I'm so puttin this LIVE ACTION JACKSON.
All this?
All this stupid fuckin fuckin fuckin STUPID FUCKING SHIT.
All you have to do is ASK ME WHAT I WANT.
You have to admit that would be easier. Maybe not as much fun. For me, either .... L O L.
you guys are so fuckin lame.
Nancy from Pinellas
Aug 3rd, 2009 11:41 AM
Sallie needs to mind her own business and give the unfortunate victims their privacy!I'm sure she's also putting other people at risk as she's racing in her car so she can gawk.
Right to Privacy from Pinellas
Aug 3rd, 2009 10:39 AM
What about right to privacy? The victims are placed in very tragic situations at times, along with family jetting to the scene.Having an outsider stand there because she finds it interesting is out of line. Salli-Please stop your intrusive behavior.
Neil from Safety Harbor
Aug 3rd, 2009 10:05 AM
Sallie, I wasn't that interested in this until I saw that you were upset that this was written "without my permission." What did you think was going to happen? You talk to reporters you have to expect they'll tell the story how they see it.
Hmmm from St Pete
Aug 3rd, 2009 8:14 AM
Why are these woman's actions "newsworthy"? At first it sounds morbid but if you read further, she actually prays for those injured. Prayer for strangers that may have no one else to pray for them - that is what was missed in the commentary.
illwavefromthegurney from P.H.
Aug 3rd, 2009 6:32 AM
Maybe her dog can go lick the victims wounds when its done licking her toes thru the holes in her shoes!!! Gross!!! LMAO!!!
Sallie The Gawker from Largo
Aug 3rd, 2009 5:34 AM
I'm really sorry this article was written without my permission because it has really upset so many of you people. I am not happy about the way it is worded. It sounds really morbid. Please accept my appology for the staff writer. Shame on him.
Ed from St. Petersburg
Aug 3rd, 2009 3:26 AM
She should become an accident/injury lawyer.
willie from penniless park, fl
Aug 3rd, 2009 2:15 AM
more news from the weird about a local sick freak
Susan from Tampa
Aug 2nd, 2009 8:18 PM
There are far better ways to spend your idle time. If you are well enough to drive, sit and stand, you can volunteer at a church folding newsletters, at a food shelter sorting supplies, or at a school. You should be ashamed of such behavior.
James from Tampa
Aug 2nd, 2009 6:07 PM
All the news that's fitted to print. What a waste of time and effort. The Times has way to much time on its hands.
Sallie The Gawker from Largo
Aug 2nd, 2009 4:38 PM
I am the so called psycopath you have voiced your opinion about. Thank you for your comments. I have worked hard all my life intil I became disabled, so I have paid my dues. I'm sorry some of you feel the way you do because I am a very caring person.
geribald from the hood
Aug 2nd, 2009 12:39 PM
check out pinellasfire on youtube. he's filming BODIES in the vans and running around cursing at people. someone should have HIM committed. He's pointing right in the deathboxes. CHASING FIRETRUCKS. Nice change from them chasing us. LOL
penny pitstop from your block
Aug 2nd, 2009 9:08 AM
stop threatening people through your newspaper. The firemen KNOW they stalk people, it's ALL OVER the internet. They're trying to turn it around. Carneys.
Geri from Clearwater
Aug 2nd, 2009 8:43 AM
Guess Sallie doesn't have to get up and go to work anymore. She is probably on Soc Security disability. In other words, we the taxpayer, are paying for her to go around gawking between her naps and soap operas. Sick.
Fred from Tampa
Aug 2nd, 2009 6:58 AM
Thanks for the reminder of what a twisted,perverted world we live in. Careful, Sallie-karma's a funny thing.
Eric from Valrico
Aug 1st, 2009 10:35 PM
Eric from Valrico
Aug 1st, 2009 10:33 PM
Voyeurism isn't just about sex. This lady likes watching people suffer; way to encourage complete psycopathy by writing an article about her. Now she has something to hang on her wall next to the headlight from the drunk crosstown girl's car.
Jeff from St. Pete
Aug 1st, 2009 9:11 PM
On the one hand this is pretty creepy...on the other she is obviously lonely. Nevertheless she shouldnt be chasing ambulances and cops....they have enough to deal with at those scenes.
Ashlee from Zhills
Aug 1st, 2009 8:57 PM
this lady is sick
KAtie from Dunedin
Aug 1st, 2009 8:30 PM
Let's hope she is saying a prayer for those injured/deceased.
Santa from North Pole
Aug 1st, 2009 8:24 PM
I feel the same way as I watch the President and Congress turn this country into a train wreck.
Betty from CLW
Aug 1st, 2009 7:08 PM
This is one sick pathetic person. and to subject her poor dog to the tragedies of others. please, please get help. I think the police/fire rescue should make her leave when they see her. and why are we subjected to her illness, as that's what it is.
Tara from St. Petersburg
Aug 1st, 2009 6:59 PM
I'm disappointed to see such a story covered. She has no real compassion. There are much better things she could do with her time. Why doesn't she try volunteering @ a trauma center, it would have the same things) but at least she'd be a help.
Rose from Largo
Aug 1st, 2009 6:29 PM
Ever drive by an accident and look? What about all the evening news stories and interviews of the neighbors discussing the chaos? Maybe it's not nice to admit the truth just pretend you don't look....much.
Katarina from Tampa Bay area
Aug 1st, 2009 5:58 PM
I really don't want to go to an accident site, but would love to hear the calls going out. Is there a way to access (like a police scanner does) online the police/ambulance calls ? If so whats the link ?? anyone ????
Beerbelly from St Pete
Aug 1st, 2009 4:16 PM
If she had wings she could circle like a buzzard.
Dee from St. Pete
Aug 1st, 2009 4:09 PM
This woman needs counseling
Marcy from Clearwater
Aug 1st, 2009 4:07 PM
I thought she looks familiar. I have seen her at a bunch of accidents all hours. Of course I just happened by myself. PS the head-ons are the best for brain splatter.
Jen from Michigan
Aug 1st, 2009 2:39 PM
Lady: Get some help. An accident is not a form of "entertainment". You are not wanted at the scene by any of the emergency responders, nor the people in the accident, nor their families. Get some help.
Carl from Safety Harbor
Aug 1st, 2009 2:33 PM
Ghoulish? Yeah. But what's the purpose of posting the accidents in the first place? Helping people to avoid accidents is a weak answer. They avoid a few minutes delay, not hours. Stop posting accidents online. We know the PD is doing their job.
Kaela from Clearwater
Aug 1st, 2009 1:53 PM
I have brothers who have hand held scanners and go to the scene of fires. It is no different than people slowing down when they see an accident on the freeway. Cut the woman some slack.
Leigh from Tampa
Aug 1st, 2009 1:12 PM
St. Pete Times has done it again: stooping to new lows in journalism to fill the space. Journalists with integrity would never cover this warped story as though it were acceptable. Innocent strangers' lives and suffering are none of her business.
penelope pi from your block
Aug 1st, 2009 12:59 PM
WHY is this any different than watching 'faces of death' or 'volunteering' to work in an emergency room? Anyway this story is about something different than this woman. Why is it WRONG just because she's a stranger? Why is it okay for others not her
angelique from tampa
Aug 1st, 2009 12:51 PM
more like the firetrucks and ambulances are gawkers. THEY follow people around. It IS sick. It's STALKING.
excalibur from St. Petersburg
Aug 1st, 2009 12:42 PM
I don't think this is some self-serving sociopathology, some people need to have suffering people to feel sorry for. It can be therapuetic to forget your OWN problems and feel instead for others. I understand this impulse.
William from Largo
Aug 1st, 2009 12:29 PM
Sorry Times, no news value here -- why don't you write a story about every emotionally sick person in the Bay market? That'll keep ya busy for a while.
Kenneth from St. Petersburg
Aug 1st, 2009 11:17 AM
That's what we need, lot of folks driving up to accident scenes and blocking EMS. Absolutely disgusting.
Deb from St. Pete
Aug 1st, 2009 11:04 AM
The interesting part is that Sallie prays. From a woman who obviously has enough of her own pain, maybe she understands something others cannot. Maybe, hopefully, those prayers do some good. Who's to say?
Peter from West St. Pete
Aug 1st, 2009 10:54 AM
Doesn't sound any different than an average night of TV entertainment. Lets' face it, Americans are sociopaths when it comes to the suffering of others.We care only for ourselves....
RLH from Clearwater
Aug 1st, 2009 10:50 AM
Entertainment? Oh my goodness. I have 2 words for this woman "Seek Therapy".
Melinda from Largo
Aug 1st, 2009 10:19 AM
It's easy to judge and this lady's behavior is sorta creepy...but she isn't hurting anyone. This was an interesting look into someone's life.
Joey from LOL
Aug 1st, 2009 9:39 AM
amazing how the times is being selective and decides not to post comments, which are very similar to the ones already here. go back to the comments for signed in posters. are is that too much freedom of speech for you spt?
Lynn from St Pete
Aug 1st, 2009 9:33 AM
what a waste of reporting time and space in the paper devoted to this person!!!! how awful what she is doing
Melissa from Clearwater
Aug 1st, 2009 9:22 AM
She REALLY needs to find something else to do with her time. That's just too morbid...getting entertainment out of someone else's misfortune.
Jackson from Belleair
Aug 1st, 2009 7:41 AM
Yessiree. This is one sick person. I bet the Emergency Services personnel working these tragedies just love to have good ole Sallie standing around helping to attract a crowd. A crowd that could potentially impede their life saving efforts.
Linda from St. Petersburg
Aug 1st, 2009 7:13 AM
How would you like to know that someone is gawking at you and your little dog bleeding to death, just for their own sick amusement, get a life.
Lynn from St Pete
Aug 1st, 2009 3:52 AM
what a waste of time giving this woman the time of day and space in the paper. geez what a sicko
Joey from LOL
Jul 31st, 2009 5:10 PM
"This stuff I can do, for entertainment," she said recently at the scene of a Clearwater stabbing. "I guess I get bored." This is one sick person. please, get help you pathetic thing.spt-OMG!why would you write this story? you validate her illness.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
hon isn't it enough for you and that bunch of fucking morons that your tags and soon your pictures will be up here for stalking??? Do you really want to keep sending your kyles and etc to stalk the collidge around trying to find out class schedules and stuff through the snow GLOBE? Cause no one is fucking fooled.
Your kids are young. And already going to be FUCKED UP thanks to you .. do you want to raise them from prison, ROBINSON?? SERIOUSLY??
leave it the fuck alone.
Or we'll see who gets hosed and alla that.
Cause time's up. BITCHES.
Already I could get you for stalking us. WHAT MORE DO YOU FUCKING WANT???
Keep your fucking krewe to yourself.
Sling your shit and get over it.
No one gives a fuck.
You can't MAKE US.
BUT I WILL MAKE YOU GIVE A FUCK from a long way from here if you don't FUCK RIGHT OFF.
ya feelin me??
L O L.
You do get that, right??
That's the eight we'll talk about. There's plenty more.
Mess with us. Get hosed.
Yeah and there's people that would be mighty interested in just how .....
stupid motherfuckers. Your problem is you didn't know enough to quit when you were ahead.
I know foil wrapping and braces are expensive ... but yknow .. FUCK RIGHT OFF .
Your kids are young. And already going to be FUCKED UP thanks to you .. do you want to raise them from prison, ROBINSON?? SERIOUSLY??
leave it the fuck alone.
Or we'll see who gets hosed and alla that.
Cause time's up. BITCHES.
Already I could get you for stalking us. WHAT MORE DO YOU FUCKING WANT???
Keep your fucking krewe to yourself.
Sling your shit and get over it.
No one gives a fuck.
You can't MAKE US.
BUT I WILL MAKE YOU GIVE A FUCK from a long way from here if you don't FUCK RIGHT OFF.
ya feelin me??
L O L.
You do get that, right??
That's the eight we'll talk about. There's plenty more.
Mess with us. Get hosed.
Yeah and there's people that would be mighty interested in just how .....
stupid motherfuckers. Your problem is you didn't know enough to quit when you were ahead.
I know foil wrapping and braces are expensive ... but yknow .. FUCK RIGHT OFF .
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Now while I see NOTHING of you three stalkers and family and associates lately I DO see many of your scummers around my family.
I'd draw that to a close but you're not as smart as I am.
You can't compare ROBINSON to PRIVATE EDUCATION and come off smarter.
Just so you on the right page.
Keep fucking around.
My X used to say ... fuck around fuck around soon ya won't be around.
I think THE X meant you go off to prison or somethin somethin.
Not too sure.
But it applies somewhere I'm sure.
Robinson such a SMALL school and all yall back in da hood think you all up in the koolaid.
ummm KAY.
I'd draw that to a close but you're not as smart as I am.
You can't compare ROBINSON to PRIVATE EDUCATION and come off smarter.
Just so you on the right page.
Keep fucking around.
My X used to say ... fuck around fuck around soon ya won't be around.
I think THE X meant you go off to prison or somethin somethin.
Not too sure.
But it applies somewhere I'm sure.
Robinson such a SMALL school and all yall back in da hood think you all up in the koolaid.
ummm KAY.
Now, I can't say for SURE he's the absolute shortest but ... yeah I think so.
Anyway ... when I ask people to google shortest tampa firefighter what I want them to know is THIS:
This dude not only glares at perfectly reasonable and lovely and handsome and upstanding human beings .. he definitely on MORE THAN ONE OCCASION LOVES to oogle OOGLE little girls with long dark hair who frequent the corner by his ummmm place of ummmm employment.
AND he marches through OTHER PEOPLES' PROPERTYas though he owns the fucking place.
Maybe the word I am looking for is OGLE. He ogles little girls. At least one.
That's not well.
Maybe he and Adam Dinofsky, his BROTHER FIREFIGHTER want the child to star in a porn video.
Anyway ... there's something wrong with this fellow.
Besides the fact that he KNOWS the firefighter uncle of the little trafficker stalks and THREATENS children.
WEIRDO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Freak !!!!
AND somebody better get paperthin and his boytoys up offa my car ... I promise my memory's going to get REAL sharp very quick if anything makes me unhappy.
Nice to see yall got the crack shelter running full tilt.
Big box truck full of dub here there and everywhere....
trodding down the road one day .... in the merry merry month of june ....
don't make me unhappy scumbags.
uno telefono notiica pronto ... adios tu loco kulas mas rapido
Anyway ... when I ask people to google shortest tampa firefighter what I want them to know is THIS:
This dude not only glares at perfectly reasonable and lovely and handsome and upstanding human beings .. he definitely on MORE THAN ONE OCCASION LOVES to oogle OOGLE little girls with long dark hair who frequent the corner by his ummmm place of ummmm employment.
AND he marches through OTHER PEOPLES' PROPERTYas though he owns the fucking place.
Maybe the word I am looking for is OGLE. He ogles little girls. At least one.
That's not well.
Maybe he and Adam Dinofsky, his BROTHER FIREFIGHTER want the child to star in a porn video.
Anyway ... there's something wrong with this fellow.
Besides the fact that he KNOWS the firefighter uncle of the little trafficker stalks and THREATENS children.
WEIRDO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Freak !!!!
AND somebody better get paperthin and his boytoys up offa my car ... I promise my memory's going to get REAL sharp very quick if anything makes me unhappy.
Nice to see yall got the crack shelter running full tilt.
Big box truck full of dub here there and everywhere....
trodding down the road one day .... in the merry merry month of june ....
don't make me unhappy scumbags.
uno telefono notiica pronto ... adios tu loco kulas mas rapido
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
I'm the mean one, huh??
huh cause I honestly canNOT remember the last time I umm poisoned one of YOUR children or slithered up in your yard to poison your plants and air and car ... yknow ... none of that.
It's MEAN to poison people.
SO .. yknow .. it's all in perception.
Mean bitches ROCK.
It's MEAN to poison people.
SO .. yknow .. it's all in perception.
Mean bitches ROCK.
ooooooooooohh totally forgot that
was that horsey chick .....
ya5lk A family to be PROUD PROUD PROUD of....
got that ... yo daddy done retarded i mean retired...
hey you stalked ME I was nice to you ..
you gonna drag your poor kids up like that, too?
A pity.
Not really seeing the family resemblance, double d. Must be more like a gang thang.
cueballs and soupnuts.
ya5lk A family to be PROUD PROUD PROUD of....
got that ... yo daddy done retarded i mean retired...
hey you stalked ME I was nice to you ..
you gonna drag your poor kids up like that, too?
A pity.
Not really seeing the family resemblance, double d. Must be more like a gang thang.
cueballs and soupnuts.
firestalking continues unabated
well that's not QUITE true. Now they lurk behind or park in the street BUT yesterday when it was pointed out that perhaps two dead men in a plane were not CORRCTLY DEPICTED by the photo of YET ANOTHER HEROIC FIRETRUCK they got all angry like small, mean, cheated children and chased my cousin down dale mabry back and forth for like a half hour. Verizon... dale mabry and kennedy... number fifteen roaring NORTH as they entered ... number eight roaring south as they exited. Which makes like NO sense. But those are movies not pictures... today this was the third stalking ... the rest are movies .... they like these rear sneak attacks. (tellme what I"m thinking LMAO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009
okay finally you worked hard for it. This guy in a big black truck
has stalked me up and down the interstate all VIDEOd at least twenty times. Maybe more. Today he followed me up Howard from Cypress.
I have his tag MEMORIZED I've seen him so much.
So yes, you do an awesome job.
Someone give him his extra crack.
STALKER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have his tag MEMORIZED I've seen him so much.
So yes, you do an awesome job.
Someone give him his extra crack.
STALKER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I bet the above is a fire dept employee OWNED business. They've used these trucks in stlaking numerous times so there IS some connection.
Is this the company whose connections the FBI is investigating????
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
FIRE CHIEF beats dog with A ROCK
Naturally, since he's a fire pig it took a HUGE PUBLIC OUTCRY to get him arrested.
AND WITH PAY (see the above part about fire pigs)
Says he got to be a fire chief by threatening to sue if not. Typical.
See, here in Tampa, you'd NEVER see them ratting the other out. NEVER. They're all too deep in together.
Read the comments.
We're rolling everything back and then we're going to roll YOU out of there.
You guys did a swell job terrorizing Tampa FOR NO GOOD REASON.
Plenty of money to be made without doing it YOUR way.
AND WITH PAY (see the above part about fire pigs)
Says he got to be a fire chief by threatening to sue if not. Typical.
See, here in Tampa, you'd NEVER see them ratting the other out. NEVER. They're all too deep in together.
Read the comments.
We're rolling everything back and then we're going to roll YOU out of there.
You guys did a swell job terrorizing Tampa FOR NO GOOD REASON.
Plenty of money to be made without doing it YOUR way.
Hey Waving Fireman
With all that extra energy it's a DAMN SHAME you didn't have a stitch to stop your business partners and paramedic buddies from beathing eddie james ivy to death.
There's a price to pay.
There's a price to pay.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Stalking Tampa Firemen
I originally posted the below-linked diatribe (LOL) in order to provide a little incentive for the firemen. They're like dogs. Lead em around. Like they think we're MARKS and they can just lead us to water and make us drink.
They're used to being on a leash. Don't even notice it anymore. Think it's a LIFE. umm whatever, fellas.
I do this sometimes. Experiment with them to prove they react to the blog. They not only react in this stupid way they roar up the street or knock my internet connection out if I 'read the wrong thing' ... ALSO, they are scurrying like rats trying to get their newly minted technician into the home of a MICROSOFT CERTIFIED SYSTEMS ENGINEER. tsk tsk. You shoulda done the job right the first time. LMFAO !!!!!! Every time I have to call (once a day at one thirty or a bit later if the assholes actually have to do some work) unless I get a REAL tech the person on the phone tries to jump to WRITING A TICKET, which has the result of you sitting around waiting for hours for a tech.... (they want a tech in here SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SSO SOOSSSSSSS bad) oh and does anyone else notice brighthouse's CURAZY SEGUE from techs waiting for a million years, to CHARGE YOU SEVENTY FIVE DOLLARS for one (LOL) to my personal case: YOU NEED A TECH> A TECH A TECH A TECH A TECH A TECH. Yeah, it's redundant as shit on the phone, too.
THIS SOOO reminds me of the IRA and their urgent need to get a kid into my house. I've begun to think they get the kids in the house and then once they have the detailed info they need or plant a few bugs, they're all SET. It was TOO OBVIOUS.. coming from a long line of finesse'ers. You've just pushed the page to a new personality designed JUST FOR YOU.
You know ... brand new equipment, network analyst here .... I told them instead they needed to send a cop to first the fire station and then to every house in the hood (yours first biker) to get the criminal who was interfering with the connection. (um DUH) THAT will happen. Anyway my BROKEN modem magically fixed itself today when I mentioned youtube .... dang it was healed with the spirit of george's god. This stuff is OUT OF THE BOX. They really mucked it up today because twenty minutes after a girl told me (ON VIDEO) that the phone and EVERY piece of equipment tested PERFECT I had to make a second call and yknow CLUE IN IDIOTS.... this guy jumped for 'write a ticket' so fast I got angry with him after he told me there was NO PROOF that someone was tampering with the connection. LMAO one thirty EVERY DAY for three weeks unless the fire pigs are busy (as documented) or traffic is bad and then it's a few minutes or up to half an hour late ... anyway and told him off in official-ese and youtubedom.
Then said goodbye. AND well, there you have it. Joe Durkin, TPD spokesmodel is now the spokesmodel for the brighthouse so we know that can't BE GOOD. Anyway .... it's very childish of them so I am going to take some skin off them now.
Anyway, SKIP the FILTH, we only put it here to PROVE that precedent exists that they follow us around online STILL FOR OVER A YEAR PROVABLE (stalking home after reading about the tampa fireman's prison-bound nephew) including tampering with our internet connection. The stalking (according to those close to me has gone on actively by the Tampa Firemen FOR OVER THREE YEARS) As for me, I might not have noticed it before then. What happened was they had to get right next to me in their deathboxes and run the alarm and startle me. ASSHOLES.
I kinda am in my own world and nothing really changes that. I like it there. It's nice. NO ASSHOLES.
What was mentioned in this post was how we hadn't (other than da hood and the occasional stubborn PERSONAL FIRE PIG) seen a firetruck in weeks almost. Was like normal. Before it was everywhere we went a siren. I have so many phone conversations recorded where I'm talking and the idiots roar by. I hope they all go deaf from stalking CHILDREN. STALKING PIGS !!!! When I mentioned that to a private detective they stopped doing that. LMAO.
STALKING IS A CRIME. Combined with everything else you are causing your personal selves AND THE CITY OF TAMPA TO BE LIABLE FOR A RICO VIOLATION SO HUGE that we'll OWN TAMPA despite the filthy court system I'll have to get all over my shoes. ICK.
Proof or not, yeah, yall stalk us and have all the equipment and track and do business with SEXUAL PREDATORS and in many cases SEEM TO BE sexual predators but you wouldn't do anything silly like tampering with someone's internet connection. Loved Jeremy we did. Taped it all. I DID take a bit of time today to show you what complete assholes these guys are and how their leadership are obviously still clocking in at elementary school cause they can't get past high school and I'm HOPING they're going back to do it all over ...
Anyway, as mentioned the turnaround time (official asinine response) is usually two days which is true in this case. Also, many of them really live in North Carolina so they were likely up there seeing to their various proeperties. WOW. they sure do HAVE A LOT OF PROPERTY which I'm about to lay out for all to see. ANyway... it all fits everything I've said all along only actually THIS : THIRTEEN SIGHTINGS in the less than FORTY MINUTES I WAS DRIVING probably closer to 34 minutes ..... is light used to be twenty to twenty five. For the naysayers who want to count the ones in the hood ... that's TWO of thirteen today. Also . .. the one guy has changed his saturday DRIVE DOWN THE INTERSTATE NEXT TO ME SCHEDULE OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN .. to hang out with my loved one's schedule. SO even if you don't want to count the WIDE OPEN DOOR (which is normally SLAMMED SHUT unless it's a STALKING) on the last photo ... that's still TWELVE in less than forty minutes MAX. I may or may not explain each one and I did blur and crop to disguise some things. But, it's all on video MUCH MORE CLEARLY.
I can only hope that one day you take a fall from grace or own something that your fellow pigs want SO MUCH that they do this shit to you. I happen to know of a certain family in tampa where everyone in the family suffers from a disease of some sort and I've been in their home, felt the air and they actually THINK because they've been in tampa long-term that THEY are fucking with me and I have noticed the stuff done against them has lightened somewhat. Soon as I'm finished and that will be decades from now ... so SEE, I'm keeping MANY people safe. While I'm in the way everyone else will be on hold except for a few ... they're letting people out of prison, dropping charges, buying loyalty, shoveling sentences, sending hookers home on probation with SERIOUS charges ... anyway ... I should charge people for this.
Here we go THIRTEEN FIRE PIGS/associates (didn't bother taping all the associates) IN LESS THAN FORTY MINUTES. I think that's one every three minutes. And sure it was a big emergency. LMAO. Cause the one guy is in the middle of the road and the other one was following me. The very first fire truck has the lights on whirring until the guy is sure he has my attention and they off they go.
I'm so paranoied but the camera IS NOT, now is it/?????
above photo approximately 37 minutes after the first one taken (some are taken from video so are blurrier)
Just wait til I am really bored and go to making movies, making fans ALL AROUND THE WORLD.
Oh I nearly forgot this actually starts last evening on the way to borders. Cop cut in front of me and then escorted me there. Nice.
I had NO idea they could read.
AND, somewhere in between the fire BOYS there is a sheriff .. didn't track it down.
Five minutes into journey. You can BARELY see the firetruck because they made a mistake. (you can tell what they do MUCH better on video which I'll eventually post)
They started on the interstate towards me too soon and/or I drove around detailing some things a few minutes extra which I do whenever the hell I feel like it. They're perfectly aware that they are nearly invisible for a certain distance. So, as I videotaped, he looked over AT ME with all the other cars there and then he turned off the flashers they used to get my attention. YOU DO get how many people it takes to set all this up, right??? NO ONE of the other vehicle were using the big flashers or any lights or flashers at all.
There you have it.
How many fire pigs did YOU see last time you hopped in your car to drive twenty minutes in one direction and then back???
Oh, almost forgot .. the wideopen DOOR as I passed the ONLY ONE I should ever see ... posted above.
How many did YOU see today?
Were any of them glaring at you?
They're used to being on a leash. Don't even notice it anymore. Think it's a LIFE. umm whatever, fellas.
I do this sometimes. Experiment with them to prove they react to the blog. They not only react in this stupid way they roar up the street or knock my internet connection out if I 'read the wrong thing' ... ALSO, they are scurrying like rats trying to get their newly minted technician into the home of a MICROSOFT CERTIFIED SYSTEMS ENGINEER. tsk tsk. You shoulda done the job right the first time. LMFAO !!!!!! Every time I have to call (once a day at one thirty or a bit later if the assholes actually have to do some work) unless I get a REAL tech the person on the phone tries to jump to WRITING A TICKET, which has the result of you sitting around waiting for hours for a tech.... (they want a tech in here SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SSO SOOSSSSSSS bad) oh and does anyone else notice brighthouse's CURAZY SEGUE from techs waiting for a million years, to CHARGE YOU SEVENTY FIVE DOLLARS for one (LOL) to my personal case: YOU NEED A TECH> A TECH A TECH A TECH A TECH A TECH. Yeah, it's redundant as shit on the phone, too.
THIS SOOO reminds me of the IRA and their urgent need to get a kid into my house. I've begun to think they get the kids in the house and then once they have the detailed info they need or plant a few bugs, they're all SET. It was TOO OBVIOUS.. coming from a long line of finesse'ers. You've just pushed the page to a new personality designed JUST FOR YOU.
You know ... brand new equipment, network analyst here .... I told them instead they needed to send a cop to first the fire station and then to every house in the hood (yours first biker) to get the criminal who was interfering with the connection. (um DUH) THAT will happen. Anyway my BROKEN modem magically fixed itself today when I mentioned youtube .... dang it was healed with the spirit of george's god. This stuff is OUT OF THE BOX. They really mucked it up today because twenty minutes after a girl told me (ON VIDEO) that the phone and EVERY piece of equipment tested PERFECT I had to make a second call and yknow CLUE IN IDIOTS.... this guy jumped for 'write a ticket' so fast I got angry with him after he told me there was NO PROOF that someone was tampering with the connection. LMAO one thirty EVERY DAY for three weeks unless the fire pigs are busy (as documented) or traffic is bad and then it's a few minutes or up to half an hour late ... anyway and told him off in official-ese and youtubedom.
Then said goodbye. AND well, there you have it. Joe Durkin, TPD spokesmodel is now the spokesmodel for the brighthouse so we know that can't BE GOOD. Anyway .... it's very childish of them so I am going to take some skin off them now.
Anyway, SKIP the FILTH, we only put it here to PROVE that precedent exists that they follow us around online STILL FOR OVER A YEAR PROVABLE (stalking home after reading about the tampa fireman's prison-bound nephew) including tampering with our internet connection. The stalking (according to those close to me has gone on actively by the Tampa Firemen FOR OVER THREE YEARS) As for me, I might not have noticed it before then. What happened was they had to get right next to me in their deathboxes and run the alarm and startle me. ASSHOLES.
I kinda am in my own world and nothing really changes that. I like it there. It's nice. NO ASSHOLES.
What was mentioned in this post was how we hadn't (other than da hood and the occasional stubborn PERSONAL FIRE PIG) seen a firetruck in weeks almost. Was like normal. Before it was everywhere we went a siren. I have so many phone conversations recorded where I'm talking and the idiots roar by. I hope they all go deaf from stalking CHILDREN. STALKING PIGS !!!! When I mentioned that to a private detective they stopped doing that. LMAO.
STALKING IS A CRIME. Combined with everything else you are causing your personal selves AND THE CITY OF TAMPA TO BE LIABLE FOR A RICO VIOLATION SO HUGE that we'll OWN TAMPA despite the filthy court system I'll have to get all over my shoes. ICK.
Proof or not, yeah, yall stalk us and have all the equipment and track and do business with SEXUAL PREDATORS and in many cases SEEM TO BE sexual predators but you wouldn't do anything silly like tampering with someone's internet connection. Loved Jeremy we did. Taped it all. I DID take a bit of time today to show you what complete assholes these guys are and how their leadership are obviously still clocking in at elementary school cause they can't get past high school and I'm HOPING they're going back to do it all over ...
Anyway, as mentioned the turnaround time (official asinine response) is usually two days which is true in this case. Also, many of them really live in North Carolina so they were likely up there seeing to their various proeperties. WOW. they sure do HAVE A LOT OF PROPERTY which I'm about to lay out for all to see. ANyway... it all fits everything I've said all along only actually THIS : THIRTEEN SIGHTINGS in the less than FORTY MINUTES I WAS DRIVING probably closer to 34 minutes ..... is light used to be twenty to twenty five. For the naysayers who want to count the ones in the hood ... that's TWO of thirteen today. Also . .. the one guy has changed his saturday DRIVE DOWN THE INTERSTATE NEXT TO ME SCHEDULE OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN .. to hang out with my loved one's schedule. SO even if you don't want to count the WIDE OPEN DOOR (which is normally SLAMMED SHUT unless it's a STALKING) on the last photo ... that's still TWELVE in less than forty minutes MAX. I may or may not explain each one and I did blur and crop to disguise some things. But, it's all on video MUCH MORE CLEARLY.
I can only hope that one day you take a fall from grace or own something that your fellow pigs want SO MUCH that they do this shit to you. I happen to know of a certain family in tampa where everyone in the family suffers from a disease of some sort and I've been in their home, felt the air and they actually THINK because they've been in tampa long-term that THEY are fucking with me and I have noticed the stuff done against them has lightened somewhat. Soon as I'm finished and that will be decades from now ... so SEE, I'm keeping MANY people safe. While I'm in the way everyone else will be on hold except for a few ... they're letting people out of prison, dropping charges, buying loyalty, shoveling sentences, sending hookers home on probation with SERIOUS charges ... anyway ... I should charge people for this.
Here we go THIRTEEN FIRE PIGS/associates (didn't bother taping all the associates) IN LESS THAN FORTY MINUTES. I think that's one every three minutes. And sure it was a big emergency. LMAO. Cause the one guy is in the middle of the road and the other one was following me. The very first fire truck has the lights on whirring until the guy is sure he has my attention and they off they go.
I'm so paranoied but the camera IS NOT, now is it/?????

above photo approximately 37 minutes after the first one taken (some are taken from video so are blurrier)
Just wait til I am really bored and go to making movies, making fans ALL AROUND THE WORLD.
Oh I nearly forgot this actually starts last evening on the way to borders. Cop cut in front of me and then escorted me there. Nice.
I had NO idea they could read.
AND, somewhere in between the fire BOYS there is a sheriff .. didn't track it down.
The above occurred two minutes (bobby lee!!!) into regular journey

Five minutes into journey. You can BARELY see the firetruck because they made a mistake. (you can tell what they do MUCH better on video which I'll eventually post)
They started on the interstate towards me too soon and/or I drove around detailing some things a few minutes extra which I do whenever the hell I feel like it. They're perfectly aware that they are nearly invisible for a certain distance. So, as I videotaped, he looked over AT ME with all the other cars there and then he turned off the flashers they used to get my attention. YOU DO get how many people it takes to set all this up, right??? NO ONE of the other vehicle were using the big flashers or any lights or flashers at all.

approximaely seven minutes into journey
just after the cop. *not close enough together to be traveling in anything but the type of convoy I often describe and have read about elsewhere when seeking information after my own experiences.
ten minutes into journey
ELEVEN MINUTES and YES the below IS a different deathbox. I am, of course, traveling on the interstate. The above is malfunction junction the below is across from DT tampa.
TWELVE MINUTES. You realize there would have had to have been a MASSACRE somewhere for this many fire vehicles to be in the same place at the same time unless they're doing their SIDE JOB (ONE OF THEM) OF STALKING. Also .. like I said, this was a light day. I have on video where in this same drive I've seen OVER THIRTY FIRE TRUCKS. Here, in one-cow Tampa.
FOURTEEN minutes *but he was behind me for some time just roared past with these big noisy tires, you can't see the firepig emblem in the photo but it's good on video. This is my exit so it abates for a few minutes.
<em>Nineteen minutes.
Again, you can barely see this one but like with the OTHERS I see this one three to five days a week. IF they're NOT stalking me they're INSIDE locked tight. So, they are backed up where I can see them as I drive where I always drive. AND NO, I AM NOT nitpicking. This is WHAT THEY DO. I can show you all the video of when they do NOT have a big stalking day going down. This one is special because it's in response to my jibe that they are afraid to stalk me now. (third time I got them on this one, first time published)
This guy picked up RIGHT AFTER I turned the corner from from THAT stalking and followed me almost all the way back to the interstate. I had to stop for a minute to go back and get the pic because I only saw him (as he intended) in my rearview as he turned behind me. They also go by blocks away so that it's hard to document physically and, as well, on the crosstown. It's amazing to me that they STOPPED giving out directions, quite likely so that they could spend more time figuring out the minutes between this and that to PERFECT THE STALKING. I forget when they stopped giving directions but I am certain it closely coincides with the uptick in stalking. I only called them for directions like twice and now they don't even answer the phone. AT ALL (cost saving dontcha know) As noted they also won't answer teh door for a little boy who obviously RAN THERE who is screaming that his house in ON FIRE and if you are getting BEATEN TO DEATH they are also busy playing video games (as noted on the morning show)
Hang on the stalking is NOT over yet. I'm sure I overlooked a few. I don't pay that much attention. Ergo the flashing lights. They've learned to get my attention or drat ALL THAT WASTED TIME on this citizen.

just after the cop. *not close enough together to be traveling in anything but the type of convoy I often describe and have read about elsewhere when seeking information after my own experiences.

ten minutes into journey

ELEVEN MINUTES and YES the below IS a different deathbox. I am, of course, traveling on the interstate. The above is malfunction junction the below is across from DT tampa.

TWELVE MINUTES. You realize there would have had to have been a MASSACRE somewhere for this many fire vehicles to be in the same place at the same time unless they're doing their SIDE JOB (ONE OF THEM) OF STALKING. Also .. like I said, this was a light day. I have on video where in this same drive I've seen OVER THIRTY FIRE TRUCKS. Here, in one-cow Tampa.

FOURTEEN minutes *but he was behind me for some time just roared past with these big noisy tires, you can't see the firepig emblem in the photo but it's good on video. This is my exit so it abates for a few minutes.

<em>Nineteen minutes.
Again, you can barely see this one but like with the OTHERS I see this one three to five days a week. IF they're NOT stalking me they're INSIDE locked tight. So, they are backed up where I can see them as I drive where I always drive. AND NO, I AM NOT nitpicking. This is WHAT THEY DO. I can show you all the video of when they do NOT have a big stalking day going down. This one is special because it's in response to my jibe that they are afraid to stalk me now. (third time I got them on this one, first time published)

This guy picked up RIGHT AFTER I turned the corner from from THAT stalking and followed me almost all the way back to the interstate. I had to stop for a minute to go back and get the pic because I only saw him (as he intended) in my rearview as he turned behind me. They also go by blocks away so that it's hard to document physically and, as well, on the crosstown. It's amazing to me that they STOPPED giving out directions, quite likely so that they could spend more time figuring out the minutes between this and that to PERFECT THE STALKING. I forget when they stopped giving directions but I am certain it closely coincides with the uptick in stalking. I only called them for directions like twice and now they don't even answer the phone. AT ALL (cost saving dontcha know) As noted they also won't answer teh door for a little boy who obviously RAN THERE who is screaming that his house in ON FIRE and if you are getting BEATEN TO DEATH they are also busy playing video games (as noted on the morning show)
Hang on the stalking is NOT over yet. I'm sure I overlooked a few. I don't pay that much attention. Ergo the flashing lights. They've learned to get my attention or drat ALL THAT WASTED TIME on this citizen.
There you have it.
How many fire pigs did YOU see last time you hopped in your car to drive twenty minutes in one direction and then back???
Oh, almost forgot .. the wideopen DOOR as I passed the ONLY ONE I should ever see ... posted above.
How many did YOU see today?
Were any of them glaring at you?
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