Beach
Holly Melzer Swamp Gas Chili Panama City Beach
Wanda Gangswich Three Sheets to the Wind Panama City Beach
Douglas Essing Brandon
Trent Hatcher Buffalo Breath Chili Santa Rosa Beach
Larry Weltikol Palm Coast
Jan Weltikol Palm Coast
Rus Pishnery Holly Tamales Wewahitchka
Lynn Ellis Bubba and Cha Cha's Chili Acworth, GA
Mark Tolar Atlanta Parrotheads Atlanta, GA
Pete Zimheld
and Jim Lambert Team OAF Atlanta, GA
Payton Nesmith Chili Chokers Boston GA
Steven Nelson D & D Chili Canton, GA
Lane Blair Fatty Blair's Bowl of Red Douglasville, GA
Gary Glass Racing Good Chili Fayetteville, GA
Don Simmons 4-Amigos Hahira, GA
John Blackwell Red Tail Chili Kennesaw, GA
Julia Spires Laughing Pepper 2 Lawrenceville, GA
David Dittmar Laughing Pepper 1 Lawrenceville, GA
Chuck Reeve Bus from Heaven, Chili from Hell Lawrenceville GA
Sabrina Reeve Bus from Heaven, Chili from Hell Lawrenceville GA
Glenn Chandler Outlaw Chili Lawrenceville, GA
Connie Porter Outlaw Chili II Lawrenceville, GA
Jerry Harrell Bulls Dozers Macon, GA
Rocky Mills Big Shots Chili Macon, GA
Calvin Nolan Tabasco Jacks Valdosta, GA
Jim Fielding Lowndes County Chili Steamers Valdosta, GA
Gary Dorris Team Toilet Bowl Valdosta, GA
Ed Branch Team Toilet Bowl Valdosta, GA
Diane Melancon Double D Chili Gonzales, LA
Norman Melancon Double D Chili Gonzales, LA
Ron Judson Great American Chili Co. Too Red Bluff, CA
Rocky Rockwell Buffalo Breath Chili Rochester, NY
J.G. Carver The Spice Boys Hoover, AL
Charlie Chile Charlie Livonia, MI
Pete Skwiers Haunted Chili Livonia, MI
See archived 'Local News' stories »I guess this eplains why otto is still at tampa trib and why his sister is jess's good friend at the YMCA... huh???? Does your ugly fat ass also pass by unnoticed like brad culpepper??? LOL ! Oh, HENRY. You should retire.
Henry...................................................... looks like another of your churchy friends??????????????????
Cause that ho Jessica sho nuff be a lil Christian like you and your "renters" and Colin's buddy, FITZ the preacher.
THIS IS AWESOME THOUGH: Nothing like bringing it to me.
There is also YA5LD and YA5L1 ?? I believe which belonged to spence roberts until the fat chicken shit changed it. NOT JESS. She's GOT PROTECTION. LOL !!!
With all proceeds going to fund the needs of the St. George Island volunteer fire department and first responders, Shepard made a push this year to spread word that the department's ladder truck was instrumental in quenching a devastating fire at a downtown Apalachicola bank last November.
"I knew it was going to be tough, with the way the economy is," he said.
In a letter to last year's participants, Shepard provided a link to Howard Reeder's video of the fire, complete with images of the ladder truck helping prevent a widespread conflagration downtown such as what leveled the city in 1900.
"The ladder truck was purchased three years ago with proceeds raised at the Chili Cookoff," he wrote to last year's field. "Without you guys, there would be no cook-off. In a roundabout way, you all helped save Apalachicola. That's your fire truck. Our people are responsible for that truck being there."
Highlighting the cook-off's returnees are 2001 and 2004 winner Diane Melancon, of Double D Chili, out of Gonzales, LA; 2005 winner Ron Judson, of Great American Chili Co. Too, out of Red Bluff, CA; 2006 winner Bruce Gaylor, of Dead Serious Chili #3, of Tampa; 2007 winner Doug Smith, of Dead Serious Chili, out of Clearwater; and last year's champ, Paul Nunn, of Nunn Better Chili, out of Ft. Pierce.
The cook-off has expanded mightily since it started 27 years ago and, a few years following that, decided to draw more participants by becoming official within chili circles.
"We joined the ICS as a way to get chili cooks to come," said Shepard. "And that worked out and this became part of the steppingstone for serious cooks to go on to the national championship.
When he considers the field of contestants, Shepard said it ranges from purists, looking for a win that will propel them to the world championships, to those who are on the island mainly to have a good time, and savor the frivolity and camaraderie the cook-off brings.
"And there's like the Parrotheads," Shepard said, citing a boisterous group with chapters in both Atlanta and Tallahassee that each year takes part in the cook-off.
"Those guys are here to party," he said. "They're not concerned so much for the actual chili competition. But they bring five to six carloads of people, they rent places and they shop at the local grocery."
With one foot in both camps are groups like Tampa's Dead Serious chili teams, who bring a casket and cut flowers as a playful, macabre touch to their efforts, and who won last year and are usually among the top finalists.
In addition to a ticket to the world championship, competitors compete for a $500 prize for first place, a $300 check for second place, and a $200 prize for third place. Plaques are also awarded to the best booth, best showmanship and high yield, which means most money raised from $1 cup sales that benefit the fire department.
The weekend gets underway Thursday morning with a golf tournament at St. James Bay Golf Course, with tee time at 11 a.m. Golfers are welcome to show up on day of tourney; entry fee is $100 per golfer.
Friday's activities begin with an art preview from 5 to 7 p.m. in the civic hall of the Jay Abbott fire house on East Pine Street. Admission is a $5 preview donation.
On Saturday, the 5K Red Pepper Run gets underway at 8 a.m., under the direction of Susan Bassett.
Booth set-up begins at 8:30 a.m., followed by the 9:30 a.m. start of the amateur crock pot chili competition. These are chilies prepared at home, minimum one gallon, with no rules for competition There is a $5 entry fee, and all proceeds go to the charity cook-off.
The formal competition begins at 10 a.m. with chopping, slicing, marinating, and the like, with stoves lit officially at 11 a.m. Rules in effect include no beans, pasta, etc. chili prepared on site from scratch, no prepackaged chili mixes, meat may be cut, sliced or ground in advance, but not treated or cooked except during competition.
The charity auction, conducted by Wade Clark and Harry Arnold, begins at 11 a.m. followed by booth and showmanship judging beginning at 11:30 a.m.
Ticia Lipscomb, the cookoff's treasurer, said the list of items to be auctioned off include a 2002 Ford Explorer "in excellent condition, with all the records from the day it was bought."
Also being auctioned are a 1987 23' Proline fishing boat, a 22' sailboat, and a 17' aluminum canoe, as well over a hundred items ranging from unique art to gift certificates to vacation stays and more.
The Miss Chili Pepper and Mister Hot Sauce judging is between noon and 1:30 p.m., with chili judging at 2 p.m.
The "King Cotton Blues Band" will start playing at around 3 p.m., once the auction stops.
For more info on the chili cook-off, go to http://www.stgeorgeislandchili.com or call 927-3473.
Chili cooks, are you ready?
Listed below are the list of participants for the Gulf Coast Regional competition, Saturday, March 7 at the 27th annual St. George Island Chili Cookoff.
Cooks Team Name City/State
Rex Humphries
and Susan Gary Owl Café Apalachicola
Douglas Essing Me, Myself & I Brandon
Steve King Funky Oyster Shack Carrabelle
George Pruitt Eastpoint Fire Dept Chili Team Eastpoint
Steve Merrill Blow & Go Lynn Haven
Paul Nunn Nunn Better Chili Ft Pierce
Tim Nunn Nunn Better Chili Two MacClenny
Jonathan Joseph Atlantic Coast Chili Company Titusville
Ken Burke Dead Serious Tampa
Bruce Gaylor Dead Serious Tampa
Doug Smith Dead Serious Clearwater
Larry Meitensieger Dead Serious Clearwater
Doug Roy K.A.T.N. Chili Clearwater
George Nelson Crawfordville
Bobby Tyre Tallahassee Parrotheads Crawfordville
Richard Saucer Lighthouse Chili St. George Island
John Alexander Emerald Coast Chili Gulf Breeze
John Alexander Emerald Coast Chili Gulf Breeze
Chris Moore
and Ted Bergquist The 19th Bowl Tallahassee
Sandy Walker G.R.I.T.'s Chili Tallahassee
Larry Hines Big Belly Chili Tallahassee
Ron Humphries
and Dana Kelly Mad Cow Chili Tallahassee
Rick Peckham Peckerhead Chili Tallahassee
Chuck Stubbs Blue Water Cooking Company Tallahassee
Bill Avery Team Waterdog Tallahassee
Kim Poole
and Dana Jones Hot Lips Chili Tallahassee
Chuck Markley White Dog Chili Tallahassee
Lee Harrison White Dog Chili Tallahassee
John Homan Rajin Cajun Tallahassee
Matt Carson Decent Chili Tallahassee
Corey Clark Yellow Creek Swamp Sauce Quincy
Chad West Yellow Creek Swamp Sauce Quincy
Mike Vowell Whistle Stop Chili Panacea
Tracy Connors
and Jim Long Red Hot Chili Peppers Panama City
Jim Fulton Red Hots Panama City
John Kowals Beach Bums Panama City Beach
Holly Melzer Swamp Gas Chili Panama City Beach
Wanda Gangswich Three Sheets to the Wind Panama City Beach
Douglas Essing Brandon
Trent Hatcher Buffalo Breath Chili Santa Rosa Beach
Larry Weltikol Palm Coast
Jan Weltikol Palm Coast
Rus Pishnery Holly Tamales Wewahitchka
Lynn Ellis Bubba and Cha Cha's Chili Acworth, GA
Mark Tolar Atlanta Parrotheads Atlanta, GA
Pete Zimheld
and Jim Lambert Team OAF Atlanta, GA
Payton Nesmith Chili Chokers Boston GA
Steven Nelson D & D Chili Canton, GA
Lane Blair Fatty Blair's Bowl of Red Douglasville, GA
Gary Glass Racing Good Chili Fayetteville, GA
Don Simmons 4-Amigos Hahira, GA
John Blackwell Red Tail Chili Kennesaw, GA
Julia Spires Laughing Pepper 2 Lawrenceville, GA
David Dittmar Laughing Pepper 1 Lawrenceville, GA
Chuck Reeve Bus from Heaven, Chili from Hell Lawrenceville GA
Sabrina Reeve Bus from Heaven, Chili from Hell Lawrenceville GA
Glenn Chandler Outlaw Chili Lawrenceville, GA
Connie Porter Outlaw Chili II Lawrenceville, GA
Jerry Harrell Bulls Dozers Macon, GA
Rocky Mills Big Shots Chili Macon, GA
Calvin Nolan Tabasco Jacks Valdosta, GA
Jim Fielding Lowndes County Chili Steamers Valdosta, GA
Gary Dorris Team Toilet Bowl Valdosta, GA
Ed Branch Team Toilet Bowl Valdosta, GA
Diane Melancon Double D Chili Gonzales, LA
Norman Melancon Double D Chili Gonzales, LA
Ron Judson Great American Chili Co. Too Red Bluff, CA
Rocky Rockwell Buffalo Breath Chili Rochester, NY
J.G. Carver The Spice Boys Hoover, AL
Charlie Chile Charlie Livonia, MI
Pete Skwiers Haunted Chili Livonia, MI
See archived 'Local News' stories »I guess this eplains why otto is still at tampa trib and why his sister is jess's good friend at the YMCA... huh???? Does your ugly fat ass also pass by unnoticed like brad culpepper??? LOL ! Oh, HENRY. You should retire.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
firefighter murder
Accident in Lawrence kills firefighter, injures 2 children
A deadly accident that killed a firefighter is under investigation in Lawrence.
Comments 1Share64
Photo: Firefighter killed in accident
By News Staff
4:28 p.m. EDT, June 9, 2011
Lawrence, Ind.—
A Pike Township firefighter died in an accident involving a semi-truck Thursday afternoon.
According to officials, a box truck rear-ended a semi-truck on Pendelton Pike. The box truck then went across the road and hit a pickup truck. The driver of the pickup, Pike Township firefighter James Shelly, 35, was killed.
According to authorities, two of Shelley's four children were in the pickup at the time. There's no word on if they were hurt. Shelly's wife, who was driving behind her husband, saw the whole thing happen.
According to the Pike Township Fire Department, Shelly joined the department in 2009 and was a member of the PTFD Honor Guard.
A deadly accident that killed a firefighter is under investigation in Lawrence.
Comments 1Share64
Photo: Firefighter killed in accident
By News Staff
4:28 p.m. EDT, June 9, 2011
Lawrence, Ind.—
A Pike Township firefighter died in an accident involving a semi-truck Thursday afternoon.
According to officials, a box truck rear-ended a semi-truck on Pendelton Pike. The box truck then went across the road and hit a pickup truck. The driver of the pickup, Pike Township firefighter James Shelly, 35, was killed.
According to authorities, two of Shelley's four children were in the pickup at the time. There's no word on if they were hurt. Shelly's wife, who was driving behind her husband, saw the whole thing happen.
According to the Pike Township Fire Department, Shelly joined the department in 2009 and was a member of the PTFD Honor Guard.
Fire Rats turning on each other ... YAY
How long would it take before they would turn on each other? NOT LONG !!! LOL !!
Firefighter stalking hearing Friday
By: Darrell Todd Maurina
I've been reading this gentleman's articles since I found this firefighter stalking one and he appears to be an exceptional talent.
More here.
SAINT ROBERT, Mo. (Aug. 22, 2011) — A Rolla-area judge has been assigned to handle a request for protection orders between the St. Robert assistant fire chief and the former emergency response coordinator for the American Red Cross’s Phelps-Pulaski County unit.
According to court records, Phelps County Associate Circuit Judge Bill Hickle will hear the two cases at 9 a.m. Friday in the Pulaski County Courthouse in which Assistant Fire Chief Gregory D. Polk and former firefighter Joseph P. Krill Jr. accuse each other of various stalking-related offenses and say they’re afraid of each other. The case was assigned by Presiding Judge Tracy Storie to Hickle because Associate Circuit Judge Greg Warren, who knows both men, decided on Aug. 3 that he couldn’t handle the case.
In addition to their roles on the St. Robert Fire Department, Assistant Fire Chief Gregory D. Polk and former firefighter Joseph P. Krill Jr. are both well-known as community leaders. Polk’s volunteer work with the St. Robert Fire Department began while he was still a drill sergeant at Fort Leonard Wood and he’s served as a Missouri National Guard recruiter. Krill, a medically disabled veteran, received the 2006 Waynesville-St. Robert Chamber of Commerce citizen of the year award for his numerous volunteer activities, which have included the Pulaski County Red Cross, Habitat for Humanity, and Fort Leonard Wood Thrift Shop. Krill also ran for Waynesville city council several times, but was defeated.
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Firefighter stalking hearing Friday
By: Darrell Todd Maurina
I've been reading this gentleman's articles since I found this firefighter stalking one and he appears to be an exceptional talent.
More here.
SAINT ROBERT, Mo. (Aug. 22, 2011) — A Rolla-area judge has been assigned to handle a request for protection orders between the St. Robert assistant fire chief and the former emergency response coordinator for the American Red Cross’s Phelps-Pulaski County unit.
According to court records, Phelps County Associate Circuit Judge Bill Hickle will hear the two cases at 9 a.m. Friday in the Pulaski County Courthouse in which Assistant Fire Chief Gregory D. Polk and former firefighter Joseph P. Krill Jr. accuse each other of various stalking-related offenses and say they’re afraid of each other. The case was assigned by Presiding Judge Tracy Storie to Hickle because Associate Circuit Judge Greg Warren, who knows both men, decided on Aug. 3 that he couldn’t handle the case.
In addition to their roles on the St. Robert Fire Department, Assistant Fire Chief Gregory D. Polk and former firefighter Joseph P. Krill Jr. are both well-known as community leaders. Polk’s volunteer work with the St. Robert Fire Department began while he was still a drill sergeant at Fort Leonard Wood and he’s served as a Missouri National Guard recruiter. Krill, a medically disabled veteran, received the 2006 Waynesville-St. Robert Chamber of Commerce citizen of the year award for his numerous volunteer activities, which have included the Pulaski County Red Cross, Habitat for Humanity, and Fort Leonard Wood Thrift Shop. Krill also ran for Waynesville city council several times, but was defeated.
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Thursday, September 8, 2011
How do they KEEP missing the drive thru fire stations??
Hillsborough deputies shut down drive-through drug operation near University Mall, expect more arrests
By Jessica Vander Velde, Times Staff Writer
In Print: Thursday, September 8, 2011
Hillsborough deputies stand in the courtyard of the Pines I Apartments, 11720 N 14th St., near University Mall in Tampa on Wednesday where a drug “drive-through” was discovered.
TAMPA — One by one, motorists arrived, rolling down windows and giving up cash, as they would at a fast-food restaurant.
This drive-through opened at 11 a.m. some days, but lunch was never on the menu.
Instead, customers could order cocaine, oxycodone, ecstasy and marijuana. Guns, too.
At a news conference Wednesday, the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office announced that it had broken up a drug trafficking ring that caught even investigators by surprise.
About 11 months ago, deputies began building cases against two men reputed to be dealing drugs in a neighborhood near University Mall.
Investigators thought Zavien Brand, 28, and Joseph Nurse, 35, might lead them to a few more people, maybe six or eight, said sheriff's Maj. J.R. Burton.
But the small undercover probe soon turned into a larger investigation — dubbed Operation Pandora's Box — as deputies realized the area's loose-knit group of dealers included dozens of people.
On Wednesday, sheriff's officials announced they had 54 warrants and, as of 4 p.m., 32 arrests, most on drug and gun possession charges.
"We had no idea this was going on," Burton said.
They focused on several addresses in the neighborhood near Nebraska and Fletcher avenues. The drive-through was at the Pines I Apartments at 11720 N 14th St., deputies said.
Deputies took 29 guns off the street, including seven assault rifles and two weapons believed to be linked to shootings in the area.
Also seized: about 1.3 pounds of crack cocaine, 0.64 ounces of powder cocaine, 0.25 ounces of oxycodone and some ecstasy — valued at about $75,000 total, Burton said.
Burton hopes the operation sends a message to an area that has long struggled with crime, and he wants residents to know that deputies aren't done.
Brand was charged with dealing crack cocaine and being a felon in possession of a gun. Nurse was charged with dealing crack cocaine, marijuana and stolen property.
Deputies planned to continue executing search warrants until they arrest all 54 suspects.
Times news researcher John Martin contributed to this report. Jessica Vander Velde can be reached at (813) 226-3433 or jvandervelde@sptimes.com.
[Last modified: Sep 08, 2011 12:02 AM]
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Tampa Law Dog Sep 7, 2011 3:53 PM Yesterday Good to see that the TPD is finally getting this together... Whoops, excuse me, there is someone at my door.
Report Abuse 0 2 Ya_Mad_Bro_COMEON Sep 8, 2011 2:34 PM About 3 hours ago LOL !!! That is the first funny thing you have ever said. Reply
Report Abuse 0 1 JoeInPinellasPark Sep 7, 2011 3:55 PM Yesterday I guess you have to have some kind of license to sell guns? Is that the way it works? Cus the way I understand it, you don't need anything to buy a gun.
Report Abuse 2 1 Larry F. Sep 7, 2011 4:05 PM Yesterday Not from the B.A.T.F. anyway. Reply
Report Abuse 0 1 beakie Sep 8, 2011 8:13 AM About 9 hours ago Straight up cash money, holmes. Thank the NRA for our free wheeling 2nd Amendment bang-bang yee-haw utopia. Of course when a policeman or three gets shot it's someone else's fault. Reply
Report Abuse 1 1 TampaBayBob Sep 7, 2011 4:41 PM Yesterday B.A.T.F. was involved because convicted felons in the possession of firearms and/or ammunition is a 5-yr Federal Felony. Not to mention selling weapons in a drug trafficking operation. They also get 1st pick of the litter which puts them in the Federal Judiciary System ahead of any State charges. Guarantees a slam dunk with layers upon layers of charges to ensure something sticks. I also believe the Federal System does not have a Parole Board so you have to serve all of your sentence (correct me if I'm wrong on this). No early release for 'good behavior' or overcrowding.
Report Abuse 0 1 carrymyownweight Sep 7, 2011 5:25 PM Yesterday That's not what he was referring to. He was referring to the sale of guns by BATF to Mexican gun runners in Arizona, the result of which was those guns being used to kill two American agents. You know, the investigation Obama and Holder are stonewalling?? Reply
Report Abuse 2 1 SonnyBurnett Sep 7, 2011 5:18 PM Yesterday More people.out of work, come gov Scott, legalize drugs and prostitutes
Report Abuse 1 1 Ya_Mad_Bro_COMEON Sep 8, 2011 2:33 PM About 3 hours ago duh. Now come get the m'fers protected by the sheriff's boy earl howard harper in the hood bordered by waters, nebraska, florida and yukon. With an address in that hood you can get pulled over with a quarter pound under your seat and they will call someone to come pick up the car. While I DO appreciate that, I am sick of your nasty puerto rican gangsters, sheriff gee. Either tell them to leave the rest of us the F alone or get them out of there. I know that won't happen because you want the property. BUT THAT will not be happening either no matter how many times you 'copter back and forth over the house. Don't forget the faux homeless shelter on Waters. And people stop wondering why Mike Roberts was murdered inside job in front of another faux homeless shelter. By a puerto rican gangster. Delgado is no more homeless than I am.
By Jessica Vander Velde, Times Staff Writer
In Print: Thursday, September 8, 2011
Hillsborough deputies stand in the courtyard of the Pines I Apartments, 11720 N 14th St., near University Mall in Tampa on Wednesday where a drug “drive-through” was discovered.
TAMPA — One by one, motorists arrived, rolling down windows and giving up cash, as they would at a fast-food restaurant.
This drive-through opened at 11 a.m. some days, but lunch was never on the menu.
Instead, customers could order cocaine, oxycodone, ecstasy and marijuana. Guns, too.
At a news conference Wednesday, the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office announced that it had broken up a drug trafficking ring that caught even investigators by surprise.
About 11 months ago, deputies began building cases against two men reputed to be dealing drugs in a neighborhood near University Mall.
Investigators thought Zavien Brand, 28, and Joseph Nurse, 35, might lead them to a few more people, maybe six or eight, said sheriff's Maj. J.R. Burton.
But the small undercover probe soon turned into a larger investigation — dubbed Operation Pandora's Box — as deputies realized the area's loose-knit group of dealers included dozens of people.
On Wednesday, sheriff's officials announced they had 54 warrants and, as of 4 p.m., 32 arrests, most on drug and gun possession charges.
"We had no idea this was going on," Burton said.
They focused on several addresses in the neighborhood near Nebraska and Fletcher avenues. The drive-through was at the Pines I Apartments at 11720 N 14th St., deputies said.
Deputies took 29 guns off the street, including seven assault rifles and two weapons believed to be linked to shootings in the area.
Also seized: about 1.3 pounds of crack cocaine, 0.64 ounces of powder cocaine, 0.25 ounces of oxycodone and some ecstasy — valued at about $75,000 total, Burton said.
Burton hopes the operation sends a message to an area that has long struggled with crime, and he wants residents to know that deputies aren't done.
Brand was charged with dealing crack cocaine and being a felon in possession of a gun. Nurse was charged with dealing crack cocaine, marijuana and stolen property.
Deputies planned to continue executing search warrants until they arrest all 54 suspects.
Times news researcher John Martin contributed to this report. Jessica Vander Velde can be reached at (813) 226-3433 or jvandervelde@sptimes.com.
[Last modified: Sep 08, 2011 12:02 AM]
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Tampa Law Dog Sep 7, 2011 3:53 PM Yesterday Good to see that the TPD is finally getting this together... Whoops, excuse me, there is someone at my door.
Report Abuse 0 2 Ya_Mad_Bro_COMEON Sep 8, 2011 2:34 PM About 3 hours ago LOL !!! That is the first funny thing you have ever said. Reply
Report Abuse 0 1 JoeInPinellasPark Sep 7, 2011 3:55 PM Yesterday I guess you have to have some kind of license to sell guns? Is that the way it works? Cus the way I understand it, you don't need anything to buy a gun.
Report Abuse 2 1 Larry F. Sep 7, 2011 4:05 PM Yesterday Not from the B.A.T.F. anyway. Reply
Report Abuse 0 1 beakie Sep 8, 2011 8:13 AM About 9 hours ago Straight up cash money, holmes. Thank the NRA for our free wheeling 2nd Amendment bang-bang yee-haw utopia. Of course when a policeman or three gets shot it's someone else's fault. Reply
Report Abuse 1 1 TampaBayBob Sep 7, 2011 4:41 PM Yesterday B.A.T.F. was involved because convicted felons in the possession of firearms and/or ammunition is a 5-yr Federal Felony. Not to mention selling weapons in a drug trafficking operation. They also get 1st pick of the litter which puts them in the Federal Judiciary System ahead of any State charges. Guarantees a slam dunk with layers upon layers of charges to ensure something sticks. I also believe the Federal System does not have a Parole Board so you have to serve all of your sentence (correct me if I'm wrong on this). No early release for 'good behavior' or overcrowding.
Report Abuse 0 1 carrymyownweight Sep 7, 2011 5:25 PM Yesterday That's not what he was referring to. He was referring to the sale of guns by BATF to Mexican gun runners in Arizona, the result of which was those guns being used to kill two American agents. You know, the investigation Obama and Holder are stonewalling?? Reply
Report Abuse 2 1 SonnyBurnett Sep 7, 2011 5:18 PM Yesterday More people.out of work, come gov Scott, legalize drugs and prostitutes
Report Abuse 1 1 Ya_Mad_Bro_COMEON Sep 8, 2011 2:33 PM About 3 hours ago duh. Now come get the m'fers protected by the sheriff's boy earl howard harper in the hood bordered by waters, nebraska, florida and yukon. With an address in that hood you can get pulled over with a quarter pound under your seat and they will call someone to come pick up the car. While I DO appreciate that, I am sick of your nasty puerto rican gangsters, sheriff gee. Either tell them to leave the rest of us the F alone or get them out of there. I know that won't happen because you want the property. BUT THAT will not be happening either no matter how many times you 'copter back and forth over the house. Don't forget the faux homeless shelter on Waters. And people stop wondering why Mike Roberts was murdered inside job in front of another faux homeless shelter. By a puerto rican gangster. Delgado is no more homeless than I am.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
firefighters whiz by spt updates .... loser firepigs
He was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital.
McCoy, an 11-year veteran of the agency, was assigned to administrative duties.
In 2008, McCoy was awarded the Governor's Medal of Heroism, an award presented to first responders who knowingly risk their lives in the line of duty.
On June 7, McCoy shot and killed murder suspect Jorge Bello Garcia, 54, as Garcia struggled to wrestle the gun away from a wounded deputy.
Deputies surrounded Garcia's truck at Linebaugh Avenue and Henderson Road after being warned that he had just killed three people. Garcia shot and injured Deputies Ray Wilson and Arthur "Art" Lence before McCoy fired the fatal shot.
In September, McCoy received the Sheriff's Office Medal of Honor from Sheriff David Gee for his actions.
McCoy is an expert marksman.
When McCoy joined the force in 2000, he wrote on his application that he has "high proficiency" in firearm use. Then-Sheriff Cal Henderson praised him for getting the "Top Gun" award for his handgun proficiency at the law enforcement academy.
[Last modified: Sep 07, 2011 10:29 AM]
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WTFIUWSPT Sep 7, 2011 10:24 AM About 18 minutes ago A LEXUS?? I am never shocked anymore at the high end vehicles and multiple million dollar properties owned by our "civl" "servants". This is the guy who shot the guy who shot the firefighter folks, Bello and the two Ginas, whose family also owned the home (gina) the Brito kids were killed in. While I considered him brave his later comments about "carrying the shield of the Lord" (tbo.com) while being a deputy were strange. Nonetheless, I do hope he will be OK. Wonder why he was on administrative?? You're welcome, SPT. I'll go make another user name. Speedy recovery, deputy !! Those crappy lexus just fold up. Get a different car, people if you own one of those.
Report Abuse 0 1 luvstpete Sep 7, 2011 10:39 AM About 3 minutes ago It's a 12 year old Lexis. Get over yourself. Reply
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WTFIUWSPT Sep 7, 2011 10:43 AM Less than a minute ago do you have one?
McCoy, an 11-year veteran of the agency, was assigned to administrative duties.
In 2008, McCoy was awarded the Governor's Medal of Heroism, an award presented to first responders who knowingly risk their lives in the line of duty.
On June 7, McCoy shot and killed murder suspect Jorge Bello Garcia, 54, as Garcia struggled to wrestle the gun away from a wounded deputy.
Deputies surrounded Garcia's truck at Linebaugh Avenue and Henderson Road after being warned that he had just killed three people. Garcia shot and injured Deputies Ray Wilson and Arthur "Art" Lence before McCoy fired the fatal shot.
In September, McCoy received the Sheriff's Office Medal of Honor from Sheriff David Gee for his actions.
McCoy is an expert marksman.
When McCoy joined the force in 2000, he wrote on his application that he has "high proficiency" in firearm use. Then-Sheriff Cal Henderson praised him for getting the "Top Gun" award for his handgun proficiency at the law enforcement academy.
[Last modified: Sep 07, 2011 10:29 AM]
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WTFIUWSPT Sep 7, 2011 10:24 AM About 18 minutes ago A LEXUS?? I am never shocked anymore at the high end vehicles and multiple million dollar properties owned by our "civl" "servants". This is the guy who shot the guy who shot the firefighter folks, Bello and the two Ginas, whose family also owned the home (gina) the Brito kids were killed in. While I considered him brave his later comments about "carrying the shield of the Lord" (tbo.com) while being a deputy were strange. Nonetheless, I do hope he will be OK. Wonder why he was on administrative?? You're welcome, SPT. I'll go make another user name. Speedy recovery, deputy !! Those crappy lexus just fold up. Get a different car, people if you own one of those.
Report Abuse 0 1 luvstpete Sep 7, 2011 10:39 AM About 3 minutes ago It's a 12 year old Lexis. Get over yourself. Reply
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WTFIUWSPT Sep 7, 2011 10:43 AM Less than a minute ago do you have one?
Firefighter ties to Murder are near constant
Hillsborough sheriff's deputy in critical condition after crash
By Danny Valentine, Times Staff Writer
Posted: Sep 07, 2011 09:49 AM
TAMPA — A Hillsborough County sheriff's deputy was in critical condition Wednesday morning after he struck a tree in his personal vehicle while on his way to work, according to the Sheriff's Office.
Deputy Malachi McCoy, 32, was southbound about 6:15 a.m. on Gunn Highway near Tamarind Avenue when he hit a large puddle of water, lost control and left the roadway. His 1999 Lexus then struck a tree on the west side of the road, deputies said.
He was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital.
McCoy, an 11-year veteran of the agency, was assigned to administrative duties.
[Last modified: Sep 07, 2011 09:58 AM]
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WTFIUWSPT Sep 7, 2011 10:24 AM Less than a minute ago A LEXUS?? I am never shocked anymore at the high end vehicles and multiple million dollar properties owned by our "civl" "servants". This is the guy who shot the guy who shot the firefighter folks, Bello and the two Ginas, whose family also owned the home (gina) the Brito kids were killed in. While I considered him brave his later comments about "carrying the shield of the Lord" (tbo.com) while being a deputy were strange. Nonetheless, I do hope he will be OK. Wonder why he was on administrative?? You're welcome, SPT. I'll go make another user name. Speedy recovery, deputy !! Those crappy lexus just fold up. Get a different car, people if you own one of those
By Danny Valentine, Times Staff Writer
Posted: Sep 07, 2011 09:49 AM
TAMPA — A Hillsborough County sheriff's deputy was in critical condition Wednesday morning after he struck a tree in his personal vehicle while on his way to work, according to the Sheriff's Office.
Deputy Malachi McCoy, 32, was southbound about 6:15 a.m. on Gunn Highway near Tamarind Avenue when he hit a large puddle of water, lost control and left the roadway. His 1999 Lexus then struck a tree on the west side of the road, deputies said.
He was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital.
McCoy, an 11-year veteran of the agency, was assigned to administrative duties.
[Last modified: Sep 07, 2011 09:58 AM]
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WTFIUWSPT Sep 7, 2011 10:24 AM Less than a minute ago A LEXUS?? I am never shocked anymore at the high end vehicles and multiple million dollar properties owned by our "civl" "servants". This is the guy who shot the guy who shot the firefighter folks, Bello and the two Ginas, whose family also owned the home (gina) the Brito kids were killed in. While I considered him brave his later comments about "carrying the shield of the Lord" (tbo.com) while being a deputy were strange. Nonetheless, I do hope he will be OK. Wonder why he was on administrative?? You're welcome, SPT. I'll go make another user name. Speedy recovery, deputy !! Those crappy lexus just fold up. Get a different car, people if you own one of those
Monday, September 5, 2011
Typical Firefighter MEDIC death penalty THUG
I find it VERY uncomfortable a medic having such death wishes for his fellow citizens. It's a short leap from being judge jury and executioner in the back of an ambulance.
You DO SEE these thugs, right? Look at the people at your fire station and in your ambulances.... THUGS. Make no mistake. And many are also short clearly opening the door for short guy syndrome.
BEWARE and read down to south suwannee county.
Man shot by Tampa police
By David DeCamp, Times staff writer
Posted: Sep 04, 2011 09:59 PM
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A Tampa man was wounded Sunday night after he pointed a shotgun at officers who responded to a domestic dispute, police said.
The officers approached a home in the 1300 block of W Grace Street about 9:15 p.m. after a woman's 911 call, Assistant Police Chief Marc Hamlin said. During the 911 call, the woman was whispering into the phone and said someone in the house had a gun.
Three officers went to the house, and the woman came outside. That's when the officers saw a man with a shotgun, Hamlin said. The man pointed it at one of the officers, who shot him in the arm, Hamlin added.
Christopher Labrado, 34, suffered wounds that aren't life threatening, police said. It was Labrado's wife who made the 911 call, according to Hamlin.
Hamlin identified the officer involved as Carlos Houston, a six-year veteran who has been a Tampa officer for three years.
[Last modified: Sep 04, 2011 11:28 PM]
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lvnthedream Sep 5, 2011 2:39 AM About 12 hours ago Terrible tragedy that a man was killed most likely because he was drunk, high, or stoned. I feel bad for the officers, family, girlfriend, and all involved. I am glad that no police, or anyone else involved was injured or hurt. Condolences to the family.
Report Abuse 9 0 LiberalDem Sep 5, 2011 1:37 PM About 1 hour ago Drunk, high stoned and/or stupid are some of the best reasons I know to shoot a man aiming a shotgun at you. Heck just the fact he aimed the shot gun would be good enuff for me. Reply
Report Abuse 1 0 Mr Kitty Sep 5, 2011 3:17 AM About 11 hours ago It's nice to know that people who comment on articles are continuing in the fine tradition of not actually reading the articles. It's says that his injuries are not life threatening. AND you mind numbing twit, it was his wife not his girlfriend. And to automatically assume that the person was high, drunk or stoned (by the way being high and stoned are the same thing genius)just displays your own preconceived bias and ignorance.
Report Abuse 0 12 WTFIUWSPT Sep 5, 2011 4:01 AM About 10 hours ago Mr. Kitty, don't hold back none here at the st pete times, it's a free for all ... (wink wink) Reply
Report Abuse 2 3 inthekeyofebminor Sep 5, 2011 6:49 AM About 8 hours ago LOL on that! Reply
Report Abuse 0 3 hardraada Sep 5, 2011 10:10 AM About 4 hours ago Mr Kitty, don't be too hard on lvnthedream. We all know there will be stupid comments here. There will be ignorance displayed. Lack of reading skills. Bigotry. But, thanks to lvnthedream, we got all that out of the way right off! He's done us a great service. I'll do us two more: HITLER and OBAMA. There. Whew! Can we move on now? Reply
Report Abuse 0 2 WTFIUWSPT Sep 5, 2011 4:04 AM About 10 hours ago Officer Houston, thank you for not killing this man. I know it may have been an accident but if not, I appreciate that you could have and did not. People make stupid mistakes, they should not die for them and hopefully we'll never hear from Mr. Labrado again .... hope he learned a lesson and was not suicidal and that everything will turn out well for him. Take your fellow officers up to the range and show them the other parts on the body target to go for. Don't let them leave until they can go for something that is NOT a vital organ every time..
Report Abuse 9 2 WTFIUWSPT Sep 5, 2011 4:05 AM About 10 hours ago Officer Houston, thank you for not killing this man. I know it may have been an accident but if not, I appreciate that you could have and did not. People make stupid mistakes, they should not die for them and hopefully we'll never hear from Mr. Labrado again .... hope he learned a lesson and was not suicidal and that everything will turn out well for him. Take your fellow officers up to the range and show them the other parts on the body target to go for. Don't let them leave until they can go for something that is NOT a vital organ every time..
Report Abuse 4 0 Nightbiker Sep 5, 2011 8:08 AM About 6 hours ago Are you serious? What song would you be singing if the dimwit had pulled HIS trigger first? Close range to a shotgun, the cop wouldn't have stood much of a chance. I hope that the only reason he didn't hit him in the chest is because his arm was in the way (holding his shotgun). Reply
Report Abuse 1 4 WTFIUWSPT Sep 5, 2011 12:43 PM About 2 hours ago At or towards?? Big difference. To wit: "she came outside to talk and that's when officers saw man with shotgun." Did he see THEM? Or turn to look towards them? ergo gun moved with him? TPD cops are in serious need of more training. I've read their manual searching for why they don't know what drug houses look like. I've seen little tiny cops like bill dill call out nine cops over a boundary dispute where no one was armed or even angry. WTF? Only three cops here for a shot gun?The lady was walking around freely and using the phone. Something more to this story. It's a bad neighborhood and street but labrado has no record. Houston is a six year vet but only 3 years as an officer? I agree it was probably an accidental shooting in the arm. But there is much hyperbole when guns are involved. Get a grip. The man if distraught, did not deserve to die for being stupid or troubled. Reply
Report Abuse 0 2 Nightbiker Sep 5, 2011 8:08 AM About 6 hours ago Are you serious? What song would you be singing if the dimwit had pulled HIS trigger first? Close range to a shotgun, the cop wouldn't have stood much of a chance. I hope that the only reason he didn't hit him in the chest is because his arm was in the way (holding his shotgun). Reply
Report Abuse 0 0 hardraada Sep 5, 2011 10:13 AM About 4 hours ago heh. I did not say so in my own post (below) but if Officer Houston did NOT hit the man's arm because - as both you and I speculate - the arm was in front of his chest, then Officer Houston needs to go to the shooting range all right. To practice more. Reply
Report Abuse 1 1 beakie Sep 5, 2011 6:16 AM About 8 hours ago That's strange, usually the angry guy with the gun doesn't let the wife use the phone and go outside to talk to people.
Report Abuse 0 4 WTFIUWSPT Sep 5, 2011 12:45 PM About 2 hours ago beakie, I know the story as written does not add up. I also disagree he pointed the gun "at" them... chances are he did not see them and just turned towards them. He has no record at all and that's pretty significant at his age. Reply
Report Abuse 0 3 hardraada Sep 5, 2011 6:26 AM About 8 hours ago WTFIUWSPT "...People make stupid mistakes, they should not die for them..."
Perhaps you're just a much nicer person than I am. I don't think pointing a shotgun at a law enforcement officer is just "a stupid mistake" and yes, you SHOULD have to die for it. The man got off lucky. I assume the officer was shooting at center-mass but a man holding a shotgun has his arms in front of his chest.
Report Abuse 2 5 SlantedTimes Sep 5, 2011 8:26 AM About 6 hours ago Honey, that fool above is voxy. She is anything BUT a nice person. Reply
Report Abuse 1 2 hardraada Sep 5, 2011 10:04 AM About 4 hours ago I know. I was trying to be polite. I do that once a day. Reply
Report Abuse 1 2 WTFIUWSPT Sep 5, 2011 12:28 PM About 2 hours ago hardraada, it's not wasted. Try it as often as five times a day. Reply
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WTFIUWSPT Sep 5, 2011 2:30 PM Less than a minute ago Do you know me, slanted times? Ever spoken to me? If not then you know what you are doing, correct? Fabricating. Kindly stuff it.
Report Abuse luvstpete Sep 5, 2011 7:42 AM About 7 hours ago I hope his wife has the good sense to leave him and never look back. Next time he may kill her.
Report Abuse 0 4 repete Sep 5, 2011 9:26 AM About 5 hours ago 3 Officers Dead news at 11, this should have been quick 3 Officers respond to domestic battery call warned by wife man has gun, man with gun point it at officers,all 3 Officers open fire at gunman, gunman dead on sceen of multiple gunshot wounds news at 11.
Report Abuse 1 0 south suwannee county Sep 5, 2011 9:30 AM About 5 hours ago WTFIUWSPT how about calling the hospital he is on and agree to pay his medical bills, he pointed a gun at a officer he should be dead not having the tax payors taking care of him a few years in prison and will right back out to start over rehab does not work
Report Abuse 2 0 WTFIUWSPT Sep 5, 2011 12:53 PM About 2 hours ago ssc, nice user name?? Aren't you the same one calling for the death penalty for the kid who left his car running by accident? So perhaps you enjoy some bias towards death. As well, wtf you talkin bout? Florida prisons have no rehab. Reply
Report Abuse 0 0 south suwannee county Sep 5, 2011 1:57 PM About 1 hour ago you need to reread my post on the kid he should be charge i have no problem with the death penalty should be use faster Reply
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WTFIUWSPT Sep 5, 2011 2:36 PM Less than a minute ago mr/ms ssc, I am normally the last one to point out spelling. I just wonder if you are aware of your very frequent misspellings? I wonder where you were a ff/medic because here in tampa they require at LEAST a GED. Please don't take this as an insult as I said I don't personally care if y ou misspell your own name. I just wonder if there is a place for ff/medics where the standards are even lower than Tampa and Hillsborough County? As well, are you employed again? Just curious. And not in a mean way. Please don't misconstrue my comments.
Report Abuse south suwannee county Sep 5, 2011 1:59 PM About 1 hour ago as for as my user name that is were i retired to after 27 years as a ff/medic Reply
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WTFIUWSPT Sep 5, 2011 2:31 PM Less than a minute ago whoo. BIG surprise there. I love that lust for the death penalty from a supposed "first responder" responsible for "saving lives". So incongruous.
Report Abuse Mr Kitty Sep 5, 2011 1:11 PM About 1 hour ago Now why assume he can't pay his own bills? Reply
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WTFIUWSPT Sep 5, 2011 2:33 PM Less than a minute ago Mr. Kitty and also assuming I haven't already called and given them my debit card ...
Report Abuse lanienus Sep 5, 2011 10:35 AM About 4 hours ago It's always smart to be walking around with a SHOTGUN when police arrive on domestic calls. Perhaps a machette in the other hand would add to the fashion statement. This keeps officers alert and lets hem know you are not just another brick in the wall.
Report Abuse 1 0 WTFIUWSPT Sep 5, 2011 12:53 PM About 2 hours ago that is kind of a funny statement. lol. Reply
Report Abuse 0 0 lillapoyka Sep 5, 2011 10:41 AM About 4 hours ago too bad the cops didn't kill him. I'm sure I'm footing the bill for his healthcare.
Report Abuse 2 0 WTFIUWSPT Sep 5, 2011 12:55 PM About 2 hours ago wait, hardraada, you display so much common sense on the "drano teen" (could see that one coming .. what kid has more than what's under the kitchen sink?) but this guy deserves to die? What? For losing it once in 34 years ?
You DO SEE these thugs, right? Look at the people at your fire station and in your ambulances.... THUGS. Make no mistake. And many are also short clearly opening the door for short guy syndrome.
BEWARE and read down to south suwannee county.
Man shot by Tampa police
By David DeCamp, Times staff writer
Posted: Sep 04, 2011 09:59 PM
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A Tampa man was wounded Sunday night after he pointed a shotgun at officers who responded to a domestic dispute, police said.
The officers approached a home in the 1300 block of W Grace Street about 9:15 p.m. after a woman's 911 call, Assistant Police Chief Marc Hamlin said. During the 911 call, the woman was whispering into the phone and said someone in the house had a gun.
Three officers went to the house, and the woman came outside. That's when the officers saw a man with a shotgun, Hamlin said. The man pointed it at one of the officers, who shot him in the arm, Hamlin added.
Christopher Labrado, 34, suffered wounds that aren't life threatening, police said. It was Labrado's wife who made the 911 call, according to Hamlin.
Hamlin identified the officer involved as Carlos Houston, a six-year veteran who has been a Tampa officer for three years.
[Last modified: Sep 04, 2011 11:28 PM]
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Viewing 1 - 12 of 12 comments Oldest First Newest First Top Rated
lvnthedream Sep 5, 2011 2:39 AM About 12 hours ago Terrible tragedy that a man was killed most likely because he was drunk, high, or stoned. I feel bad for the officers, family, girlfriend, and all involved. I am glad that no police, or anyone else involved was injured or hurt. Condolences to the family.
Report Abuse 9 0 LiberalDem Sep 5, 2011 1:37 PM About 1 hour ago Drunk, high stoned and/or stupid are some of the best reasons I know to shoot a man aiming a shotgun at you. Heck just the fact he aimed the shot gun would be good enuff for me. Reply
Report Abuse 1 0 Mr Kitty Sep 5, 2011 3:17 AM About 11 hours ago It's nice to know that people who comment on articles are continuing in the fine tradition of not actually reading the articles. It's says that his injuries are not life threatening. AND you mind numbing twit, it was his wife not his girlfriend. And to automatically assume that the person was high, drunk or stoned (by the way being high and stoned are the same thing genius)just displays your own preconceived bias and ignorance.
Report Abuse 0 12 WTFIUWSPT Sep 5, 2011 4:01 AM About 10 hours ago Mr. Kitty, don't hold back none here at the st pete times, it's a free for all ... (wink wink) Reply
Report Abuse 2 3 inthekeyofebminor Sep 5, 2011 6:49 AM About 8 hours ago LOL on that! Reply
Report Abuse 0 3 hardraada Sep 5, 2011 10:10 AM About 4 hours ago Mr Kitty, don't be too hard on lvnthedream. We all know there will be stupid comments here. There will be ignorance displayed. Lack of reading skills. Bigotry. But, thanks to lvnthedream, we got all that out of the way right off! He's done us a great service. I'll do us two more: HITLER and OBAMA. There. Whew! Can we move on now? Reply
Report Abuse 0 2 WTFIUWSPT Sep 5, 2011 4:04 AM About 10 hours ago Officer Houston, thank you for not killing this man. I know it may have been an accident but if not, I appreciate that you could have and did not. People make stupid mistakes, they should not die for them and hopefully we'll never hear from Mr. Labrado again .... hope he learned a lesson and was not suicidal and that everything will turn out well for him. Take your fellow officers up to the range and show them the other parts on the body target to go for. Don't let them leave until they can go for something that is NOT a vital organ every time..
Report Abuse 9 2 WTFIUWSPT Sep 5, 2011 4:05 AM About 10 hours ago Officer Houston, thank you for not killing this man. I know it may have been an accident but if not, I appreciate that you could have and did not. People make stupid mistakes, they should not die for them and hopefully we'll never hear from Mr. Labrado again .... hope he learned a lesson and was not suicidal and that everything will turn out well for him. Take your fellow officers up to the range and show them the other parts on the body target to go for. Don't let them leave until they can go for something that is NOT a vital organ every time..
Report Abuse 4 0 Nightbiker Sep 5, 2011 8:08 AM About 6 hours ago Are you serious? What song would you be singing if the dimwit had pulled HIS trigger first? Close range to a shotgun, the cop wouldn't have stood much of a chance. I hope that the only reason he didn't hit him in the chest is because his arm was in the way (holding his shotgun). Reply
Report Abuse 1 4 WTFIUWSPT Sep 5, 2011 12:43 PM About 2 hours ago At or towards?? Big difference. To wit: "she came outside to talk and that's when officers saw man with shotgun." Did he see THEM? Or turn to look towards them? ergo gun moved with him? TPD cops are in serious need of more training. I've read their manual searching for why they don't know what drug houses look like. I've seen little tiny cops like bill dill call out nine cops over a boundary dispute where no one was armed or even angry. WTF? Only three cops here for a shot gun?The lady was walking around freely and using the phone. Something more to this story. It's a bad neighborhood and street but labrado has no record. Houston is a six year vet but only 3 years as an officer? I agree it was probably an accidental shooting in the arm. But there is much hyperbole when guns are involved. Get a grip. The man if distraught, did not deserve to die for being stupid or troubled. Reply
Report Abuse 0 2 Nightbiker Sep 5, 2011 8:08 AM About 6 hours ago Are you serious? What song would you be singing if the dimwit had pulled HIS trigger first? Close range to a shotgun, the cop wouldn't have stood much of a chance. I hope that the only reason he didn't hit him in the chest is because his arm was in the way (holding his shotgun). Reply
Report Abuse 0 0 hardraada Sep 5, 2011 10:13 AM About 4 hours ago heh. I did not say so in my own post (below) but if Officer Houston did NOT hit the man's arm because - as both you and I speculate - the arm was in front of his chest, then Officer Houston needs to go to the shooting range all right. To practice more. Reply
Report Abuse 1 1 beakie Sep 5, 2011 6:16 AM About 8 hours ago That's strange, usually the angry guy with the gun doesn't let the wife use the phone and go outside to talk to people.
Report Abuse 0 4 WTFIUWSPT Sep 5, 2011 12:45 PM About 2 hours ago beakie, I know the story as written does not add up. I also disagree he pointed the gun "at" them... chances are he did not see them and just turned towards them. He has no record at all and that's pretty significant at his age. Reply
Report Abuse 0 3 hardraada Sep 5, 2011 6:26 AM About 8 hours ago WTFIUWSPT "...People make stupid mistakes, they should not die for them..."
Perhaps you're just a much nicer person than I am. I don't think pointing a shotgun at a law enforcement officer is just "a stupid mistake" and yes, you SHOULD have to die for it. The man got off lucky. I assume the officer was shooting at center-mass but a man holding a shotgun has his arms in front of his chest.
Report Abuse 2 5 SlantedTimes Sep 5, 2011 8:26 AM About 6 hours ago Honey, that fool above is voxy. She is anything BUT a nice person. Reply
Report Abuse 1 2 hardraada Sep 5, 2011 10:04 AM About 4 hours ago I know. I was trying to be polite. I do that once a day. Reply
Report Abuse 1 2 WTFIUWSPT Sep 5, 2011 12:28 PM About 2 hours ago hardraada, it's not wasted. Try it as often as five times a day. Reply
Report Abuse 0 1
WTFIUWSPT Sep 5, 2011 2:30 PM Less than a minute ago Do you know me, slanted times? Ever spoken to me? If not then you know what you are doing, correct? Fabricating. Kindly stuff it.
Report Abuse luvstpete Sep 5, 2011 7:42 AM About 7 hours ago I hope his wife has the good sense to leave him and never look back. Next time he may kill her.
Report Abuse 0 4 repete Sep 5, 2011 9:26 AM About 5 hours ago 3 Officers Dead news at 11, this should have been quick 3 Officers respond to domestic battery call warned by wife man has gun, man with gun point it at officers,all 3 Officers open fire at gunman, gunman dead on sceen of multiple gunshot wounds news at 11.
Report Abuse 1 0 south suwannee county Sep 5, 2011 9:30 AM About 5 hours ago WTFIUWSPT how about calling the hospital he is on and agree to pay his medical bills, he pointed a gun at a officer he should be dead not having the tax payors taking care of him a few years in prison and will right back out to start over rehab does not work
Report Abuse 2 0 WTFIUWSPT Sep 5, 2011 12:53 PM About 2 hours ago ssc, nice user name?? Aren't you the same one calling for the death penalty for the kid who left his car running by accident? So perhaps you enjoy some bias towards death. As well, wtf you talkin bout? Florida prisons have no rehab. Reply
Report Abuse 0 0 south suwannee county Sep 5, 2011 1:57 PM About 1 hour ago you need to reread my post on the kid he should be charge i have no problem with the death penalty should be use faster Reply
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WTFIUWSPT Sep 5, 2011 2:36 PM Less than a minute ago mr/ms ssc, I am normally the last one to point out spelling. I just wonder if you are aware of your very frequent misspellings? I wonder where you were a ff/medic because here in tampa they require at LEAST a GED. Please don't take this as an insult as I said I don't personally care if y ou misspell your own name. I just wonder if there is a place for ff/medics where the standards are even lower than Tampa and Hillsborough County? As well, are you employed again? Just curious. And not in a mean way. Please don't misconstrue my comments.
Report Abuse south suwannee county Sep 5, 2011 1:59 PM About 1 hour ago as for as my user name that is were i retired to after 27 years as a ff/medic Reply
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WTFIUWSPT Sep 5, 2011 2:31 PM Less than a minute ago whoo. BIG surprise there. I love that lust for the death penalty from a supposed "first responder" responsible for "saving lives". So incongruous.
Report Abuse Mr Kitty Sep 5, 2011 1:11 PM About 1 hour ago Now why assume he can't pay his own bills? Reply
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WTFIUWSPT Sep 5, 2011 2:33 PM Less than a minute ago Mr. Kitty and also assuming I haven't already called and given them my debit card ...
Report Abuse lanienus Sep 5, 2011 10:35 AM About 4 hours ago It's always smart to be walking around with a SHOTGUN when police arrive on domestic calls. Perhaps a machette in the other hand would add to the fashion statement. This keeps officers alert and lets hem know you are not just another brick in the wall.
Report Abuse 1 0 WTFIUWSPT Sep 5, 2011 12:53 PM About 2 hours ago that is kind of a funny statement. lol. Reply
Report Abuse 0 0 lillapoyka Sep 5, 2011 10:41 AM About 4 hours ago too bad the cops didn't kill him. I'm sure I'm footing the bill for his healthcare.
Report Abuse 2 0 WTFIUWSPT Sep 5, 2011 12:55 PM About 2 hours ago wait, hardraada, you display so much common sense on the "drano teen" (could see that one coming .. what kid has more than what's under the kitchen sink?) but this guy deserves to die? What? For losing it once in 34 years ?
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
All you EVER had to do was fucking stop being such RETARDS. That's an insult to retards.
Seriously, you're collectively fucking STOOPID. Instead of just shutting the fuck up and leaving me alone you roar around town around me when I post your pictures for ROARING BY wherever I am. So go fuck yourselves.
Look up "knock it fucking off" in the dictionary as you obviously NEED TO.
Meantime, I have LOTS AND LOTS more pics.
I just hate you fuckers being involved with kids. Especially YOUR OWN.
Look what Benitez DID TO HIS !!!
And who paid the price for that??
Joey Granda.
Stupid enough to do what Benitez told him to.
And Joey with two teachers for parents ... or somewhere in the school system.
Nice beard, jackass.
Teach you to pick a little boy up by his backpack, huh you big fat pig.
And your sister is a stupid bitch stalker I tried to be nice to. Because she's ugly.
Seriously, you're collectively fucking STOOPID. Instead of just shutting the fuck up and leaving me alone you roar around town around me when I post your pictures for ROARING BY wherever I am. So go fuck yourselves.
Look up "knock it fucking off" in the dictionary as you obviously NEED TO.
Meantime, I have LOTS AND LOTS more pics.
I just hate you fuckers being involved with kids. Especially YOUR OWN.
Look what Benitez DID TO HIS !!!
And who paid the price for that??
Joey Granda.
Stupid enough to do what Benitez told him to.
And Joey with two teachers for parents ... or somewhere in the school system.
Nice beard, jackass.
Teach you to pick a little boy up by his backpack, huh you big fat pig.
And your sister is a stupid bitch stalker I tried to be nice to. Because she's ugly.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Another of Mr. Tome's south tampa partners above.
How many gay firefighters are there?
The risk of HEP C among them meaning that they are more susceptible to the HIV virus should make this a matter of public record.
Myself I believe much of their activity is a cover up for child porn.
How many gay firefighters are there?
The risk of HEP C among them meaning that they are more susceptible to the HIV virus should make this a matter of public record.
Myself I believe much of their activity is a cover up for child porn.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
UO6 6GV big black truck
after the below post this loser roared by me at publix himes. Wow.
All THIS for Eric Rapp??
Such nice friends.
And such good guys to have around your kids !!!
All THIS for Eric Rapp??
Such nice friends.
And such good guys to have around your kids !!!
I credit this fat ass for being the reason REGULAR OLD NORMAL KIDS can't play sports. You're a fat nasty stalking fuck and so is your paramedic PIG friend. WHY IS IT that all your kids have to play together you stalking piece of SHIT??
Is it because someone might beat their ass or they might say the WRONG THING TO THE WRONG PERSON??? zoom zoooom zoooom mr. paramedic piece of shit.
Hope your little brats get all that through life: CHEAT TO WIN.
YOU FAT FUCKS WOULD HAVE NOTHING if not for stealing it.
THIS explains why anyone who has ever been anywhere NEAR the basketball court at the Himes YMCA talks about what mean pieces of low class and rude shit the parents are and why the kids look inbred and normal kids can't play while the rest are so shitty.
In the real world your kids would get their asses pulverized in any subject or matter. THIS is why you have to protect their little gay asses by only having them play with FRIENDS.
I have NO DOUBT a firepig was responsible for running down Aaron Johnson in the street. Can't have a good spot on a ball team taken up BY AN OUTSIDER. Now can we?
Dude you are one paramedic PUSSY PIECE OF SHIT. You've been highlited on this blog before I remember that stupid ass bumper fighting sticker from da block. Piece of shit.
Remember:: If you had ANY NUTS instead of roaring by in the car I and your drug trafficking BUY YOU and your little flamer family you'd step out and make yourself SEEN.
But I got some nice video of fatass so that helps.
Is he a 12 oaks kinda guy?

I credit this fat ass for being the reason REGULAR OLD NORMAL KIDS can't play sports. You're a fat nasty stalking fuck and so is your paramedic PIG friend. WHY IS IT that all your kids have to play together you stalking piece of SHIT??
Is it because someone might beat their ass or they might say the WRONG THING TO THE WRONG PERSON??? zoom zoooom zoooom mr. paramedic piece of shit.
Hope your little brats get all that through life: CHEAT TO WIN.
YOU FAT FUCKS WOULD HAVE NOTHING if not for stealing it.
THIS explains why anyone who has ever been anywhere NEAR the basketball court at the Himes YMCA talks about what mean pieces of low class and rude shit the parents are and why the kids look inbred and normal kids can't play while the rest are so shitty.
In the real world your kids would get their asses pulverized in any subject or matter. THIS is why you have to protect their little gay asses by only having them play with FRIENDS.
I have NO DOUBT a firepig was responsible for running down Aaron Johnson in the street. Can't have a good spot on a ball team taken up BY AN OUTSIDER. Now can we?
Dude you are one paramedic PUSSY PIECE OF SHIT. You've been highlited on this blog before I remember that stupid ass bumper fighting sticker from da block. Piece of shit.
Remember:: If you had ANY NUTS instead of roaring by in the car I and your drug trafficking BUY YOU and your little flamer family you'd step out and make yourself SEEN.
But I got some nice video of fatass so that helps.
Is he a 12 oaks kinda guy?
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Eric Rapp Wants to Counsel Teens Check the Record
Firemen are in the business of extortion. Check the plan for this "safe" program run by a seeming maniac.
And not only that he lied about his record. Check the comments.
Former firefighter with record opens community center for teens in Land O'Lakes
By Lisa Buie, Times Staff Writer
In Print: Sunday, August 14, 2011
Eric Rapp, 33, is opening the Program, a nonprofit community center at Impact Sports Academy in Land O’Lakes.
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LAND O'LAKES — On paper, Eric Rapp has the right resume for starting an after-school program for teens: Local graduate and former star of the Land O'Lakes High wrestling team with multiple state titles under his belt. Former member of the elite Army Rangers. A licensed paramedic and former Hillsborough County firefighter. A guy with a clean haircut, pressed pants and a bright smile.
"I want to give kids a safe place to go after school, where they can do their homework and work out," said Rapp, who is opening the Program at Land O'Lakes, a nonprofit community center at 21434 Carson Drive behind Village Lakes shopping center. His business is sharing the 20,000-square-foot building with Impact Sports Academy, a separate, for-profit business that helps teens hone their athletic skills with batting cages, weights and personal training in a variety of sports.
Though separately owned, parents must pay one monthly fee that must include both the after-school care and access to the sports programs. Extra services, such as professional tutoring and training, also are available for additional fees.
Rapp, 33, said he was inspired to open his center after rescuing teens as a firefighter. "I've seen them with pills coming out of their mouths," he said. "I'm glad I had people in my life who kept me on the straight and narrow."
In addition to that resume, however, Rapp also has a record — one that prevents him from working with children at Pasco schools.
"He applied numerous times, but he is not allowed to volunteer because of the incident with the police," school district spokeswoman Summer Romagnoli said. "His name is on a list that says 'Do not use.' "
That incident happened in 2003, when Rapp faced criminal charges after a bar fight and confrontation with Hillsborough deputies. Records show he fled from police a different time two years later and was subdued with a Taser. And earlier this year a neighbor filed for a restraining order, alleging Rapp was watching his house and threatening to kill him.
Rapp admits that he used poor judgment at a few key points in his life. He says he paid the price with debilitating back pain from that 2003 incident that improved only recently after surgery. But he said the decisions that led to trouble were influenced by his own high moral standards and a refusal to accept anything less from others — beliefs for which he owes no one an apology.
"I've made plenty of mistakes in my life," he said, "but I wouldn't change anything."
• • •
Rapp was in a festive mood the night of Aug. 16, 2003, when he, his future wife and some paramedic friends went out to the Tampa Brickyard for some appetizers and drinks.
Life was good. Rapp, then 25, had been a firefighter for about 10 months. His supervisor had written a glowing review that praised his "enthusiastic attitude" and "great eagerness to learn."
"(Firefighter) Rapp is a hard worker who takes his job seriously reflecting a respectful and professional impression," Capt. B. Kostopoulos wrote. "My only regret is that I no longer work with (firefighter) Rapp due to a station transfer."
Rapp said he ordered a round of drinks for the seven people in his party. A woman had just sat down beside the group at the bar. The bartender returned with eight drinks.
"Being in a jovial mood, I paid for the drink," Rapp said. A minute later, Rapp recalled, a man approached him and angrily questioned why he bought a drink for his girlfriend.
"He was using foul language, and my wife was there," Rapp said. "So I reached back and popped him in the mouth," he said demonstrating a light swat.
A brawl broke out. Rapp said he went outside, only to be followed. He remembered someone cutting his face with a beer bottle.
"At that point the decision was run away or stay and fight," he said. "I admit my best decision-making skills were not on showcase that night."
The bar manager later told a deputy that Rapp had been asked to leave but kept coming back in and fighting. A sheriff's report said that Rapp had struck the bar manager in the face, "causing him to bleed."
By the time Hillsborough deputies arrived, the fight had broken up. Rapp sat in his truck, belted into the passenger's seat. A shirt covered his face.
Deputies at the scene described Rapp in court statements as "extremely intoxicated" and "very aggressive" toward deputies who were trying to inspect his injuries and sort out what happened with the crowd outside the bar.
"He was throwing punches," said Deputy Randolph Lewis, who took Rapp down in a bear hug. "He was completely out of control."
But Rapp said he wasn't trying to resist — he just couldn't see who was outside the truck because his face was covered to stop the bleeding. He said the deputies then interpreted that as aggression and got rough with him. He said one hit him in the back with a heavy flashlight, causing his back injury. However, he did not file any complaints about the deputies' behavior, and said his attorney told him no one would believe him since he faced three counts of battery on a law enforcement officer and one count of violently resisting arrest. He said the fact that prosecutors agreed to drop the charges if Rapp enrolled in a pre-trial diversion program showed their case was shaky.
"They said all this would go away if I just took four weeks of anger management and did some community service," he said.
So Rapp did, and the case was dismissed in 2005.
During his participation in the pre-trial program, however, Rapp had another run-in with officers on April 24, 2005. This time they subdued him with a Taser, according to a letter from Rapp's attorney.
Rapp said he was trying to break up a fight at a swimming pool when police showed up. Given his prior incident at the bar, Rapp said he decided to flee the scene. He was ticketed for disorderly conduct, but the charge was later dropped.
Rapp didn't have any more problems until this March, when neighbor Robert Reeher filed for a restraining order.
In the petition, Reeher said Rapp threatened to kill him on two occasions and put him in a choke hold after Reeher unsuccessfully tried to use pepper spray on him. He said Rapp was angry that his babysitter was at the neighbor's home.
"We are afraid to go outside," Reeher wrote in March.
Rapp called the allegations of violence "B.S." and said he was concerned that the 18-year-old babysitter, his wife's cousin, was at Reeher's house "in the middle of the night."
Records show Reeher dropped the request for the restraining order a month later. He would not comment for this story.
• • •
Rapp, who has invested at least $35,000 into opening the after-school center, said all his life experiences — being raised in a broken home by an alcoholic mother, being taken in by parents of friends who insisted he accompany them to church — will help him relate to hurting teens and put them on a straight path.
His center will fill a void in central Pasco, where day care centers cut off service after kids finish elementary school. The area also lacks a YMCA, which offers after-school programs for teens.
Rapp plans to rely mainly on church volunteers for staff and will bus students from area middle and high schools to his center, which will have computers and a lounge. He envisions his center as an overall community resource, perhaps even a headquarters for the local Fellowship of Christian Athletes.
"It's a good fit with us," said Michael Snow, co-owner of Impact Sports Academy, the separately-owned business sharing space with Rapp. He said while Rapp's aim is to keep kids out of trouble, his goal is to get them off the couch.
Snow said he has no trouble working with Rapp.
"It was eight years ago," he said of the bar arrest.
Now almost a decade older and the father of two preschoolers, Rapp said he's no longer the same man who got into a bar brawl.
"There was a time when I thought I could go head to head with a locomotive and still have the upper hand," he said.
Researcher Shirl Kennedy contributed to this report. Lisa Buie can be reached at buie@sptimes.com.
[Last modified: Aug 13, 2011 09:03 PM]
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Viewing 1 - 5 of 5 comments Oldest First Newest First Top Rated
Jethro Bodine Aug 13, 2011 11:05 PM Yesterday maybe he should run for Mayor of Land O Lakes. by Pasco standards he might be overqualified.
Report Abuse 3 3 chuck896 Aug 13, 2011 11:44 PM Yesterday sounds like a good guy with some great ideas, I wish him the best of luck with the youth center!
Report Abuse 0 3 Pasco MS Teacher Aug 14, 2011 8:23 AM About 4 hours ago In spite of the DSPBC not approving Mr. Rapp's application due to his past, I believe there are young people who will listen to and learn from him because of this past. They will relate to him. I wish him success. There certainly is a need for such a program mid-county.
Report Abuse 1 2 Kennybear Aug 14, 2011 9:24 AM About 3 hours ago Maybe he got a 'Bad rap'.
Nothing takes the hostility out of a person like some smaller, nerdy looking geek kicking his azz!!
Report Abuse 1 0 RagsTTiger Aug 14, 2011 10:55 AM About 2 hours ago I taught in another community for 33 years. I recall a number of students whose judgement was questionable at best. As years went by they went to college and matured. Surprisingly a few received their teaching licenses, coming back to the area to teach.
Initially I had reservations in the back of my mind. Fortunately time had healed their "imperfections" ... they grew up.
The fellow in this article made a very low level infraction, on the giant scale rules. After nearly a decade of issue free life, a little common sense should be applied.
Report Abuse 1 2
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 1:06 PM Less than a minute ago Did you read that part about this March? How are all these incidents low level infractions? A low level infraction would not involve several people left bleeding and a neighbor who was twice threatened by this guy.
Report Abuse
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 12:55 PM Less than a minute ago But he said the decisions that led to trouble were influenced by his own high moral standards and a refusal to accept anything less from others — beliefs for which he owes no one an apology... This statement reveals this freak to be a psychopath of the highest order. Really? Were the deputies ALSO below his high standards?? These are not minor infractions. He's a control freak who will eventually end up impacting some impressionable kid's life in the wrong way. But this is the firefighter tradition. Never let one go. They're still trying to get George Lewis out for murdering his neighbor across the street for having a black boyfriend. WTF is wrong with you people? What connection does Michael Snow have to the firefighters? Any parent who actually pays for this is stupider than he is.
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TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 12:59 PM Less than a minute ago This guy and those around him who allowed him to make up so many weak and stupid lies to cover extremely bad behavior shouldn't be around HIS OWN KIDS never mind around others. And lo the firefighters of such high moral fiber they allowed a woman to die while three of them laughed will be dropping in to help the kids learn the right stuff. LOL. And so we don't need to wonder any longer how Pasco and LOL and surrounding communities make the news so often. Thank your local firefighter. Wow. You can't make this stuff up.
Report Abuse
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 1:01 PM Less than a minute ago If he had a problem during pretrial diversion he should have been prosecuted on the prior charges. Was Samantha Ward (wife of firefighter Al Suarez fired for jamie the hooker in the firehouse) his judge? Or Daniel Sleet? I could name a few others so I'll just go look and settle the question. Firefighters equal GOD because they know an awful lot about this and that, yknow what I mean?
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TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 1:04 PM Less than a minute ago "There was a time when I thought I could go head to head with a locomotive and still have the upper hand," he said.
He doesn't even CONNECT to how terrible the underlying behavior is. WTF? I pity his neighbor, his wife, his children and any child or person he comes across. I regret the neighbor backed down. In essence another person who bowed to pressure from the local firefighters extortionist ways no doubt. I would love to talk to this man.
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TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 1:08 PM Less than a minute ago Good luck kids !!!!!
Reply Viewing 1 - 5 of 5 comments Oldest First Newest First Top Rated
Jethro Bodine Aug 13, 2011 11:05 PM Yesterday maybe he should run for Mayor of Land O Lakes. by Pasco standards he might be overqualified.
Report Abuse 3 3
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 2:12 PM Less than a minute ago LOL @@@@
Report Abuse chuck896 Aug 13, 2011 11:44 PM Yesterday sounds like a good guy with some great ideas, I wish him the best of luck with the youth center!
Report Abuse 0 3 Pasco MS Teacher Aug 14, 2011 8:23 AM About 4 hours ago In spite of the DSPBC not approving Mr. Rapp's application due to his past, I believe there are young people who will listen to and learn from him because of this past. They will relate to him. I wish him success. There certainly is a need for such a program mid-county.
Report Abuse 1 2
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 2:01 PM Less than a minute ago Why would you wish an obviously out of control and lying person on impressionable teens? He was dishonest about his record and made up weak and stupid lies about his VERY BAD ACTIONS. Always excusing his violence. Imagine what his wife goes through
Report Abuse Kennybear Aug 14, 2011 9:24 AM About 3 hours ago Maybe he got a 'Bad rap'.
Nothing takes the hostility out of a person like some smaller, nerdy looking geek kicking his azz!!
Report Abuse 1 0
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 2:11 PM Less than a minute ago kenny, so ready to forgive. Wish you could dredge up that compassion for others.
Report Abuse RagsTTiger Aug 14, 2011 10:55 AM About 2 hours ago I taught in another community for 33 years. I recall a number of students whose judgement was questionable at best. As years went by they went to college and matured. Surprisingly a few received their teaching licenses, coming back to the area to teach.
Initially I had reservations in the back of my mind. Fortunately time had healed their "imperfections" ... they grew up.
The fellow in this article made a very low level infraction, on the giant scale rules. After nearly a decade of issue free life, a little common sense should be applied.
Report Abuse 1 2
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 1:06 PM Less than a minute ago Did you read that part about this March? How are all these incidents low level infractions? A low level infraction would not involve several people left bleeding and a neighbor who was twice threatened by this guy.
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TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 12:55 PM Less than a minute ago But he said the decisions that led to trouble were influenced by his own high moral standards and a refusal to accept anything less from others — beliefs for which he owes no one an apology... This statement reveals this freak to be a psychopath of the highest order. Really? Were the deputies ALSO below his high standards?? These are not minor infractions. He's a control freak who will eventually end up impacting some impressionable kid's life in the wrong way. But this is the firefighter tradition. Never let one go. They're still trying to get George Lewis out for murdering his neighbor across the street for having a black boyfriend. WTF is wrong with you people? What connection does Michael Snow have to the firefighters? Any parent who actually pays for this is stupider than he is.
Report Abuse
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 12:59 PM Less than a minute ago This guy and those around him who allowed him to make up so many weak and stupid lies to cover extremely bad behavior shouldn't be around HIS OWN KIDS never mind around others. And lo the firefighters of such high moral fiber they allowed a woman to die while three of them laughed will be dropping in to help the kids learn the right stuff. LOL. And so we don't need to wonder any longer how Pasco and LOL and surrounding communities make the news so often. Thank your local firefighter. Wow. You can't make this stuff up.
Report Abuse
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 1:01 PM Less than a minute ago If he had a problem during pretrial diversion he should have been prosecuted on the prior charges. Was Samantha Ward (wife of firefighter Al Suarez fired for jamie the hooker in the firehouse) his judge? Or Daniel Sleet? I could name a few others so I'll just go look and settle the question. Firefighters equal GOD because they know an awful lot about this and that, yknow what I mean?
Report Abuse
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 1:04 PM Less than a minute ago "There was a time when I thought I could go head to head with a locomotive and still have the upper hand," he said.
He doesn't even CONNECT to how terrible the underlying behavior is. WTF? I pity his neighbor, his wife, his children and any child or person he comes across. I regret the neighbor backed down. In essence another person who bowed to pressure from the local firefighters extortionist ways no doubt. I would love to talk to this man.
Report Abuse
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 1:08 PM Less than a minute ago Good luck kids !!!!!
Report Abuse
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 1:41 PM Less than a minute ago The charge was NOT dropped. http://publicrecord.hillsclerk.com/oridev/criminal_pack.cs?pcSearchMode=NS&pnPidm=544780&pcCaseId=01-CM-015943&pnCnt=1&pcFirst=ERIC&pcLast=RAPP&pcMi=DORMAN&pcSuf=&pcId=@544068&pcByear=1978&pcPtyp=D001&pcDefStat=Closed - 06/18/2001&pdInit=01-MAY-01&pcCaseStat=Closed - 06/18/2001&pcCtyp=MM&pcLocn=TA&pcPref=&pcWarrant=&pcCaseDscr=MISDEMEANOR&pcDiv=D&pcCourtType=&pnCaseYrFr=1970&pnCaseYrTo=2011&pcCtypCL=&pcLocnCL=
Report Abuse
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 1:44 PM Less than a minute ago Oh well there we go: Tharpe who sentences KIDS to LIFE TERMS for looking at pictures gave this guy a little probation. These charges were NOT dropped either and he was prosecuted. Well, sort of prosecuted. Why do people think it's ok that firefighters get a SEPARATE justice??http://publicrecord.hillsclerk.com/oridev/criminal_pack.ap?pcSearchMode=NS&pnPidm=946130&pcCaseId=03-CF-014084&pnCnt=2&pcFirst=ERIC&pcLast=RAPP&pcMi=D&pcSuf=&pcId=@945433&pcByear=1978&pcPtyp=D001&pcDefStat=Closed - 11/21/2005&pdInit=17-AUG-03&pcCaseStat=Closed - 11/21/2005&pcCtyp=PE&pcLocn=TA&pcPref=&pcWarrant=&pcCaseDscr=OTHER CRIMES AGAINST PERSON&pcDiv=F&pcCourtType=&pnCaseYrFr=1970&pnCaseYrTo=2011&pcCtypCL=&pcLocnCL=
Report Abuse
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 1:51 PM Less than a minute ago And now we know why P.rick Scott made it OK for certain felons to have certain licenses. ONLY in this case they dismissed felonies (I was mistaken above due to the sneaky way they did this) while the pretrial intervention was GONE BAD. And eric sorta forgot to mention the 2001 incident same thing obstructing and opposing an officer. But the fire dept happily hired him on anyway. How many of your paramedics have had eight felonies overlooked??? LOL. On all of us. A big joke. Where did he get 35 grand is the better question.
Report Abuse
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 1:53 PM Less than a minute ago He should have NEVER HAD PTI due to previous charges. However, like the paramedic's wife who beat her baby to a pulp cherrrryl lynn barnett tuggle davis (still being arrested for doctor shopping STILL having half the charges dropped) he got PTI with prior charges and she got PTI with prior violent charges and failures to appear. Quite the syndicate they have going here. Reporter, can you please correct the statements of Mr. Rapp's lengthy record? It's available at pat frank clerk of court.
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TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 1:54 PM Less than a minute ago How many teens could he have rescued in ten months? Gimme a break.
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Loading...The data on this site provides only arrest and booking information and should not be relied upon to determine an individual's actual criminal record. This data may not reflect charging decisions made by the State Attorney's Office or the outcome of criminal trials. An acquittal or dismissal of a criminal charge does not necessarily negate the validity of an arrest. To obtain the final disposition of any criminal charges, contact the Clerk of the Circuit Court.
This report includes: Aliases Release Data Charges
DOB: 04/26/1978
Booking #: 03048055
Arrest Date: 08/16/2003
Race: W
Sex: M
Ethnicity: N More Information:
Report Identity Theft
Report an Error
Remove an Arrest Record
Frequently Asked Questions
STATUS: STATUS - *RELEASED* BOND: $9,000.00 CASH: $0.00 FINE: $0.00 PURGE $0.00
Personal Information
Last Name First Name Middle Name Suffix Booking No.
RAPP ERIC D 03048055
Eyes Hair Build Current Age Height Weight SOID SOID Name
GRN BLN MED 33 5'11 190 00525799 RAPP,ERIC D
Race Sex Ethn POB DOB Arrest Age SSN
W M N FL 04/26/1978 25 ###-##-####
Street Address City State Zip
Aliases Date OF Birth Social Security Number
RAPP,ERIC D 04/26/1978 ###-##-####
Arrest Information
Arrest Agency Arrest Date Arrest Time Book Date Book Time
HCSO 08/16/2003 23:10 08/17/2003 05:41
Arrest Location Jurisdiction
Release Information
Release Data
Additional Information
OBTS Caution Ind. Caution Remarks
Attorney Address Phone
Next of Kin Address Relationship
########## #################### ##########
Employer Occupation Address
No. Charge Description Class Court DISP Bond BP Fine Custody Days Charge Count Charge Type
Report # CT-Case # Date Agency OBTS Number Charge Code CRA Number
03081508 0314084 08/17/2003 HCSO 2901033736 BATT1010 587362
No. Charge Description Class Court DISP Bond BP Fine Custody Days Charge Count Charge Type
Report # CT-Case # Date Agency OBTS Number Charge Code CRA Number
03081508 0314084 08/17/2003 HCSO 2901033736 BATT1010 587362
No. Charge Description Class Court DISP Bond BP Fine Custody Days Charge Count Charge Type
Report # CT-Case # Date Agency OBTS Number Charge Code CRA Number
03081508 0314084 08/17/2003 HCSO 2901033736 BATT1010 587362
No. Charge Description Class Court DISP Bond BP Fine Custody Days Charge Count Charge Type
Report # CT-Case # Date Agency OBTS Number Charge Code CRA Number
03081508 0314084 08/17/2003 HCSO 2901033736 BATT1000 587362
No. Charge Description Class Court DISP Bond BP Fine Custody Days Charge Count Charge Type
Report # CT-Case # Date Agency OBTS Number Charge Code CRA Number
03081508 0314084 08/17/2003 HCSO 2901033736 ASSA1010 587362
No. Charge Description Class Court DISP Bond BP Fine Custody Days Charge Count Charge Type
Report # CT-Case # Date Agency OBTS Number Charge Code CRA Number
03081508 0314084 08/17/2003 HCSO 2901033736 COPS2000 587362
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And not only that he lied about his record. Check the comments.
Former firefighter with record opens community center for teens in Land O'Lakes
By Lisa Buie, Times Staff Writer
In Print: Sunday, August 14, 2011
Eric Rapp, 33, is opening the Program, a nonprofit community center at Impact Sports Academy in Land O’Lakes.
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LAND O'LAKES — On paper, Eric Rapp has the right resume for starting an after-school program for teens: Local graduate and former star of the Land O'Lakes High wrestling team with multiple state titles under his belt. Former member of the elite Army Rangers. A licensed paramedic and former Hillsborough County firefighter. A guy with a clean haircut, pressed pants and a bright smile.
"I want to give kids a safe place to go after school, where they can do their homework and work out," said Rapp, who is opening the Program at Land O'Lakes, a nonprofit community center at 21434 Carson Drive behind Village Lakes shopping center. His business is sharing the 20,000-square-foot building with Impact Sports Academy, a separate, for-profit business that helps teens hone their athletic skills with batting cages, weights and personal training in a variety of sports.
Though separately owned, parents must pay one monthly fee that must include both the after-school care and access to the sports programs. Extra services, such as professional tutoring and training, also are available for additional fees.
Rapp, 33, said he was inspired to open his center after rescuing teens as a firefighter. "I've seen them with pills coming out of their mouths," he said. "I'm glad I had people in my life who kept me on the straight and narrow."
In addition to that resume, however, Rapp also has a record — one that prevents him from working with children at Pasco schools.
"He applied numerous times, but he is not allowed to volunteer because of the incident with the police," school district spokeswoman Summer Romagnoli said. "His name is on a list that says 'Do not use.' "
That incident happened in 2003, when Rapp faced criminal charges after a bar fight and confrontation with Hillsborough deputies. Records show he fled from police a different time two years later and was subdued with a Taser. And earlier this year a neighbor filed for a restraining order, alleging Rapp was watching his house and threatening to kill him.
Rapp admits that he used poor judgment at a few key points in his life. He says he paid the price with debilitating back pain from that 2003 incident that improved only recently after surgery. But he said the decisions that led to trouble were influenced by his own high moral standards and a refusal to accept anything less from others — beliefs for which he owes no one an apology.
"I've made plenty of mistakes in my life," he said, "but I wouldn't change anything."
• • •
Rapp was in a festive mood the night of Aug. 16, 2003, when he, his future wife and some paramedic friends went out to the Tampa Brickyard for some appetizers and drinks.
Life was good. Rapp, then 25, had been a firefighter for about 10 months. His supervisor had written a glowing review that praised his "enthusiastic attitude" and "great eagerness to learn."
"(Firefighter) Rapp is a hard worker who takes his job seriously reflecting a respectful and professional impression," Capt. B. Kostopoulos wrote. "My only regret is that I no longer work with (firefighter) Rapp due to a station transfer."
Rapp said he ordered a round of drinks for the seven people in his party. A woman had just sat down beside the group at the bar. The bartender returned with eight drinks.
"Being in a jovial mood, I paid for the drink," Rapp said. A minute later, Rapp recalled, a man approached him and angrily questioned why he bought a drink for his girlfriend.
"He was using foul language, and my wife was there," Rapp said. "So I reached back and popped him in the mouth," he said demonstrating a light swat.
A brawl broke out. Rapp said he went outside, only to be followed. He remembered someone cutting his face with a beer bottle.
"At that point the decision was run away or stay and fight," he said. "I admit my best decision-making skills were not on showcase that night."
The bar manager later told a deputy that Rapp had been asked to leave but kept coming back in and fighting. A sheriff's report said that Rapp had struck the bar manager in the face, "causing him to bleed."
By the time Hillsborough deputies arrived, the fight had broken up. Rapp sat in his truck, belted into the passenger's seat. A shirt covered his face.
Deputies at the scene described Rapp in court statements as "extremely intoxicated" and "very aggressive" toward deputies who were trying to inspect his injuries and sort out what happened with the crowd outside the bar.
"He was throwing punches," said Deputy Randolph Lewis, who took Rapp down in a bear hug. "He was completely out of control."
But Rapp said he wasn't trying to resist — he just couldn't see who was outside the truck because his face was covered to stop the bleeding. He said the deputies then interpreted that as aggression and got rough with him. He said one hit him in the back with a heavy flashlight, causing his back injury. However, he did not file any complaints about the deputies' behavior, and said his attorney told him no one would believe him since he faced three counts of battery on a law enforcement officer and one count of violently resisting arrest. He said the fact that prosecutors agreed to drop the charges if Rapp enrolled in a pre-trial diversion program showed their case was shaky.
"They said all this would go away if I just took four weeks of anger management and did some community service," he said.
So Rapp did, and the case was dismissed in 2005.
During his participation in the pre-trial program, however, Rapp had another run-in with officers on April 24, 2005. This time they subdued him with a Taser, according to a letter from Rapp's attorney.
Rapp said he was trying to break up a fight at a swimming pool when police showed up. Given his prior incident at the bar, Rapp said he decided to flee the scene. He was ticketed for disorderly conduct, but the charge was later dropped.
Rapp didn't have any more problems until this March, when neighbor Robert Reeher filed for a restraining order.
In the petition, Reeher said Rapp threatened to kill him on two occasions and put him in a choke hold after Reeher unsuccessfully tried to use pepper spray on him. He said Rapp was angry that his babysitter was at the neighbor's home.
"We are afraid to go outside," Reeher wrote in March.
Rapp called the allegations of violence "B.S." and said he was concerned that the 18-year-old babysitter, his wife's cousin, was at Reeher's house "in the middle of the night."
Records show Reeher dropped the request for the restraining order a month later. He would not comment for this story.
• • •
Rapp, who has invested at least $35,000 into opening the after-school center, said all his life experiences — being raised in a broken home by an alcoholic mother, being taken in by parents of friends who insisted he accompany them to church — will help him relate to hurting teens and put them on a straight path.
His center will fill a void in central Pasco, where day care centers cut off service after kids finish elementary school. The area also lacks a YMCA, which offers after-school programs for teens.
Rapp plans to rely mainly on church volunteers for staff and will bus students from area middle and high schools to his center, which will have computers and a lounge. He envisions his center as an overall community resource, perhaps even a headquarters for the local Fellowship of Christian Athletes.
"It's a good fit with us," said Michael Snow, co-owner of Impact Sports Academy, the separately-owned business sharing space with Rapp. He said while Rapp's aim is to keep kids out of trouble, his goal is to get them off the couch.
Snow said he has no trouble working with Rapp.
"It was eight years ago," he said of the bar arrest.
Now almost a decade older and the father of two preschoolers, Rapp said he's no longer the same man who got into a bar brawl.
"There was a time when I thought I could go head to head with a locomotive and still have the upper hand," he said.
Researcher Shirl Kennedy contributed to this report. Lisa Buie can be reached at buie@sptimes.com.
[Last modified: Aug 13, 2011 09:03 PM]
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If you see an objectionable comment, click Report Abuse.
Viewing 1 - 5 of 5 comments Oldest First Newest First Top Rated
Jethro Bodine Aug 13, 2011 11:05 PM Yesterday maybe he should run for Mayor of Land O Lakes. by Pasco standards he might be overqualified.
Report Abuse 3 3 chuck896 Aug 13, 2011 11:44 PM Yesterday sounds like a good guy with some great ideas, I wish him the best of luck with the youth center!
Report Abuse 0 3 Pasco MS Teacher Aug 14, 2011 8:23 AM About 4 hours ago In spite of the DSPBC not approving Mr. Rapp's application due to his past, I believe there are young people who will listen to and learn from him because of this past. They will relate to him. I wish him success. There certainly is a need for such a program mid-county.
Report Abuse 1 2 Kennybear Aug 14, 2011 9:24 AM About 3 hours ago Maybe he got a 'Bad rap'.
Nothing takes the hostility out of a person like some smaller, nerdy looking geek kicking his azz!!
Report Abuse 1 0 RagsTTiger Aug 14, 2011 10:55 AM About 2 hours ago I taught in another community for 33 years. I recall a number of students whose judgement was questionable at best. As years went by they went to college and matured. Surprisingly a few received their teaching licenses, coming back to the area to teach.
Initially I had reservations in the back of my mind. Fortunately time had healed their "imperfections" ... they grew up.
The fellow in this article made a very low level infraction, on the giant scale rules. After nearly a decade of issue free life, a little common sense should be applied.
Report Abuse 1 2
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 1:06 PM Less than a minute ago Did you read that part about this March? How are all these incidents low level infractions? A low level infraction would not involve several people left bleeding and a neighbor who was twice threatened by this guy.
Report Abuse
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 12:55 PM Less than a minute ago But he said the decisions that led to trouble were influenced by his own high moral standards and a refusal to accept anything less from others — beliefs for which he owes no one an apology... This statement reveals this freak to be a psychopath of the highest order. Really? Were the deputies ALSO below his high standards?? These are not minor infractions. He's a control freak who will eventually end up impacting some impressionable kid's life in the wrong way. But this is the firefighter tradition. Never let one go. They're still trying to get George Lewis out for murdering his neighbor across the street for having a black boyfriend. WTF is wrong with you people? What connection does Michael Snow have to the firefighters? Any parent who actually pays for this is stupider than he is.
Report Abuse
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 12:59 PM Less than a minute ago This guy and those around him who allowed him to make up so many weak and stupid lies to cover extremely bad behavior shouldn't be around HIS OWN KIDS never mind around others. And lo the firefighters of such high moral fiber they allowed a woman to die while three of them laughed will be dropping in to help the kids learn the right stuff. LOL. And so we don't need to wonder any longer how Pasco and LOL and surrounding communities make the news so often. Thank your local firefighter. Wow. You can't make this stuff up.
Report Abuse
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 1:01 PM Less than a minute ago If he had a problem during pretrial diversion he should have been prosecuted on the prior charges. Was Samantha Ward (wife of firefighter Al Suarez fired for jamie the hooker in the firehouse) his judge? Or Daniel Sleet? I could name a few others so I'll just go look and settle the question. Firefighters equal GOD because they know an awful lot about this and that, yknow what I mean?
Report Abuse
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 1:04 PM Less than a minute ago "There was a time when I thought I could go head to head with a locomotive and still have the upper hand," he said.
He doesn't even CONNECT to how terrible the underlying behavior is. WTF? I pity his neighbor, his wife, his children and any child or person he comes across. I regret the neighbor backed down. In essence another person who bowed to pressure from the local firefighters extortionist ways no doubt. I would love to talk to this man.
Report Abuse
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 1:08 PM Less than a minute ago Good luck kids !!!!!
Reply Viewing 1 - 5 of 5 comments Oldest First Newest First Top Rated
Jethro Bodine Aug 13, 2011 11:05 PM Yesterday maybe he should run for Mayor of Land O Lakes. by Pasco standards he might be overqualified.
Report Abuse 3 3
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 2:12 PM Less than a minute ago LOL @@@@
Report Abuse chuck896 Aug 13, 2011 11:44 PM Yesterday sounds like a good guy with some great ideas, I wish him the best of luck with the youth center!
Report Abuse 0 3 Pasco MS Teacher Aug 14, 2011 8:23 AM About 4 hours ago In spite of the DSPBC not approving Mr. Rapp's application due to his past, I believe there are young people who will listen to and learn from him because of this past. They will relate to him. I wish him success. There certainly is a need for such a program mid-county.
Report Abuse 1 2
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 2:01 PM Less than a minute ago Why would you wish an obviously out of control and lying person on impressionable teens? He was dishonest about his record and made up weak and stupid lies about his VERY BAD ACTIONS. Always excusing his violence. Imagine what his wife goes through
Report Abuse Kennybear Aug 14, 2011 9:24 AM About 3 hours ago Maybe he got a 'Bad rap'.
Nothing takes the hostility out of a person like some smaller, nerdy looking geek kicking his azz!!
Report Abuse 1 0
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 2:11 PM Less than a minute ago kenny, so ready to forgive. Wish you could dredge up that compassion for others.
Report Abuse RagsTTiger Aug 14, 2011 10:55 AM About 2 hours ago I taught in another community for 33 years. I recall a number of students whose judgement was questionable at best. As years went by they went to college and matured. Surprisingly a few received their teaching licenses, coming back to the area to teach.
Initially I had reservations in the back of my mind. Fortunately time had healed their "imperfections" ... they grew up.
The fellow in this article made a very low level infraction, on the giant scale rules. After nearly a decade of issue free life, a little common sense should be applied.
Report Abuse 1 2
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 1:06 PM Less than a minute ago Did you read that part about this March? How are all these incidents low level infractions? A low level infraction would not involve several people left bleeding and a neighbor who was twice threatened by this guy.
Report Abuse
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 12:55 PM Less than a minute ago But he said the decisions that led to trouble were influenced by his own high moral standards and a refusal to accept anything less from others — beliefs for which he owes no one an apology... This statement reveals this freak to be a psychopath of the highest order. Really? Were the deputies ALSO below his high standards?? These are not minor infractions. He's a control freak who will eventually end up impacting some impressionable kid's life in the wrong way. But this is the firefighter tradition. Never let one go. They're still trying to get George Lewis out for murdering his neighbor across the street for having a black boyfriend. WTF is wrong with you people? What connection does Michael Snow have to the firefighters? Any parent who actually pays for this is stupider than he is.
Report Abuse
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 12:59 PM Less than a minute ago This guy and those around him who allowed him to make up so many weak and stupid lies to cover extremely bad behavior shouldn't be around HIS OWN KIDS never mind around others. And lo the firefighters of such high moral fiber they allowed a woman to die while three of them laughed will be dropping in to help the kids learn the right stuff. LOL. And so we don't need to wonder any longer how Pasco and LOL and surrounding communities make the news so often. Thank your local firefighter. Wow. You can't make this stuff up.
Report Abuse
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 1:01 PM Less than a minute ago If he had a problem during pretrial diversion he should have been prosecuted on the prior charges. Was Samantha Ward (wife of firefighter Al Suarez fired for jamie the hooker in the firehouse) his judge? Or Daniel Sleet? I could name a few others so I'll just go look and settle the question. Firefighters equal GOD because they know an awful lot about this and that, yknow what I mean?
Report Abuse
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 1:04 PM Less than a minute ago "There was a time when I thought I could go head to head with a locomotive and still have the upper hand," he said.
He doesn't even CONNECT to how terrible the underlying behavior is. WTF? I pity his neighbor, his wife, his children and any child or person he comes across. I regret the neighbor backed down. In essence another person who bowed to pressure from the local firefighters extortionist ways no doubt. I would love to talk to this man.
Report Abuse
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 1:08 PM Less than a minute ago Good luck kids !!!!!
Report Abuse
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 1:41 PM Less than a minute ago The charge was NOT dropped. http://publicrecord.hillsclerk.com/oridev/criminal_pack.cs?pcSearchMode=NS&pnPidm=544780&pcCaseId=01-CM-015943&pnCnt=1&pcFirst=ERIC&pcLast=RAPP&pcMi=DORMAN&pcSuf=&pcId=@544068&pcByear=1978&pcPtyp=D001&pcDefStat=Closed - 06/18/2001&pdInit=01-MAY-01&pcCaseStat=Closed - 06/18/2001&pcCtyp=MM&pcLocn=TA&pcPref=&pcWarrant=&pcCaseDscr=MISDEMEANOR&pcDiv=D&pcCourtType=&pnCaseYrFr=1970&pnCaseYrTo=2011&pcCtypCL=&pcLocnCL=
Report Abuse
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 1:44 PM Less than a minute ago Oh well there we go: Tharpe who sentences KIDS to LIFE TERMS for looking at pictures gave this guy a little probation. These charges were NOT dropped either and he was prosecuted. Well, sort of prosecuted. Why do people think it's ok that firefighters get a SEPARATE justice??http://publicrecord.hillsclerk.com/oridev/criminal_pack.ap?pcSearchMode=NS&pnPidm=946130&pcCaseId=03-CF-014084&pnCnt=2&pcFirst=ERIC&pcLast=RAPP&pcMi=D&pcSuf=&pcId=@945433&pcByear=1978&pcPtyp=D001&pcDefStat=Closed - 11/21/2005&pdInit=17-AUG-03&pcCaseStat=Closed - 11/21/2005&pcCtyp=PE&pcLocn=TA&pcPref=&pcWarrant=&pcCaseDscr=OTHER CRIMES AGAINST PERSON&pcDiv=F&pcCourtType=&pnCaseYrFr=1970&pnCaseYrTo=2011&pcCtypCL=&pcLocnCL=
Report Abuse
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 1:51 PM Less than a minute ago And now we know why P.rick Scott made it OK for certain felons to have certain licenses. ONLY in this case they dismissed felonies (I was mistaken above due to the sneaky way they did this) while the pretrial intervention was GONE BAD. And eric sorta forgot to mention the 2001 incident same thing obstructing and opposing an officer. But the fire dept happily hired him on anyway. How many of your paramedics have had eight felonies overlooked??? LOL. On all of us. A big joke. Where did he get 35 grand is the better question.
Report Abuse
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 1:53 PM Less than a minute ago He should have NEVER HAD PTI due to previous charges. However, like the paramedic's wife who beat her baby to a pulp cherrrryl lynn barnett tuggle davis (still being arrested for doctor shopping STILL having half the charges dropped) he got PTI with prior charges and she got PTI with prior violent charges and failures to appear. Quite the syndicate they have going here. Reporter, can you please correct the statements of Mr. Rapp's lengthy record? It's available at pat frank clerk of court.
Report Abuse
TotallyPrevaricatingReports Aug 14, 2011 1:54 PM Less than a minute ago How many teens could he have rescued in ten months? Gimme a break.
Report Abuse Thank you for your vote
Post a comment Abuse Policy Commenting Guidelines
Loading...The data on this site provides only arrest and booking information and should not be relied upon to determine an individual's actual criminal record. This data may not reflect charging decisions made by the State Attorney's Office or the outcome of criminal trials. An acquittal or dismissal of a criminal charge does not necessarily negate the validity of an arrest. To obtain the final disposition of any criminal charges, contact the Clerk of the Circuit Court.
This report includes: Aliases Release Data Charges
DOB: 04/26/1978
Booking #: 03048055
Arrest Date: 08/16/2003
Race: W
Sex: M
Ethnicity: N More Information:
Report Identity Theft
Report an Error
Remove an Arrest Record
Frequently Asked Questions
STATUS: STATUS - *RELEASED* BOND: $9,000.00 CASH: $0.00 FINE: $0.00 PURGE $0.00
Personal Information
Last Name First Name Middle Name Suffix Booking No.
RAPP ERIC D 03048055
Eyes Hair Build Current Age Height Weight SOID SOID Name
GRN BLN MED 33 5'11 190 00525799 RAPP,ERIC D
Race Sex Ethn POB DOB Arrest Age SSN
W M N FL 04/26/1978 25 ###-##-####
Street Address City State Zip
Aliases Date OF Birth Social Security Number
RAPP,ERIC D 04/26/1978 ###-##-####
Arrest Information
Arrest Agency Arrest Date Arrest Time Book Date Book Time
HCSO 08/16/2003 23:10 08/17/2003 05:41
Arrest Location Jurisdiction
Release Information
Release Data
Additional Information
OBTS Caution Ind. Caution Remarks
Attorney Address Phone
Next of Kin Address Relationship
########## #################### ##########
Employer Occupation Address
No. Charge Description Class Court DISP Bond BP Fine Custody Days Charge Count Charge Type
Report # CT-Case # Date Agency OBTS Number Charge Code CRA Number
03081508 0314084 08/17/2003 HCSO 2901033736 BATT1010 587362
No. Charge Description Class Court DISP Bond BP Fine Custody Days Charge Count Charge Type
Report # CT-Case # Date Agency OBTS Number Charge Code CRA Number
03081508 0314084 08/17/2003 HCSO 2901033736 BATT1010 587362
No. Charge Description Class Court DISP Bond BP Fine Custody Days Charge Count Charge Type
Report # CT-Case # Date Agency OBTS Number Charge Code CRA Number
03081508 0314084 08/17/2003 HCSO 2901033736 BATT1010 587362
No. Charge Description Class Court DISP Bond BP Fine Custody Days Charge Count Charge Type
Report # CT-Case # Date Agency OBTS Number Charge Code CRA Number
03081508 0314084 08/17/2003 HCSO 2901033736 BATT1000 587362
No. Charge Description Class Court DISP Bond BP Fine Custody Days Charge Count Charge Type
Report # CT-Case # Date Agency OBTS Number Charge Code CRA Number
03081508 0314084 08/17/2003 HCSO 2901033736 ASSA1010 587362
No. Charge Description Class Court DISP Bond BP Fine Custody Days Charge Count Charge Type
Report # CT-Case # Date Agency OBTS Number Charge Code CRA Number
03081508 0314084 08/17/2003 HCSO 2901033736 COPS2000 587362
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Thursday, July 21, 2011
Tampa Fire Arson Solano

hey tampa fire PIGS as in FUCKING PIGS IN SHIT.
Oh and is Mr. Donnelly uncomfortably CLOSE to Brittany or WOT??
Zero'ing in on Mr. Andrew P. Wright and then I am going to take your motherfucking sick fuck asses DOWN to the federal fucking court. Though I'd prefer you doing STATE TIME. So .. there's a thought.
Robert E. O'Neill taking a motherfuckin shower with George Lewis and any other sick pathetic fucking killer. pussy ass bitch. fucking using you complete dead dick morons to stalk women, helpless people and children. you piece of shit murdering fuckass motherfuckers.
So you burned down the guy's house. Lucky him. JUST ONE. Ya got FIVE TIMES MORE THAN THAT IN MY FAMILY.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Tampa and Hillsborough Fire Rescue WHAT HAVE YOU DONE ???
They're BUT ALWAYS AROUND THE MURDERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And, as noted: YET ANOTHER FACT has disappeared from the st pete times article. No grey t-shirt now ....
Family of slain Temple Terrace man pleads for tips in case
By Robbyn Mitchell, Times Staff Writer
In Print: Saturday, June 4, 2011
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Sean Michael Buchanan, 26, of Temple Terrace was found in his car down an embankment in Brandon.
Teddy catches his first fish
Hernando teacher who slapped student won't be charged
A relationship that changed two lives
Orphan otters learn how to swim at the Florida Aquarium
The world's best 88-year-old golfer?
The local wrestling community reacts to the death of Randy "Macho Man" Savage
Hurricane Experts Making Longer Range Forecasts
Final Shuttle Launch Risky, Rewarding
Mavs, Heat Look Ahead to NBA Finals
Police chase ends after car hits Clearwater building
Raw Video: Joplin Holds Moment of Silence
Meet the Rays - Episode 5
The Freedom Riders ride again
Behind the scenes at Cheetah Hunt
The Best Beach in the Country
Casey Anthony Tears Up in Court, Daughter Evoked
Fishing 101: Hard-bodied baits
Lightning fans celebrate their win in game 6.
Students help repair tornado-damaged homes
Pharmacy robber tells police "he just went crazy..."
Rehab for K-9 Chief
Police: Ybor City arsonist caught on tape
Gadget Guy - Great gadgets for surviving a hurricane
Prosecution Opens Case Against Casey Anthony
Raw Video: Aerial Tour of Joplin Tornado Damage
Raw Video: Killer Tornado Rakes Joplin, Mo.
Tornadoes Batter Central US, Kill Unknown Number
Former wrestler Randy 'Macho Man' Savage reported dead
Taking the 5-pound hamburger challenge
Miss Destructo
Asking for the longest sentence possible
Family reacts to beating death of Tampa baby
Capt. Bandwagon goes to hockey camp
Keeping the laughs going at the Special O'Laughics
Tampa police seek man who robbed Family Dollar store at gunpoint
Olympics Day at Turkey Creek Middle School
J.J. Revear's story comes to an end
Suspect in St. petersburg security officer slaying makes first court appearance
Humane Society of Tampa Bay takes in dogs from recent tornadoes
Hard work, focus brings Ivy League payoff
B.J. Upton on winning home run
Joe Maddon on loss to Orioles
Hillsborough County Hosts 31st Annual Dixie Games
Woman dead, 1 child injured during shooting
Roving gators put police in tricky spots
Deputy charged with having sex with teen
Meet the Rays - Episode 4
Remembering fallen officers
Police seek carjacker who attacked with stick, tree branch
Deputies try to trap 200-pound gator in Seminole
Police seek Papa John's robbery suspect
A bicycle for Phyllis
Chihuly collection: Art and architecture in one gallery
Indian Pass Raw Bar, oysters and family
There's a new sheriff in Pasco County, Fl.
Meet the Rays - Episode 3
John Hopkins students perform The Wiz
Riverview High students sing in Eric Whitacre's Virtual Choir
Oil spill hastens a change of guard at marine lab
Lightning's Gagne on 'dirty' hit to head
Meet the Rays - Episode 2
Dad arrested after video posted of him encouraging son to fight
A simpler life on the creek
Meet the Rays - Episode 1
Gov. Rick Scott delivers first pitch to mixed applause and boos
TAMPA — He didn't have any enemies.
Sean Buchanan, 26, of Temple Terrace spent his time working two restaurant jobs, caring for his daughter and pursuing his dream of singing, said his mother, Mary Buchanan.
On Friday, his mother, father, brother, two sisters and aunt pleaded with the public to help identify Buchanan's killer.
"This was completely random as far as we know," said his father, Gary Buchanan, 63, of Tampa. "It's a tragic loss, not only for our family but for everyone who knew him."
Buchanan went to the movies at AMC Regency Theaters in Brandon and was found in his car down an embankment behind the theater hours later. An off-duty paramedic found him after 1 a.m. and called for help.
He had upper body trauma not consistent with a car accident, according to the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office. Deputies are calling his death a murder.
Mary Buchanan, 58, said she went all over the world to find her children. Sean came to her from South Korea when he was 3 months old, she said.
"He loved to share his talents. He loved to sing," she recalled.
His sisters, twins Katie and Kelly Buchanan, 23, said their brother was an amazing person who lived for his 10-month-old daughter, SheaLynn Joon McMullen. "That was his joy," Katie Buchanan said.
Detectives are short on leads in the case. Buchanan had no criminal history and worked jobs at Chipotle and Chick-fil-A to support his daughter.
Only one man was seen walking toward the area where Buchanan's car was found at the time deputies believe he was attacked. Investigators released the grainy surveillance photo of a man in a baseball cap in the hopes someone will know him.
"He could be a witness," said Detective Larry McKinnon, a sheriff's spokesman.
[Last modified: Jun 03, 2011 10:26 PM]
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TampaCopsProtectDrugHouses Jun 3, 2011 11:22 PM Less than a minute ago I'm so saddened by this. What a cutie with such beautiful sisters. There HAS to be something. Think think !!! Also, it's suspicious that st pete times keeps changing the story. When I asked about who the paramedic was they took out the info about the paramedic and tampa fire rescue paramedics followed me around all day yesterday. As well, yesterday they mentioned grey shirt, etc... along w/baseball hat. I did throw out there that fire dept personnel wear grey tshirts MOST OF THE TIME. A fact of general knowledge. Now today THAT bit of info is gone. SOMEONE KNOWS. Is your property valuable? If you have something to steal right there is where Hillsborough or Tampa Fire Rescue will enter your world and ruin it. Be very suspicious of why and how this paramedic found your child. And again .. from one who knows: I'm deeply sorry for the loss of someone so irreplaceable. It will get MUCH worse before it ever gets better. A terrible thing. I wish you well.
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TampaCopsProtectDrugHouses Jun 3, 2011 11:24 PM Less than a minute ago WHERE IS THE IMAGE??? where is the grainy picture of the man in the gray tshirt with a baseball cap? WHO is the paramedic?
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TampaCopsProtectDrugHouses Jun 3, 2011 11:26 PM Less than a minute ago The man who was kidnapped and murdered from wellswood lives in the vicinity of AT LEAST (at least !!!) fifteen tampa fire rescue employees. Active employees. I mapped out the ones I know. His house was within FEET of three or four of them. Yet none of these watchful civil servants who found your child down an embankment saw ANYTHING. The first thing that happened when they came to steal our property was a murder in our family .. followed up by another and then another (two posed as accidents). I am telling you the truth. Be very wary of the alleged "helpful" civil servants. They are not what they appear to be IN THE LEAST.
And, as noted: YET ANOTHER FACT has disappeared from the st pete times article. No grey t-shirt now ....
Family of slain Temple Terrace man pleads for tips in case
By Robbyn Mitchell, Times Staff Writer
In Print: Saturday, June 4, 2011
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Sean Michael Buchanan, 26, of Temple Terrace was found in his car down an embankment in Brandon.
Teddy catches his first fish
Hernando teacher who slapped student won't be charged
A relationship that changed two lives
Orphan otters learn how to swim at the Florida Aquarium
The world's best 88-year-old golfer?
The local wrestling community reacts to the death of Randy "Macho Man" Savage
Hurricane Experts Making Longer Range Forecasts
Final Shuttle Launch Risky, Rewarding
Mavs, Heat Look Ahead to NBA Finals
Police chase ends after car hits Clearwater building
Raw Video: Joplin Holds Moment of Silence
Meet the Rays - Episode 5
The Freedom Riders ride again
Behind the scenes at Cheetah Hunt
The Best Beach in the Country
Casey Anthony Tears Up in Court, Daughter Evoked
Fishing 101: Hard-bodied baits
Lightning fans celebrate their win in game 6.
Students help repair tornado-damaged homes
Pharmacy robber tells police "he just went crazy..."
Rehab for K-9 Chief
Police: Ybor City arsonist caught on tape
Gadget Guy - Great gadgets for surviving a hurricane
Prosecution Opens Case Against Casey Anthony
Raw Video: Aerial Tour of Joplin Tornado Damage
Raw Video: Killer Tornado Rakes Joplin, Mo.
Tornadoes Batter Central US, Kill Unknown Number
Former wrestler Randy 'Macho Man' Savage reported dead
Taking the 5-pound hamburger challenge
Miss Destructo
Asking for the longest sentence possible
Family reacts to beating death of Tampa baby
Capt. Bandwagon goes to hockey camp
Keeping the laughs going at the Special O'Laughics
Tampa police seek man who robbed Family Dollar store at gunpoint
Olympics Day at Turkey Creek Middle School
J.J. Revear's story comes to an end
Suspect in St. petersburg security officer slaying makes first court appearance
Humane Society of Tampa Bay takes in dogs from recent tornadoes
Hard work, focus brings Ivy League payoff
B.J. Upton on winning home run
Joe Maddon on loss to Orioles
Hillsborough County Hosts 31st Annual Dixie Games
Woman dead, 1 child injured during shooting
Roving gators put police in tricky spots
Deputy charged with having sex with teen
Meet the Rays - Episode 4
Remembering fallen officers
Police seek carjacker who attacked with stick, tree branch
Deputies try to trap 200-pound gator in Seminole
Police seek Papa John's robbery suspect
A bicycle for Phyllis
Chihuly collection: Art and architecture in one gallery
Indian Pass Raw Bar, oysters and family
There's a new sheriff in Pasco County, Fl.
Meet the Rays - Episode 3
John Hopkins students perform The Wiz
Riverview High students sing in Eric Whitacre's Virtual Choir
Oil spill hastens a change of guard at marine lab
Lightning's Gagne on 'dirty' hit to head
Meet the Rays - Episode 2
Dad arrested after video posted of him encouraging son to fight
A simpler life on the creek
Meet the Rays - Episode 1
Gov. Rick Scott delivers first pitch to mixed applause and boos
TAMPA — He didn't have any enemies.
Sean Buchanan, 26, of Temple Terrace spent his time working two restaurant jobs, caring for his daughter and pursuing his dream of singing, said his mother, Mary Buchanan.
On Friday, his mother, father, brother, two sisters and aunt pleaded with the public to help identify Buchanan's killer.
"This was completely random as far as we know," said his father, Gary Buchanan, 63, of Tampa. "It's a tragic loss, not only for our family but for everyone who knew him."
Buchanan went to the movies at AMC Regency Theaters in Brandon and was found in his car down an embankment behind the theater hours later. An off-duty paramedic found him after 1 a.m. and called for help.
He had upper body trauma not consistent with a car accident, according to the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office. Deputies are calling his death a murder.
Mary Buchanan, 58, said she went all over the world to find her children. Sean came to her from South Korea when he was 3 months old, she said.
"He loved to share his talents. He loved to sing," she recalled.
His sisters, twins Katie and Kelly Buchanan, 23, said their brother was an amazing person who lived for his 10-month-old daughter, SheaLynn Joon McMullen. "That was his joy," Katie Buchanan said.
Detectives are short on leads in the case. Buchanan had no criminal history and worked jobs at Chipotle and Chick-fil-A to support his daughter.
Only one man was seen walking toward the area where Buchanan's car was found at the time deputies believe he was attacked. Investigators released the grainy surveillance photo of a man in a baseball cap in the hopes someone will know him.
"He could be a witness," said Detective Larry McKinnon, a sheriff's spokesman.
[Last modified: Jun 03, 2011 10:26 PM]
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Copyright 2011 St. Petersburg Times
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TampaCopsProtectDrugHouses Jun 3, 2011 11:22 PM Less than a minute ago I'm so saddened by this. What a cutie with such beautiful sisters. There HAS to be something. Think think !!! Also, it's suspicious that st pete times keeps changing the story. When I asked about who the paramedic was they took out the info about the paramedic and tampa fire rescue paramedics followed me around all day yesterday. As well, yesterday they mentioned grey shirt, etc... along w/baseball hat. I did throw out there that fire dept personnel wear grey tshirts MOST OF THE TIME. A fact of general knowledge. Now today THAT bit of info is gone. SOMEONE KNOWS. Is your property valuable? If you have something to steal right there is where Hillsborough or Tampa Fire Rescue will enter your world and ruin it. Be very suspicious of why and how this paramedic found your child. And again .. from one who knows: I'm deeply sorry for the loss of someone so irreplaceable. It will get MUCH worse before it ever gets better. A terrible thing. I wish you well.
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TampaCopsProtectDrugHouses Jun 3, 2011 11:24 PM Less than a minute ago WHERE IS THE IMAGE??? where is the grainy picture of the man in the gray tshirt with a baseball cap? WHO is the paramedic?
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TampaCopsProtectDrugHouses Jun 3, 2011 11:26 PM Less than a minute ago The man who was kidnapped and murdered from wellswood lives in the vicinity of AT LEAST (at least !!!) fifteen tampa fire rescue employees. Active employees. I mapped out the ones I know. His house was within FEET of three or four of them. Yet none of these watchful civil servants who found your child down an embankment saw ANYTHING. The first thing that happened when they came to steal our property was a murder in our family .. followed up by another and then another (two posed as accidents). I am telling you the truth. Be very wary of the alleged "helpful" civil servants. They are not what they appear to be IN THE LEAST.
For Spence and James Darrell
Here's the ORIGINAL ARTICLE. In the interest of educating the public I've taken free license with what they did. Scroll past it to the CURRENT article which appeared AFTER the comments asking about the "offduty" "hero"... you'd think OUR HEROES would want the publicity..... Oh, these guys are probably paramedics OR related to them: 174 JGS and 173 KDE ... both regular stalkers and this guy was with four or five others (a stalking ball of firethugs) Y A 7 L Z. YA7LZ.... I'll post his tag separate later.....
Deputies: Brandon man found in crashed car was murdered
By Jessica Vander Velde, Times Staff Writer
Posted: Jun 02, 2011 11:37 AM
BRANDON — Deputies say they believe a man found in a Brandon car crash early Tuesday was murdered.
After pulling Sean Michael Buchanan from a car that had driven into a nearby wooded area, authorities found upper body trauma they say happened earlier.
Deputies initially announced they were investigating the death and asked for the public's help. On Thursday, they said they're now pursuing it as a homicide investigation.
Buchanan, 26, of Temple Terrace, went to see a movie at the AMC Regency 20 in Brandon on Monday night, deputies say.
About 1:26 a.m., a passerby discovered Buchanan in a Toyota Corolla. The man was conscious but incoherent when he was found by an off-duty paramedic and had no idea what had happened, said spokesman Larry McKinnon. Buchanan later died at a hospital.
Deputies ask anyone who might have seen Buchanan or his Toyota in the area between 9:50 and 10:30 p.m. Monday to call them at (813) 247-8200.
Jessica Vander Velde can be reached at (813) 226-3433 or jvandervelde@sptimes.com.
[Last modified: Jun 02, 2011 11:37 AM]
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Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 comments Oldest First Newest First Top Rated
JohnQCitizenMD Jun 2, 2011 11:47 AM About 5 hours ago Tragic and bizarre. Very sad.
Report Abuse 0 1 beavis Jun 2, 2011 12:40 PM About 4 hours ago where was the car found? that might be helpful....
Report Abuse 0 1 mytwocents Jun 2, 2011 12:51 PM About 4 hours ago I understand he was still charged with reckless driving.
Report Abuse 3 0 ATL_PILOT Jun 2, 2011 1:57 PM About 3 hours ago Seriously? Reply
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TampaCopsProtectDrugHouses Jun 2, 2011 4:08 PM Less than a minute ago probably and soon he'll be on probation.
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TampaCopsProtectDrugHouses Jun 2, 2011 4:10 PM Less than a minute ago Dear family and friends, so very sorry for your loss. I would be very curious to know the name of the heroic Tampa fire paramedic who found him and finished him off. OFF DUTY. They finished my mom off on the way to the hospital because our neighbor paramedic's nephew(tampa fire rescue) did not bash her over the head hard enough .... but Lord he tried. RIP, Mom. RIP young man.
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TampaCopsProtectDrugHouses Jun 2, 2011 4:10 PM Less than a minute ago They also finished off Michael Niesen on the way to the hospital. The price just went up to four million. Why wait a week? LOL. Dig deep.
HERE is the NEW ARTICLE PLUS they are giving NO information such as WHAT MOVIE or a photo etc.....
Yknow why
Because they alraedy KNOW who killed himDeputies: Temple Terrace man found in crashed car was murdered
By Jessica Vander Velde, Times Staff Writer
In Print: Friday, June 3, 2011
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Hernando teacher who slapped student won't be charged
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The world's best 88-year-old golfer?
The local wrestling community reacts to the death of Randy "Macho Man" Savage
Hurricane Experts Making Longer Range Forecasts
Final Shuttle Launch Risky, Rewarding
Mavs, Heat Look Ahead to NBA Finals
Police chase ends after car hits Clearwater building
Raw Video: Joplin Holds Moment of Silence
Meet the Rays - Episode 5
The Freedom Riders ride again
Behind the scenes at Cheetah Hunt
The Best Beach in the Country
Casey Anthony Tears Up in Court, Daughter Evoked
Fishing 101: Hard-bodied baits
Lightning fans celebrate their win in game 6.
Students help repair tornado-damaged homes
Pharmacy robber tells police "he just went crazy..."
Rehab for K-9 Chief
Police: Ybor City arsonist caught on tape
Gadget Guy - Great gadgets for surviving a hurricane
Prosecution Opens Case Against Casey Anthony
Raw Video: Aerial Tour of Joplin Tornado Damage
Raw Video: Killer Tornado Rakes Joplin, Mo.
Tornadoes Batter Central US, Kill Unknown Number
Former wrestler Randy 'Macho Man' Savage reported dead
Taking the 5-pound hamburger challenge
Miss Destructo
Asking for the longest sentence possible
Family reacts to beating death of Tampa baby
Capt. Bandwagon goes to hockey camp
Keeping the laughs going at the Special O'Laughics
Tampa police seek man who robbed Family Dollar store at gunpoint
Olympics Day at Turkey Creek Middle School
J.J. Revear's story comes to an end
Suspect in St. petersburg security officer slaying makes first court appearance
Humane Society of Tampa Bay takes in dogs from recent tornadoes
Hard work, focus brings Ivy League payoff
B.J. Upton on winning home run
Joe Maddon on loss to Orioles
Hillsborough County Hosts 31st Annual Dixie Games
Woman dead, 1 child injured during shooting
Roving gators put police in tricky spots
Deputy charged with having sex with teen
Meet the Rays - Episode 4
Remembering fallen officers
Police seek carjacker who attacked with stick, tree branch
Deputies try to trap 200-pound gator in Seminole
Police seek Papa John's robbery suspect
A bicycle for Phyllis
Chihuly collection: Art and architecture in one gallery
Indian Pass Raw Bar, oysters and family
There's a new sheriff in Pasco County, Fl.
Meet the Rays - Episode 3
John Hopkins students perform The Wiz
Riverview High students sing in Eric Whitacre's Virtual Choir
Oil spill hastens a change of guard at marine lab
Lightning's Gagne on 'dirty' hit to head
Meet the Rays - Episode 2
Dad arrested after video posted of him encouraging son to fight
A simpler life on the creek
Meet the Rays - Episode 1
Gov. Rick Scott delivers first pitch to mixed applause and boos
BRANDON — Deputies say they think a man found in a Brandon car crash early Tuesday was murdered.
After pulling Sean Michael Buchanan from a car that had driven into a wooded area, authorities found trauma they say that happened earlier.
Deputies initially announced they were investigating the death and asked for the public's help. On Thursday, they said they're now pursuing it as a homicide.
Buchanan, 26, of Temple Terrace went to see a movie at the AMC Regency 20 in Brandon on Monday night, deputies say.
About 1:26 a.m., a passer-by discovered Buchanan nearby in a Toyota Corolla. He was conscious but incoherent and had no idea what had happened, said Sheriff's Office spokesman Larry McKinnon. Buchanan died at a hospital.
Deputies are looking for anyone who might have seen Buchanan or his Toyota in the area Monday night or who can help identify a man captured in the area on surveillance video.
The man is partly obscured by wearing a dark baseball cap. Deputies say he is between 18 and 35 years old with a thin build, and wearing a gray T-shirt and blue jeans. Anyone with information was asked to call the Sheriff's Office at (813) 247-8200.
[Last modified: Jun 02, 2011 10:57 PM]
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Copyright 2011 St. Petersburg Times
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Viewing 1 - 5 of 5 comments Oldest First Newest First Top Rated
JohnQCitizenMD Jun 2, 2011 11:47 AM Yesterday Tragic and bizarre. Very sad.
Report Abuse 0 3 beavis Jun 2, 2011 12:40 PM Yesterday where was the car found? that might be helpful....
Report Abuse 0 2 mytwocents Jun 2, 2011 12:51 PM Yesterday I understand he was still charged with reckless driving.
Report Abuse 4 0 ATL_PILOT Jun 2, 2011 1:57 PM Yesterday Seriously? Reply
Report Abuse 0 0 TampaCopsProtectDrugHouses Jun 2, 2011 4:08 PM Yesterday probably and soon he'll be on probation. Reply
Report Abuse 0 0 TampaCopsProtectDrugHouses Jun 2, 2011 4:10 PM Yesterday Dear family and friends, so very sorry for your loss. I would be very curious to know the name of the heroic Tampa fire paramedic who found him and finished him off. OFF DUTY. They finished my mom off on the way to the hospital because our neighbor paramedic's nephew(tampa fire rescue) did not bash her over the head hard enough .... but Lord he tried. RIP, Mom. RIP young man.
Report Abuse 1 1 TampaCopsProtectDrugHouses Jun 2, 2011 4:10 PM Yesterday They also finished off Michael Niesen on the way to the hospital. The price just went up to four million. Why wait a week? LOL. Dig deep.
Report Abuse 1 1
TampaCopsProtectDrugHouses Jun 3, 2011 3:44 AM Less than a minute ago whoops, what happened to the mention of the OFF DUTY PARAMEDIC?? Huh that disappeared fast. firemen stalking. These paramedics are hostile so there must be some truth to it. It's all I've seen on the road ALL DAY: paramedic after paramedic. First the Times obscures the odd circumstance of a family of criminals overseeing a man's estate ... surrounded by mystery and now they remove mention of the "offduty" (not quite) "paramedic". If there wasn't ALWAYS a paramedic around more people might live to see tomorrow.
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TampaCopsProtectDrugHouses Jun 3, 2011 3:46 AM Less than a minute ago I'll just throw this out there: firemen wear gray t-shirts on the job much of the time. But that's common knowledge....
Deputies: Brandon man found in crashed car was murdered
By Jessica Vander Velde, Times Staff Writer
Posted: Jun 02, 2011 11:37 AM
BRANDON — Deputies say they believe a man found in a Brandon car crash early Tuesday was murdered.
After pulling Sean Michael Buchanan from a car that had driven into a nearby wooded area, authorities found upper body trauma they say happened earlier.
Deputies initially announced they were investigating the death and asked for the public's help. On Thursday, they said they're now pursuing it as a homicide investigation.
Buchanan, 26, of Temple Terrace, went to see a movie at the AMC Regency 20 in Brandon on Monday night, deputies say.
About 1:26 a.m., a passerby discovered Buchanan in a Toyota Corolla. The man was conscious but incoherent when he was found by an off-duty paramedic and had no idea what had happened, said spokesman Larry McKinnon. Buchanan later died at a hospital.
Deputies ask anyone who might have seen Buchanan or his Toyota in the area between 9:50 and 10:30 p.m. Monday to call them at (813) 247-8200.
Jessica Vander Velde can be reached at (813) 226-3433 or jvandervelde@sptimes.com.
[Last modified: Jun 02, 2011 11:37 AM]
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Copyright 2011 St. Petersburg Times
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Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 comments Oldest First Newest First Top Rated
JohnQCitizenMD Jun 2, 2011 11:47 AM About 5 hours ago Tragic and bizarre. Very sad.
Report Abuse 0 1 beavis Jun 2, 2011 12:40 PM About 4 hours ago where was the car found? that might be helpful....
Report Abuse 0 1 mytwocents Jun 2, 2011 12:51 PM About 4 hours ago I understand he was still charged with reckless driving.
Report Abuse 3 0 ATL_PILOT Jun 2, 2011 1:57 PM About 3 hours ago Seriously? Reply
Report Abuse 0 0
TampaCopsProtectDrugHouses Jun 2, 2011 4:08 PM Less than a minute ago probably and soon he'll be on probation.
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TampaCopsProtectDrugHouses Jun 2, 2011 4:10 PM Less than a minute ago Dear family and friends, so very sorry for your loss. I would be very curious to know the name of the heroic Tampa fire paramedic who found him and finished him off. OFF DUTY. They finished my mom off on the way to the hospital because our neighbor paramedic's nephew(tampa fire rescue) did not bash her over the head hard enough .... but Lord he tried. RIP, Mom. RIP young man.
Report Abuse
TampaCopsProtectDrugHouses Jun 2, 2011 4:10 PM Less than a minute ago They also finished off Michael Niesen on the way to the hospital. The price just went up to four million. Why wait a week? LOL. Dig deep.
HERE is the NEW ARTICLE PLUS they are giving NO information such as WHAT MOVIE or a photo etc.....
Yknow why
Because they alraedy KNOW who killed himDeputies: Temple Terrace man found in crashed car was murdered
By Jessica Vander Velde, Times Staff Writer
In Print: Friday, June 3, 2011
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Hernando teacher who slapped student won't be charged
Orphan otters learn how to swim at the Florida Aquarium
The world's best 88-year-old golfer?
The local wrestling community reacts to the death of Randy "Macho Man" Savage
Hurricane Experts Making Longer Range Forecasts
Final Shuttle Launch Risky, Rewarding
Mavs, Heat Look Ahead to NBA Finals
Police chase ends after car hits Clearwater building
Raw Video: Joplin Holds Moment of Silence
Meet the Rays - Episode 5
The Freedom Riders ride again
Behind the scenes at Cheetah Hunt
The Best Beach in the Country
Casey Anthony Tears Up in Court, Daughter Evoked
Fishing 101: Hard-bodied baits
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BRANDON — Deputies say they think a man found in a Brandon car crash early Tuesday was murdered.
After pulling Sean Michael Buchanan from a car that had driven into a wooded area, authorities found trauma they say that happened earlier.
Deputies initially announced they were investigating the death and asked for the public's help. On Thursday, they said they're now pursuing it as a homicide.
Buchanan, 26, of Temple Terrace went to see a movie at the AMC Regency 20 in Brandon on Monday night, deputies say.
About 1:26 a.m., a passer-by discovered Buchanan nearby in a Toyota Corolla. He was conscious but incoherent and had no idea what had happened, said Sheriff's Office spokesman Larry McKinnon. Buchanan died at a hospital.
Deputies are looking for anyone who might have seen Buchanan or his Toyota in the area Monday night or who can help identify a man captured in the area on surveillance video.
The man is partly obscured by wearing a dark baseball cap. Deputies say he is between 18 and 35 years old with a thin build, and wearing a gray T-shirt and blue jeans. Anyone with information was asked to call the Sheriff's Office at (813) 247-8200.
[Last modified: Jun 02, 2011 10:57 PM]
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Viewing 1 - 5 of 5 comments Oldest First Newest First Top Rated
JohnQCitizenMD Jun 2, 2011 11:47 AM Yesterday Tragic and bizarre. Very sad.
Report Abuse 0 3 beavis Jun 2, 2011 12:40 PM Yesterday where was the car found? that might be helpful....
Report Abuse 0 2 mytwocents Jun 2, 2011 12:51 PM Yesterday I understand he was still charged with reckless driving.
Report Abuse 4 0 ATL_PILOT Jun 2, 2011 1:57 PM Yesterday Seriously? Reply
Report Abuse 0 0 TampaCopsProtectDrugHouses Jun 2, 2011 4:08 PM Yesterday probably and soon he'll be on probation. Reply
Report Abuse 0 0 TampaCopsProtectDrugHouses Jun 2, 2011 4:10 PM Yesterday Dear family and friends, so very sorry for your loss. I would be very curious to know the name of the heroic Tampa fire paramedic who found him and finished him off. OFF DUTY. They finished my mom off on the way to the hospital because our neighbor paramedic's nephew(tampa fire rescue) did not bash her over the head hard enough .... but Lord he tried. RIP, Mom. RIP young man.
Report Abuse 1 1 TampaCopsProtectDrugHouses Jun 2, 2011 4:10 PM Yesterday They also finished off Michael Niesen on the way to the hospital. The price just went up to four million. Why wait a week? LOL. Dig deep.
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TampaCopsProtectDrugHouses Jun 3, 2011 3:44 AM Less than a minute ago whoops, what happened to the mention of the OFF DUTY PARAMEDIC?? Huh that disappeared fast. firemen stalking. These paramedics are hostile so there must be some truth to it. It's all I've seen on the road ALL DAY: paramedic after paramedic. First the Times obscures the odd circumstance of a family of criminals overseeing a man's estate ... surrounded by mystery and now they remove mention of the "offduty" (not quite) "paramedic". If there wasn't ALWAYS a paramedic around more people might live to see tomorrow.
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TampaCopsProtectDrugHouses Jun 3, 2011 3:46 AM Less than a minute ago I'll just throw this out there: firemen wear gray t-shirts on the job much of the time. But that's common knowledge....
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